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Tank swap: Rheinmetall supplying the Czech Republic with Leopard 2 MBTs and Büffel ARV
Under the German government’s “Ringtausch” equipment exchange programme, Rheinmetall will soon be supplying the Czech Republic with main battle tanks and other military hardware. This has now been contractually agreed in Prague between representatives of both countries and Rheinmetall.
The Czech armed forces will be receiving Leopard 2A4 main battle tanks and Buffalo armoured recovery vehicles. In turn, the Czech military will be transferring military equipment to Ukraine. The order includes ammunition as well as a service package encompassing training and spare parts. The first vehicle is due to be shipped in December 2022, with delivery to be complete by the end of 2023.
The “Ringtausch” is a procedure developed by the German government in cooperation with Germany’s neighbours and NATO allies to support Ukraine in its fight against Russian aggression. Specifically, NATO member states are providing Ukraine with Soviet-era heavy equipment in exchange for readily available Western military systems.
Working in close cooperation with the German Ministry of Defence and the Czech authorities and armed forces, Rheinmetall swiftly negotiated the necessary contracts. These were signed on 11th October 2022 at the Ministry of Defence in Prague by Major General Ladislav Jung, Land Forces Commander of the Czech Republic; Colonel Robert Bielený, Director of Logistics Section General Staff of the Czech Republic; Vice Admiral Carsten Stawitzki, National Armaments Director in the German Ministry of Defence; and Dr. Björn Bernhard, CEO of Rheinmetall’s Business Unit Tactical Vehicles.
Work on the vehicles has already begun. The property of Rheinmetall, the vehicles now being made available are upgraded Leopard 2A4 MBTs formerly in the inventories of various user states. The state-of-the-art ARV 3 Buffalo armoured recovery vehicle is mounted on an enhanced Leopard 2 chassis.
A Transparency International az amerikai eszközök verseny nélküli beszerzését támadja? És persze a többi beszerzést is.![]()
Soutěž? Na co. Obrana poslední roky drtivou většinu velkých zakázek rozdává z ruky - Novinky
Nákup víceúčelových vrtulníků z USA, protiraketové systémy z Izraele, připravovaný tendr století na bojová vozidla pěchoty (BVP) či nové stíhačky, ale i další vojenské výrobky či munice. Téměř všechny nákladné akvizice na ministerstvu obrany z posledních let byly uzavřeny napřímo bez soutěže
Jatsszak nyugaton a szindarabot hogy nem keleti mentalitas, ja de...
Tank swap: Rheinmetall supplying the Czech Republic with Leopard 2 MBTs and Büffel ARV
Under the German government’s “Ringtausch” equipment exchange programme, Rheinmetall will soon be supplying the Czech Republic with main battle tanks and other military hardware. This has now been contractually agreed in Prague between representatives of both countries and Rheinmetall.
The Czech armed forces will be receiving Leopard 2A4 main battle tanks and Buffalo armoured recovery vehicles. In turn, the Czech military will be transferring military equipment to Ukraine. The order includes ammunition as well as a service package encompassing training and spare parts. The first vehicle is due to be shipped in December 2022, with delivery to be complete by the end of 2023.
The “Ringtausch” is a procedure developed by the German government in cooperation with Germany’s neighbours and NATO allies to support Ukraine in its fight against Russian aggression. Specifically, NATO member states are providing Ukraine with Soviet-era heavy equipment in exchange for readily available Western military systems.
Working in close cooperation with the German Ministry of Defence and the Czech authorities and armed forces, Rheinmetall swiftly negotiated the necessary contracts. These were signed on 11th October 2022 at the Ministry of Defence in Prague by Major General Ladislav Jung, Land Forces Commander of the Czech Republic; Colonel Robert Bielený, Director of Logistics Section General Staff of the Czech Republic; Vice Admiral Carsten Stawitzki, National Armaments Director in the German Ministry of Defence; and Dr. Björn Bernhard, CEO of Rheinmetall’s Business Unit Tactical Vehicles.
Work on the vehicles has already begun. The property of Rheinmetall, the vehicles now being made available are upgraded Leopard 2A4 MBTs formerly in the inventories of various user states. The state-of-the-art ARV 3 Buffalo armoured recovery vehicle is mounted on an enhanced Leopard 2 chassis.
Itt lenne egy klasszikus V4 együttműködés: a csehek az ajándék A4-eket modernizálni akarják A7-re. Nekik 14 db lesz, nekünk 12 db van (legalább 2 még kellene), célszerű és valószínűleg olcsóbb is lenne együtt modernizálni a KMW-el a Leokat mint külön-külön.
Hahaha, szoval vegul oda lyukadtak ki, mint a MH, minusz egy vadonatuj 2A7+ zl... braaaaaavooooo, Frau Csernocsova.Tank swap: Rheinmetall supplying the Czech Republic with Leopard 2 MBTs and Büffel ARV
Under the German government’s “Ringtausch” equipment exchange programme, Rheinmetall will soon be supplying the Czech Republic with main battle tanks and other military hardware. This has now been contractually agreed in Prague between representatives of both countries and Rheinmetall.
The Czech armed forces will be receiving Leopard 2A4 main battle tanks and Buffalo armoured recovery vehicles. In turn, the Czech military will be transferring military equipment to Ukraine. The order includes ammunition as well as a service package encompassing training and spare parts. The first vehicle is due to be shipped in December 2022, with delivery to be complete by the end of 2023.
The “Ringtausch” is a procedure developed by the German government in cooperation with Germany’s neighbours and NATO allies to support Ukraine in its fight against Russian aggression. Specifically, NATO member states are providing Ukraine with Soviet-era heavy equipment in exchange for readily available Western military systems.
Working in close cooperation with the German Ministry of Defence and the Czech authorities and armed forces, Rheinmetall swiftly negotiated the necessary contracts. These were signed on 11th October 2022 at the Ministry of Defence in Prague by Major General Ladislav Jung, Land Forces Commander of the Czech Republic; Colonel Robert Bielený, Director of Logistics Section General Staff of the Czech Republic; Vice Admiral Carsten Stawitzki, National Armaments Director in the German Ministry of Defence; and Dr. Björn Bernhard, CEO of Rheinmetall’s Business Unit Tactical Vehicles.
Work on the vehicles has already begun. The property of Rheinmetall, the vehicles now being made available are upgraded Leopard 2A4 MBTs formerly in the inventories of various user states. The state-of-the-art ARV 3 Buffalo armoured recovery vehicle is mounted on an enhanced Leopard 2 chassis.
Mi fizetünk érte ők meg kvàzi ócskavasért megkapták. Ki a hülye?Hahaha, szoval vegul oda lyukadtak ki, mint a MH, minusz egy vadonatuj 2A7+ zl... braaaaaavooooo, Frau Csernocsova.
Atyam, ezt a rakas elkepesztoen ostoba, inkompetens orszagot... ezek mind osszedoltek volna mar regen, ha nem lenne az EU meg a NATO, hanem maguknak kellene egy allamszervezetet kitalalniuk es mukodtetniuk.
Heh? Mi a 2a7+ rendeles melle kaptuk, nem mellesleg a loszerert, support stb ok is fizetnek.Mi fizetünk érte ők meg kvàzi ócskavasért megkapták. Ki a hülye?
A rendelés mellé külön lízingeljük pénzért.Heh? Mi a 2a7+ rendeles melle kaptuk, nem mellesleg a loszerert, support stb ok is fizetnek.
Mennyi is az annyi? Latatlanban lefogadom, hogy az kb a supportot meg maintenancet takarja be, a nagyosszegu rendeles miatt lealkudtuk.A rendelés mellé külön lízingeljük pénzért.
Nem ingyen, mert eddig kellett finanszirozniuk az ocskavasakat, plusz support es loszerert ugyanugy fizetnek.Ők megkapták ingyen.
A működés biztosítása érdekében a fórum alapvető, illetve opcionális sütiket használ..