Megemlékezve Őfelsége Platinum Jubileumáról,
rövid összefoglaló a
Royal Logistics Corps
Brigade of Gurkhas
a gyalogság egésze
Royal Armoured Corps
Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
Royal Engineers

The Royal Logistic Corps celebrate 70 years of Her Majesty's Reign
The Master General of Logistics and all ranks of The Royal Logistic Corps congratulate Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth on the historic occasion of her Platinum Jubilee and thank her for 70 years of devoted service to the Nation and Commonwealth.

Queens Platinum Jubilee: Brigade of Gurkhas
The history of the service of the Brigade of Gurkhas to the British Crown goes back as far as 1815. Since then the Brigade has conducted itself with distinction during numerous conflicts worldwide. Prior to 1997 the Brigade's focus was in the Far East but following the handover of Hong Kong it...

Queens Platinum Jubilee: Infantry
The Colonel Commandant of the Infantry and all ranks of the 18 Infantry Regiments of the British Army congratulate Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth on her Platinum Jubilee and her 70 years of service to Great Britain and the Commonwealth.

Queens Platinum Jubilee: Royal Armoured Corps
The Regiments of the Royal Armoured Corps are descendants of the famous Cavalry Regiments who rode into battle on horseback as heavy or light horsemen; and of the Royal Tank Regiment who manned the first tanks during the Great War. A number of RAC Regiments have been amalgamated during the...

Queens Platinum Jubilee: Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
Formed in WW2 on 1 October 1942 to professionalise engineering in the Army, the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers consisted of 160,000 soldiers, today they are 8600 strong. They have been involved in every major Army operation since their formation, from warfighting to Humanitarian Aid.

Queens Platinum Jubilee: Royal Engineers
The Chief Royal Engineer and all ranks of the Corps of The Royal Engineers and The Queen’s Gurkha Engineers congratulate Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth on her historic Platinum Jubilee, and offer their heartfelt thanks for her 70 years of devoted service to the Nation and Commonwealth

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