Hogy az utolso kommentemet illusztraljam - ez a cseh helikopter-uzlet
messzirol buzlik, hogy szenne kentek az amerikaiak a cseheket:
"In the past, Leonardo repeatedly approached the Office of the Office, offering AW139M helicopters to the Army of the Czech Republic for approximately half the price of Americans. It accused the Ministry of Defense of not respecting European legislation and abusing the possibility of exemption from the Public Procurement Act. And also that the contract for the purchase of helicopters was signed without settling its objections. This was already acknowledged by the Office in the summer of 2020, at the same time the Office stated that “imposing a ban on performance of the contract would jeopardize the existence of a broader defense or security program, which is crucial for the security interests of the state. For this reason, the Office did not impose a ban and rejected the proposal. However, the contracting authority may be subject to a significant fine in view of the seriousness of the conduct and the value of the contract.""
"The agreement was concluded during the tenure of the Deputy for Acquisitions of Říha, who has recently returned to the Ministry of Defense to head the newly established legal and investment section. He resigned in connection with a number of contracts for which there was an unexpected price increase, in particular the acquisition of the VERA NG passive trackers."
Termeszetesen a korrupt struktura probalja vedeni a munder becsuletet (szo szerint):
"The Ministry does not agree with the Office's conclusions on helicopters and considers its acquisition procedure to be correct."
Az ugynek itt meg nincs vege:
"The chairwoman of the Defense Committee, Jana Černochová, said: „In this context, I call on Prime Minister Babiš to immediately address the personnel situation at the Ministry of Defense and draw the appropriate consequences from this mistake. If we are to increase funding for the Army, and if this increase is to continue to have broad political support, we cannot afford to have it subsequently wasted on fines of hundreds of million and for this sector to be further dismantled.
Although the decision on the fine is not final, it is still alarming. All the more so as the complaint against the procedure in this contract also lies with the European Commission. It is unbelievable that such a failure can occur with a contract of strategic importance. We want to hear from the Minister at the Committee meeting whether the purchase is not endangered, how it will resolve the situation and what consequences it will draw from this failure.“"
Oszinten szolva en lelkesen tapsolnek, ha ezt a rakas szarhazit kivagnak a csehek a miniszteriumbol illetve a vezerkarbol es az europai felugyelet meg ervenytelenitene az egesz nevetsegesen korrupt, idiota palyazatot.
Akkor a csehek eldonthetnek, hogy tovabbra is veszik-e a 2x olyan draga, sehol nem rendszeresitett amerikai helikoptereket szimplan hatarozattal, tender nelkul, a korrupcios penzeket megtartva avagy elismerik a korrupciot es uj palyazatot irnak ki (amit a fentek szerint varhatoan az olaszok nyernenek.)
Igazabol sosem volt vilagos, mire ill tenyleg akarnak-e attack heliket a csehek ill. ha igen, akkor vajon miert palyazott egyaltalan a Lenardo...? Mi volt a kiirasban, hogyan szamoltak a pontokat stb...?