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    A források, hírek preferáltak. Azoknak, akik veszik a fáradságot és összegyűjtik ezeket a főként harcokkal, a háború jelenlegi állásával és haditechnika szempontjából érdekes híreket, (mindegy milyen oldali) forrásokkal alátámasztják és bonuszként legalább a címet egy google fordítóba berakják, azoknak ismételten köszönjük az áldozatos munkáját és további kitartást kívánunk nekik!

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    Az új szabályzat teljes szövege itt olvasható el.


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No én kint voltam a Gránit 23-on. Az bár maszkirovka, de a mennyiségben és kisebb léptékű folyamatos fejlesztésekben bemutatta, mit is egy haderőfejlesztési program. Ott nincs egy Rheinmetall, szerb oligarchákkal közösen, és mindent csak tőlük, valamikorra és prototpust veszünk.
Állandó kismértékű fejlesztések amelyke javítják a harcértéket. Pld Pasard légvédelm löveg, önjáró kerekes. A löveg Bofors licenc. Nos ez viszonylag régi, de ráaplikáltak hőkövető rakétákat. Az egyikre 4 db. Igla indítót, a máskra 2 db-os Mistral 2 indítót, a harmadikra pedig a SA-10 láncos lérak komplexum rakétáját.
Vagy látható, volt, hogy a H145M bizony már saját fejlesztésű Sz-8 rakétkkal repkepedő konténerrel voltak felszerelve, és 20mm-es saját gyártású gépágyúval természetesen mindegyik a HForce része. Nálunk meg ott ülünk, hogy ha majd szállítanak a belgák, akkor lesz a desinges Herstal konténerekbe francia rakéták. stb. Erődemonstráció is volt egyben. 50 páncélos (vagy 4 változatból, legalább 50-60 gyalogsági láncos hj, és ugyaannyi kerekes pszh-gyhj. A tüzérségük amely szinte full önjáró ne is beszéljünk, cca. 50-60 ki volt raktva, de lehet, hogy 100 darab is vagy 4 fajta rendszerből. A 122-es Gvozgyikák tüzérségi számítógéppel stb. A saját 152 és 155 mm-es lövegeik. De a 122-est is rárakták kerekes járműre is. Szóval látni lehet a békegalamb dülledt szemét, hogy mi a fenét is lát a videokon. Mert kecskemétre hasonlót se tudunk összerakni. Ja a H145M-en kívül is szinte minen repülőgépen a Nagyvas kivételével saját gyártású elektro-optikai vagy lézer irányzásu irányított rakéták. Nem is folytatom, mert lesz még róla poszton, de csak 1-2 hét múlva, mert holnap indulok Görögországba az Iniochos 23 gyakorlatra.


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No én kint voltam a Gránit 23-on. Az bár maszkirovka, de a mennyiségben és kisebb léptékű folyamatos fejlesztésekben bemutatta, mit is egy haderőfejlesztési program. Ott nincs egy Rheinmetall, szerb oligarchákkal közösen, és mindent csak tőlük, valamikorra és prototpust veszünk.
Állandó kismértékű fejlesztések amelyke javítják a harcértéket. Pld Pasard légvédelm löveg, önjáró kerekes. A löveg Bofors licenc. Nos ez viszonylag régi, de ráaplikáltak hőkövető rakétákat. Az egyikre 4 db. Igla indítót, a máskra 2 db-os Mistral 2 indítót, a harmadikra pedig a SA-10 láncos lérak komplexum rakétáját.
Vagy látható, volt, hogy a H145M bizony már saját fejlesztésű Sz-8 rakétkkal repkepedő konténerrel voltak felszerelve, és 20mm-es saját gyártású gépágyúval természetesen mindegyik a HForce része. Nálunk meg ott ülünk, hogy ha majd szállítanak a belgák, akkor lesz a desinges Herstal konténerekbe francia rakéták. stb. Erődemonstráció is volt egyben. 50 páncélos (vagy 4 változatból, legalább 50-60 gyalogsági láncos hj, és ugyaannyi kerekes pszh-gyhj. A tüzérségük amely szinte full önjáró ne is beszéljünk, cca. 50-60 ki volt raktva, de lehet, hogy 100 darab is vagy 4 fajta rendszerből. A 122-es Gvozgyikák tüzérségi számítógéppel stb. A saját 152 és 155 mm-es lövegeik. De a 122-est is rárakták kerekes járműre is. Szóval látni lehet a békegalamb dülledt szemét, hogy mi a fenét is lát a videokon. Mert kecskemétre hasonlót se tudunk összerakni. Ja a H145M-en kívül is szinte minen repülőgépen a Nagyvas kivételével saját gyártású elektro-optikai vagy lézer irányzásu irányított rakéták. Nem is folytatom, mert lesz még róla poszton, de csak 1-2 hét múlva, mert holnap indulok Görögországba az Iniochos 23 gyakorlatra.
Köszönöm a beszámolót!


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Ilyen vagány sorakozót még nem láttam soha!
Viszont számoljátok már meg az egyes eszközök számát a képeken! Ezek nem őrületes mennyiségek, csak így együtt mégiscsak fullosan mutatnak.
Persze ők máshogy álltak a hadseregükhöz és hadiiparukhoz már a 2000-es években is, így vannak eszközeik, jórészt saját gyártmányaik, előbb mint nekünk.

Itt egy jobb kép a számolgatáshoz...
Vučić: "...we will show everything we have at the Batajnica airport, there will be over 1,500 pieces of equipment"

"As it was officially announced, more than 5,000 members of the Ministry of Defense and the Serbian Armed Forces participated, about 2,300 weapons and military equipment were displayed, including over 60 aircraft."


További képek:





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A cikk első fele angolul:
"Granit 2023" view completed The presentation of the capabilities of the Serbian Armed Forces, which involved more than 5,000 members of the MoD and the Armed Forces, more than 2,300 weapons and military equipment and more than 60 aircraft, was completed.
President's address - We had an excellent conversation with Orban, regarding the joint dialogue on terrorism. We will cooperate in every sense, from production to training - said Vučić and congratulated Army Day.

- This is a special date, the day of the beginning of the Second Serbian Uprising, very important, because it founded modern Serbian statehood. - Today you could see numerous changes. He stated that we are developing our drones. - By the end of the year you will be able to see our kamikaze drones that we have already purchased. Already booked.

As he says, he is regularly informed about how the war is being waged in Ukraine and how and by what means that war is being waged. - You have to follow everything that is most needed on the battlefield.
- We had problems in the special units, you saw today how they were all equipped and dressed, both the 63rd and 72nd and the "cobras" and "falcons". I am especially proud that 1,700 candidates applied for the 530 places we asked for. 4.43% are women, the rest are men. There are a large number of candidates from the territory of Belgrade, at most from 7 surrounding municipalities, and in proportion to the number of inhabitants, by far the most candidates are from the Leskovac district. Let me congratulate those people, they with Toplica and Pčinja defend Serbia the most. 3 times as many people applied, I believe that through the selective process we will get more than the requested number of soldiers, then we will go to the next competition when these guys will receive their first salaries of 2000 and more euros, then everyone will see that we are telling the truth, and that everything like that, just like what you see here today - said Vučić.

Today you could see 10 Mig 29s flying, 10 "eagles", helicopters, and we still have helicopters arriving. We believe that we will get some Eastern-made helicopters from Western countries. Our army is getting stronger, but we will have to continue to strengthen and replenish our human capacities. It is our job to preserve and protect peace, and you can only do that if you have a strong army - said Vučić. Questions from journalists About the participation of Serbs in the elections in Kosovo and Metohija - I opened a factory the day before yesterday. Wonderful factory, not a single question was about that factory. Yesterday, the foundation stone for the "Dušan Duda Ivković" hall was laid, again no question was about that hall. Today we showed weapons and tools that Serbia has never shown before.

- I was surprised today when I heard Stan's statement. I will try to explain one more time, so that people are not misled. So far, we have participated in 4 or 5 different election cycles organized by the Pristina authorities. And we shouldn't have participated in any of them until the ZSO was formed, or just in one after which it would be clear which Serbian municipalities they were, even though we had already defined them in the first part, and then we would proceed to the formation of the ZSO. 10 years later, and it is not only Pristina's fault, but the European Union, which is the guarantor of the implementation of the Brussels Agreement. They signed it, Katherine Ashton put her signature there. They did not put it into practice. And the Serbs, after 9 and a half years of shooting, harassing, harassing them, say "NO", we won't until we implement what you signed 10 years ago. The Serbs are to blame for them again. And that is what those who interfere with us and demand that the fifth national frequency be assigned to someone say. Well, shame on you! That the elections be held in police containers, stations... With 550 people armed to the teeth who need to secure 1 or 2% of the turnout. That is why I call on the Serbs to disappoint them even more, to see how united we are and that they cannot trample us. And to see that Serbia is not a handful of oats, which they can call upon whenever they feel like it. They will always say that Serbia is to blame. You gave them visa-free liberalization, you gave them membership in the Council of Europe. You rewarded them with what else, elections to be the government. Imagine Leposavić, where a total of 60 Albanians live, those who spend the night, and you have 300 of them on the list of over 15 thousand voters, they will be the authorities governing Leposavić, or North Mitrovica, and Aljbin Kurti will manage it himself. Because they are only interested in the independence of Kosovo. And if Serbia can be humiliated to the end, that's all. As our soldiers from the south of Serbia would say - it won't work! - said Vucic. What will happen after the elections in KiM?

- We are in a difficult situation, but the will of our people is such, it is not an order from here. If they had asked me, I would have weighed until the last day what was less bad for us. They made an almost unanimous decision not to participate in the elections. That's what our people decided. Tomorrow, our people will calmly, responsibly and with disdain watch those who will be dragged from South Mitrovica to vote and elect the government in North Mitrovica, Zvečan, Leposavic and Zubin Potok. What will happen after that - nothing, a complete occupation for which people are already ready, used to and learned.
What will happen after that - nothing, a complete occupation for which people are already ready, used to and learned. They will be calm and responsible. We will continue to pay salaries as before, to fight for them even more, and to wait for some better times in which the United Nations Charter, international public law will be valid, times in which they are not ashamed of the agreements they signed, and in which they will not sign those agreements in order to give one side time to deal with the other side, and as you can see, we are not the first or the only example in the world, as you know. I don't know what I'm going to ask for in Brussels, honestly I don't even know what else I would ask from them, I don't even talk to them anymore, because everything they've told me so far they've all lied and it's no problem for me to say it in the clearest way Serbian language. Well, shame on you! You kill us, shoot our people and now you are disappointed that we do not participate in the elections, so shame on you! They are killing our people, they say we are disappointed that we are not going to the elections. Well, are you at least a little ashamed for doing that! I'm asking that spokesperson of the European Union - said the president.


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Második rész:

- I am always delighted with the Zavetnik, Dveri, Lutovac coalitions, it is always a big challenge for me and I do not give up what I said. Collect 85 signatures, there are 85 of them and I'm adding so many more, I accept and I have no problem. Just don't let them complain later - said Vučić about the announcement of Lutovac and Ponoš that they started collecting signatures for the referendum on the presidential elections.

He says that 669 workers are absent from "Zastava" every day. - Out of that, over 10% are on sick leave every day. I do everything for those workers and people. And we send money when it is necessary to pay the salary. And now we have invested 100 million euros in dedicated industry factories. I do this either because I'm crazy or because I love this country very much. But please, don't, people - give me a state job for an indefinite period in a state company, then summer to pick raspberries, then winter to go skiing, then go to Germany for a month to work, because my job is in Serbia is waiting. 27% are absent every day - said Vučić. -
No one will ever talk about it, just as no one is allowed to mention lithium, because they are afraid of being chased by malicious, deceived people and those who work for foreign services. The attack on lithium was carried out directly on us by foreign services, in order to reduce the growth of Serbia. I am not allowed to talk about many things because I am the president - said Vučić.
- We will do our best to preserve peace, and the situation in the region is very complex. I can't say more than that on this day - added Vučić.
Address of Dodik
The President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, said today, after the presentation of combat equipment owned by the Serbian Army and the Ministry of Defense in Batajnica, that Serbia has shown that it is keeping up with modern military technologies and that it is capable of defending itself.
- When we look back 10-15 years, we have to be proud of everything that has been done. It's all the result of effort, a well thought-out plan. Serbia did it in the best way. I congratulate Serbia, I am proud that I was here today and was able to realize the greatness of progress in this area, and in all areas of life - said Dodik. He pointed out that it is important that the army be modernized and strengthened, and that this cannot be achieved without investing in equipment.
Dodik said that Serbia is doing this, investing in modernization and manpower. - I could see progress in Serbia in this and other areas - said Dodik.
The President of Serbia, together with guests from the RS and Hungary, visits weapons and military equipment President Vučić went on a tour of the displayed assets.
The President presented the technical characteristics of the presented assets to the Hungarian Prime Minister. - The price and quality are outstanding - said Vučić. - When you have a cheap threat from the air, you have to respond with cheap weapons, we saw that now in Ukraine.
We are now rebuilding "Sterele" again and we have a lot of them - said Vučić.
The President also spoke with members of the Serbian Armed Forces. - Now your salaries are a little better - said Vučić and wished them happy work. A modernized "Milos" was also presented.
"Lazarus 3" was also presented to the guests. President Vučić also presented the interior of the "lazar" to the guests. - It is an invention of our mind. We are slowly getting closer to what has turned out to be the most necessary in Ukraine. They are multi-barrel rocket launchers. These are all things that you haven't had the chance to see until now - said Vučić. As he says, now we have to devote ourselves to the ammunition and keep it for ourselves.
  • Everyone in Europe knows about "Nora". Relatively cheap, but very successful - he says. - They are interested in any kind of cooperation, both they with us and we with them - said Vučić, referring to his Hungarian friends. - We had nothing. Not even modernized tanks, let alone everything else - the president pointed out. The President, in the company of Prime Minister Ana Brnabić's guests, also visited the area with unmanned aerial vehicles.
  • This is the great strength of Serbia, something that protects our sky - said Vučić, pointing to the Pancir system. Air defense systems FK-3 were also presented to the guests. - Our possibilities are significantly increased, we bought it from the Chinese - stated the president. - He can achieve 24 out of 35 goals, now you will see - said Vučić to Prime Minister Orban, after which they entered the vehicle. President Vučić accompanied Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban.
  • Tetszik
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Harmadik rész:

The president also visited the part with the display of private companies. He commented that the current situation cannot be compared to what it was, but that more needs to be done. - We are stronger than we were, but it is still not enough - stated Vučić. - Let us let the country grow more, to progress. We are much stronger than we were, but it is still not enough. We are a country that is a tank power. Except that we have a problem with the number of crew, but we are changing that now. We have a lot of tanks and we are modernizing a lot of tanks. Whatever you say to General Mojsilović, we are nothing without tanks. But we are a force, even more widely than in the surrounding area - he stated.

"Mistral 3" shown "Mistral 3" shown - short-range anti-aircraft missile, high speed of 930 meters per second, great maneuverability.
Parade of special units The parade of the special units of the Serbian Army, the 63rd Parachute Brigade, the 72nd Special Brigade, the "Cobra" detachment, reconnaissance units... First time in one place.
Air defense systems Air defense systems, modernized manual rocket launchers "needle" (Igla) and "shilo", as well as the new missile system "mistral" were also presented.

Surge of fighter aircraft
Orao J22, the first domestically produced plane that can fly faster than sound. The J-22 Eagle is a Serbian twin-engine attack aircraft developed and serially produced. The "mig 29" has also been modernized, now it has a longer observation and aiming range, as well as shooting, the migs can carry more modern air-to-air and air-to-ground missiles.

Orban next to Vučić
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban is also attending the screening, and Milorad Dodik is next to him.
View of the Guard's honor machine Vučić, Vučević and Mojsilović inspect the honor machine of the Serbian Army Guard.
After this, the hymn "God of justice" was sung.

Pár mondatod kihagytam a végéről, de azok már nem voltak lényegesek.
  • Tetszik
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És ha jól számolom, akkor 4 db az Allied Force-ot túlélt "öreg" 29-esekből.
Mi is kilátogattunk tegnap, sajnos a szárazföldi dolgokra kevés időm jutott:

Terjék Tamás Granit 2023-as képeiből készítve, köszönet a képekért.


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