zelebobek ellenállási/fennmaradási (reziliencia-)terve:
❗️❗️Зеленский представил План стійкості из 10 пунктов: 1. Единство. Выборов не будет. «Конституция и законы не разрешают проводить выборы в военное время. Никто в мире этого не требует. Украина сначала нуждается в справедливом мире, а потом украинцы проведут справедливые выборы» 2. Фронт...
Angolul, pár kiemelés tőlem:
Zelensky presented the Plan of Resilience from 10 points:
1. Unity.
There will be no election. “The Constitution and laws do not allow elections in wartime. No one in the world wants it. Ukraine first needs a just world, and then Ukrainians will hold a fair election.
(nem lesznek választások amíg háború van)
2. Front. Changing approaches to management in the army.
A military ombudsman must be established. The Ministry of Defense and the military command must submit a new system of contracts for citizens who have not reached the age of mobilization.
Our state does not prepare a decrease in the mobilization age.
(nem viszik le a mozgósítási korhatárt)
3. Weapon. Drones compensate for the lack of artillery in the army. Next year, Ukraine will produce at least 30 thousand long-range drones. The brigades need more of their own funds, and we will increase direct funds for brigades. This year we fired more than 2.5 million shots.
We made the "long Neptune." There are already first impressions.
Set the task to make 3 thousand cruise missiles. A technological rate will be created.
(azt nem mondja, meddig kell azt a háromezer Neptunt legyártani
4 money. Localization. Everything that we can produce in Ukraine should be purchased in Ukraine. Insurance of military risks. Deregulation. Reduced share of GDP redistribution. Security for business from law enforcement. Intection in relationships: we are interested in de-nomination. Incentives for de-nomination
5. Energy. There will be passports of the stability of the regions before the end of the year. Atomic generation is an obvious priority.
6. Safety. Modernization of shelter standards.
There should be
metal detectors at the entrance to all schools and other state institutions. Strengthening the state border.
(na vajon miért akar minden állami intézmény bejáratához fémdetektort, eddig miért nem volt fontos...)
7. Hromadats.
(fogalmam sincs ez micsoda akar lenni... talán ukránul a "közösség"?)
8. Human capital.
The Institute of Multiple Citizenship is required. The diplomatic service is scheduled to restart. Replacements will be made by the end of the year. The Ministry of the Association of Ukraine will be created.
(ezen hangosan felröhögtem)
9. Culture. Initiated “cultural Ramstein”. Promoting the
creation of the Department of Ukrainian Studies in Foreign Universities
(ezen is)
10. Politics of Heroes. Attracting veterans to the public service. Establishment of rehabilitation departments in every society in 2025. An additional fee for family doctors for a contract with a veteran. The introduction of 11 000 specialists in the support of veterans next year. Creating at least 80 veterans spaces. Apartments for veterans.
The whole plan will be with applications only in December.