Previous experience of our soldiers with the MADR radar...
Due to the fact that the entire project was delayed by several years by the supplier and some kits have not yet been fully handed over to the 26th Command, Control and Reconnaissance Regiment, the comprehensive achievement of the capabilities of the 26th pVŘPz is also delayed. For example, by the end of 2025, full operational capability (FOC) was to be achieved according to Capability Targets after a several-year cycle of preparation and training. To eliminate the risk that the AČR will not be able to meet its obligations, measures were taken to achieve at least the initial operational capabilities according to the Capability Targets by the end of 2025. For the 26th Command, Control and Reconnaissance Regiment, this is a difficult task given that the preparation period was reduced to a minimum compared to the approved Operational Preparation Plan. In addition to completing the introduction of these radars and their deployment in the regiment's equipment, training has already begun, which will continue intensively in 2025 in cooperation with other units and units of the Czech Air Force.
For the 26th Command, Control and Reconnaissance Regiment, the year 2024 was a year of testing, verification and completion of full-fledged integration into many VzS systems, that is, the AČR within the framework of many exercises, such as FECL (Federated Cloud, NaPoSy exercise, Clear Sky). As part of the exercise of the National Reinforcement System, which took place in Bechyn, the ability to timely and accurately provide data to the fire means of the 25th Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment was verified.
In 2025, it is assumed that the 3D radar EL/M-2084 MMR will be deployed in live fire with the 25th Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment as part of the BALT 2025 exercise. To achieve the mentioned IOC, equipment has already been allocated and members of the 262nd Radio Technical Battalion have already been allocated as part of the so-called task groups. The phase of matching the crews is now underway. In general, with the introduction of new technology, there must also be a change in approach and thinking, which is the most difficult challenge not only for the 26th Command, Control and Reconnaissance Regiment.

Dosavadní zkušenosti našich vojáků s radiolokátorem MADR
Přibližně před rokem jsme navštívili 3. radiotechnickou rotu, 262. radiotechnického praporu, 26. pluku velení, řízení a průzkumu ve Staré Vsi nad…

Due to the fact that the entire project was delayed by several years by the supplier and some kits have not yet been fully handed over to the 26th Command, Control and Reconnaissance Regiment, the comprehensive achievement of the capabilities of the 26th pVŘPz is also delayed. For example, by the end of 2025, full operational capability (FOC) was to be achieved according to Capability Targets after a several-year cycle of preparation and training. To eliminate the risk that the AČR will not be able to meet its obligations, measures were taken to achieve at least the initial operational capabilities according to the Capability Targets by the end of 2025. For the 26th Command, Control and Reconnaissance Regiment, this is a difficult task given that the preparation period was reduced to a minimum compared to the approved Operational Preparation Plan. In addition to completing the introduction of these radars and their deployment in the regiment's equipment, training has already begun, which will continue intensively in 2025 in cooperation with other units and units of the Czech Air Force.
For the 26th Command, Control and Reconnaissance Regiment, the year 2024 was a year of testing, verification and completion of full-fledged integration into many VzS systems, that is, the AČR within the framework of many exercises, such as FECL (Federated Cloud, NaPoSy exercise, Clear Sky). As part of the exercise of the National Reinforcement System, which took place in Bechyn, the ability to timely and accurately provide data to the fire means of the 25th Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment was verified.
In 2025, it is assumed that the 3D radar EL/M-2084 MMR will be deployed in live fire with the 25th Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment as part of the BALT 2025 exercise. To achieve the mentioned IOC, equipment has already been allocated and members of the 262nd Radio Technical Battalion have already been allocated as part of the so-called task groups. The phase of matching the crews is now underway. In general, with the introduction of new technology, there must also be a change in approach and thinking, which is the most difficult challenge not only for the 26th Command, Control and Reconnaissance Regiment.