Undergraduate Jet Training System (UJTS) - US NAVY

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Az Amerikai Egyesült Államok Haditengerészete elkezdte keresni a T-45C Goshawk váltótípusát...


The US Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) has issued a request for information (RFI) for a jet aircraft to perform some aspects of land- and ship-based carrier training in support of the Undergraduate Jet Training System (UJTS) programme.

The RFI, issued on 14 May, calls for information on the suitability of an existing twin-seat land-based jet trainer aircraft design to satisfy certain requirements under consideration for the next generation USN undergraduate jet trainer aircraft.

Specifically, the solicitation noted the capability of this non-developmental aircraft to perform land-based Field Carrier Landing Practice (FCLP) events and ship-based carrier touch-and-go events for USN and US Marine Corps (USMC) pilots.

According to the RFI, the aircraft is not required to conduct either arrested landing or catapult-assisted take-offs, although it does need to be able to withstand the very high sink-rates associated with carrier landings.

Performance specifications listed by NAVAIR include a top speed in excess of Mach 0.84, an operational ceiling of 41,000 ft, synthetic radar and other sensors, as well as simulated air-to-air and air-to-surface weapons employment. It should also have two rocket/bomb-capable pylons.


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Az Amerikai Egyesült Államok Haditengerészete elkezdte keresni a T-45C Goshawk váltótípusát...


The US Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) has issued a request for information (RFI) for a jet aircraft to perform some aspects of land- and ship-based carrier training in support of the Undergraduate Jet Training System (UJTS) programme.

The RFI, issued on 14 May, calls for information on the suitability of an existing twin-seat land-based jet trainer aircraft design to satisfy certain requirements under consideration for the next generation USN undergraduate jet trainer aircraft.

Specifically, the solicitation noted the capability of this non-developmental aircraft to perform land-based Field Carrier Landing Practice (FCLP) events and ship-based carrier touch-and-go events for USN and US Marine Corps (USMC) pilots.

According to the RFI, the aircraft is not required to conduct either arrested landing or catapult-assisted take-offs, although it does need to be able to withstand the very high sink-rates associated with carrier landings.

Performance specifications listed by NAVAIR include a top speed in excess of Mach 0.84, an operational ceiling of 41,000 ft, synthetic radar and other sensors, as well as simulated air-to-air and air-to-surface weapons employment. It should also have two rocket/bomb-capable pylons.
Az új USAF típusnál olvastam, hogy felmerült ötletként.


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Three companies have declared their intent to bid for the US Navy (USN) jet trainer requirement.

Boeing, Leonardo, and Lockheed Martin confirmed to Janes on 10 August that they are to compete the service's Undergraduate Jet Training System (UJTS) programme to replace the Boeing T-45 Goshawk.

Boeing responded that it would put forward its T-7A Red Hawk, noting, “Boeing is always ready to support the US Navy in its training missions”.

Lockheed Martin told Janes that it would offer the T-50A aircraft with support from co-developer Korea Aerospace Industries, saying, “We offered modest modifications to the baseline T-50A aircraft to meet the requirements identified in the [US] Navy's request for information.”

Leonardo said it would compete its M-346 Master, adding, “The M-346 is fitted for the US Navy training requirement. We are making a comprehensive evaluation before the next steps in the process.”

Beyond these three, BAE Systems was noncommittal on whether or not it would offer its Hawk AJT, saying only, “Our primary focus remains on supporting the T-45 Goshawk's readiness and availability through the production of spare components and providing engineering expertise. We remain committed to supporting the US Navy and continue to collaborate with our partners on supporting future requirements.”

  • Tetszik
Reactions: fishbed


Well-Known Member
Szerkesztőségi tag
2010. április 19.
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Textron Aviation Defense and Leonardo tout M-346 as ‘low-drama’ solution for US Navy UJTS bid...

M-346 would be built in the USA if selected for navy’s UJTS requirement.
  • Tetszik
Reactions: fishbed