Cseh helikopter beszerzési program

  • Ha nem vagy kibékülve az alapértelmezettnek beállított sötét sablonnal, akkor a korábbi ígéretnek megfelelően bármikor átválthatsz a korábbi világos színekkel dolgozó kinézetre.

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  • Az elmúlt időszak tapasztalatai alapján házirendet kapott a topic.

    Ezen témában - a fórumon rendhagyó módon - az oldal üzemeltetője saját álláspontja, meggyőződése alapján nem enged bizonyos véleményeket, mivel meglátása szerint az káros a járványhelyzet enyhítését célzó törekvésekre.

    Kérünk, hogy a vírus veszélyességét kétségbe vonó, oltásellenes véleményed más platformon fejtsd ki. Nálunk ennek nincs helye. Az ilyen hozzászólásokért 1 alkalommal figyelmeztetés jár, majd folytatása esetén a témáról letiltás. Arra is kérünk, hogy a fórum más témáiba ne vigyétek át, mert azért viszont már a fórum egészéről letiltás járhat hosszabb-rövidebb időre.

  • Az elmúlt időszak tapasztalatai alapján frissített házirendet kapott a topic.


    A források, hírek preferáltak. Azoknak, akik veszik a fáradságot és összegyűjtik ezeket a főként harcokkal, a háború jelenlegi állásával és haditechnika szempontjából érdekes híreket, (mindegy milyen oldali) forrásokkal alátámasztják és bonuszként legalább a címet egy google fordítóba berakják, azoknak ismételten köszönjük az áldozatos munkáját és további kitartást kívánunk nekik!

    Ami nem a topik témájába vág vagy akár csak erősebb hangnemben is kerül megfogalmazásra, az valamilyen formában szankcionálva lesz

    Minden olyan hozzászólásért ami nem hír, vagy szorosan a konfliktushoz kapcsolódó vélemény / elemzés azért instant 3 nap topic letiltás jár. Aki pedig ezzel trükközne és folytatná másik topicban annak 2 hónap fórum ban a jussa.

    Az új szabályzat teljes szövege itt olvasható el.


Well-Known Member
Szerkesztőségi tag
2010. április 19.
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78 290

"Czech Republic--UH-1Y Utility Helicopters

The Government of the Czech Republic has requested the
possible sale of twelve (12) UH-1Y utility helicopters,
twenty-five (25) T-700 GE 401C engines (twenty-four (24)
installed, one (1) spare), thirteen (13) Honeywell Embedded
GPS/INS (EGI) (twelve (12) installed, one (1) spare), and
twelve (12) 7.62mm M240 Machine Guns. This request also
includes Brite Star II FLIR system, Aircraft Survivability
Equipment (ASE) (includes the AN/AAR-47 Missile Warning and
Laser Detection System, AN/ALE-47 Counter Measure Dispensing
System (CMDS) and the AN/APR-39 Radar Warning Receiver
(RWR)), Joint Mission Planning Systems, Helmet Mounted
Displays, communication equipment, small caliber gun systems
including GAU-17A and GAU-21, electronic warfare systems,
Identification Friend or Foe (1FF) Mode 4/5 transponder,
support equipment, spare engine containers, spare and repair
parts, tools and test equipment, technical data and
publications, personnel training and training equipment, U.S.
government and contractor engineering, technical, and
logistics support services, and other related elements of
logistics and program support. The estimated cost is $575
This proposed sale will support the foreign policy and
national security of the United States by helping to improve
the security of a NATO partner that is an important force for
ensuring peace and stability in Europe. The proposed sale
will support the Czech Republic's needs for its own self-
defense and support NATO defense goals.
The Czech Republic intends to use these helicopters to
modernize its armed forces and strengthen its homeland
defense and deter regional threats. This will contribute to
the Czech Republic's military goal of updating its
capabilities while further enhancing interoperability with
the United States and other NATO allies. The Czech Republic
will have no difficulty absorbing these helicopters into its
armed forces.
This proposed sale of equipment and support will not alter
the basic military balance in the region.
The principal contractors will be Bell Helicopter, Textron,
Fort Worth, Texas; and General Electric Company, Lynn,
Massachusetts. There are no known offset agreements proposed
in conjunction with this potential sale.
Implementation of this proposed sale will require multiple
trips by U.S. Government and contractor representatives to
participate in program and technical reviews plus training
and maintenance support in country, on a temporary basis, for
a period of twenty-four (24) months. It will also require
three (3) Contractor Engineering Technical Service (CETS)
representatives to reside in country for a period of two (2)
years to support this program.

There will be no adverse impact on U.S. defense readiness
as a result of this proposed sale.

Transmittal No. 17-47

Notice of Proposed Issuance of Letter of Offer Pursuant to
Section 36(b)(1) of the Arms Export Control Act

Annex Item No. vii

(vii) Sensitivity of Technology:
1. The following components and technical documentation for
the program are classified as listed below:
a. The UH-1Y-model has an Integrated Avionics System (IAS)
which includes two (2) mission computers and an automatic
flight control system. Each crew station has two (2) 8 x 6-
inch multifunction liquid crystal displays (LCD) and one (1)
4.2 x 4.2-inch dual function LCD display. The communications
suite will have COMSEC ARC-210 Ultra High Frequency Very High
Frequency (UHF/VHF) radios with associated communications
equipment. The navigation suite includes Honeywell Embedded
Global Positioning System (GPS) Inertial Navigation System
(INS) (EGI) w/Precise Positioning Service (PPS), a digital
map system, a low-airspeed air data subsystem, and an AN/APX-
123/A(V) IFF Transponder.
b. The crew is equipped with the Optimized Top Owl (OTO)
helmet-mounted sight and display system. The OTO has a Day
Display Module (DDM) and a Night Display Module (NDM). The
UH-1Y has survivability equipment including the AN/AAR-47
Missile Warning and Laser Detection System, AN/ALE-47 Counter
Measure Dispensing System (CMDS) and the AN/APR-39 Radar
Warning Receiver (RWR) to cover countermeasure dispensers,
radar warning, incoming/on-way missile warning and on-
fuselage laser-spot warning systems.
c. The following performance data and technical
characteristics are classified as follows for the UH-1Y
Airframe: countermeasure capability--up to SECRET, counter-
countermeasures capability--SECRET, vulnerability to
countermeasures--SECRET, vulnerability to electromagnetic
pulse from nuclear environmental effects--SECRET.
2. If a technologically advanced adversary were to obtain
knowledge of the specific hardware and software elements, the
information could be used to develop countermeasures which
might reduce weapon system effectiveness.
3. The consequences of the loss of this technology to a
technologically advanced or competent adversary could result
in the compromise of equivalent systems, which in turn could
reduce those weapons systems' effectiveness, or be used in
the development of a system with similar or advanced
4. A determination has been made that the Czech Republic
can provide substantially the same degree of protection for
the sensitive technology being released as the U.S.
Government. This sale of the UH-1Y helicopter and associated
weapons will further U.S. foreign policy and national
security objectives.
5. All defense articles and services listed in this
transmittal are authorized for release and export to the
Government of the Czech Republic.

Törölt tag 1586


"Czech Republic--UH-1Y Utility Helicopters

The Government of the Czech Republic has requested the
possible sale of twelve (12) UH-1Y utility helicopters,
twenty-five (25) T-700 GE 401C engines (twenty-four (24)
installed, one (1) spare), thirteen (13) Honeywell Embedded
GPS/INS (EGI) (twelve (12) installed, one (1) spare), and
twelve (12) 7.62mm M240 Machine Guns. This request also
includes Brite Star II FLIR system, Aircraft Survivability
Equipment (ASE) (includes the AN/AAR-47 Missile Warning and
Laser Detection System, AN/ALE-47 Counter Measure Dispensing
System (CMDS) and the AN/APR-39 Radar Warning Receiver
(RWR)), Joint Mission Planning Systems, Helmet Mounted
Displays, communication equipment, small caliber gun systems
including GAU-17A and GAU-21, electronic warfare systems,
Identification Friend or Foe (1FF) Mode 4/5 transponder,
support equipment, spare engine containers, spare and repair
parts, tools and test equipment, technical data and
publications, personnel training and training equipment, U.S.
government and contractor engineering, technical, and
logistics support services, and other related elements of
logistics and program support. The estimated cost is $575
This proposed sale will support the foreign policy and
national security of the United States by helping to improve
the security of a NATO partner that is an important force for
ensuring peace and stability in Europe. The proposed sale
will support the Czech Republic's needs for its own self-
defense and support NATO defense goals.
The Czech Republic intends to use these helicopters to
modernize its armed forces and strengthen its homeland
defense and deter regional threats. This will contribute to
the Czech Republic's military goal of updating its
capabilities while further enhancing interoperability with
the United States and other NATO allies. The Czech Republic
will have no difficulty absorbing these helicopters into its
armed forces.
This proposed sale of equipment and support will not alter
the basic military balance in the region.
The principal contractors will be Bell Helicopter, Textron,
Fort Worth, Texas; and General Electric Company, Lynn,
Massachusetts. There are no known offset agreements proposed
in conjunction with this potential sale.
Implementation of this proposed sale will require multiple
trips by U.S. Government and contractor representatives to
participate in program and technical reviews plus training
and maintenance support in country, on a temporary basis, for
a period of twenty-four (24) months. It will also require
three (3) Contractor Engineering Technical Service (CETS)
representatives to reside in country for a period of two (2)
years to support this program.

There will be no adverse impact on U.S. defense readiness
as a result of this proposed sale.

Transmittal No. 17-47

Notice of Proposed Issuance of Letter of Offer Pursuant to
Section 36(b)(1) of the Arms Export Control Act

Annex Item No. vii

(vii) Sensitivity of Technology:
1. The following components and technical documentation for
the program are classified as listed below:
a. The UH-1Y-model has an Integrated Avionics System (IAS)
which includes two (2) mission computers and an automatic
flight control system. Each crew station has two (2) 8 x 6-
inch multifunction liquid crystal displays (LCD) and one (1)
4.2 x 4.2-inch dual function LCD display. The communications
suite will have COMSEC ARC-210 Ultra High Frequency Very High
Frequency (UHF/VHF) radios with associated communications
equipment. The navigation suite includes Honeywell Embedded
Global Positioning System (GPS) Inertial Navigation System
(INS) (EGI) w/Precise Positioning Service (PPS), a digital
map system, a low-airspeed air data subsystem, and an AN/APX-
123/A(V) IFF Transponder.
b. The crew is equipped with the Optimized Top Owl (OTO)
helmet-mounted sight and display system. The OTO has a Day
Display Module (DDM) and a Night Display Module (NDM). The
UH-1Y has survivability equipment including the AN/AAR-47
Missile Warning and Laser Detection System, AN/ALE-47 Counter
Measure Dispensing System (CMDS) and the AN/APR-39 Radar
Warning Receiver (RWR) to cover countermeasure dispensers,
radar warning, incoming/on-way missile warning and on-
fuselage laser-spot warning systems.
c. The following performance data and technical
characteristics are classified as follows for the UH-1Y
Airframe: countermeasure capability--up to SECRET, counter-
countermeasures capability--SECRET, vulnerability to
countermeasures--SECRET, vulnerability to electromagnetic
pulse from nuclear environmental effects--SECRET.
2. If a technologically advanced adversary were to obtain
knowledge of the specific hardware and software elements, the
information could be used to develop countermeasures which
might reduce weapon system effectiveness.
3. The consequences of the loss of this technology to a
technologically advanced or competent adversary could result
in the compromise of equivalent systems, which in turn could
reduce those weapons systems' effectiveness, or be used in
the development of a system with similar or advanced
4. A determination has been made that the Czech Republic
can provide substantially the same degree of protection for
the sensitive technology being released as the U.S.
Government. This sale of the UH-1Y helicopter and associated
weapons will further U.S. foreign policy and national
security objectives.
5. All defense articles and services listed in this
transmittal are authorized for release and export to the
Government of the Czech Republic.
Jó döntés (ha már az...)

Törölt tag 1586

Már, hogy lenne jó 575 millió dollár 12 darab légitaxiért? Baromi drága. Csillagászati drága. Védhetetlen. 50 millió egy Hueyért???? Egy AW109 alapesetben 6 millió dodó
Elolvastad mit kapnak?
Teljesen felszerelt helikopter, legkorszerűbb navigációs, kommunikációs, önvédelmi rendszerekkel, fegyverekkel (többek között a kedvencem, a gatling rendszerű GAU-17A), szerviz és logisztikai támogatással (!!), Top Owl kijelzős sisakokkal, stb...
Ezt légitaxinak nevezni...:rolleyes:
Az hogy ezeket átadják a Cseheknek olyan fokú bizalmat feltételez amit nem is értek. Szerintem Mo.nak ez a technika elérhetetlen lenne még kétszer ennyi pénzért is.


Well-Known Member
2017. június 23.
5 500
8 200
Mire hozzánk kerülne Brimstone meglesz az 15-20 misi is. Mert kiképzés,alkatrész,üzemeltetési költség,fegyverzet,infrastruktura + egyéb apróságok. Úgyhogy abban a felállásban,körítésben a csehek viszonylag árban vették azokat a heliket.


Well-Known Member
2017. június 23.
5 500
8 200
Elolvastad mit kapnak?
Teljesen felszerelt helikopter, legkorszerűbb navigációs, kommunikációs, önvédelmi rendszerekkel, fegyverekkel (többek között a kedvencem, a gatling rendszerű GAU-17A), szerviz és logisztikai támogatással (!!), Top Owl kijelzős sisakokkal, stb...
Ezt légitaxinak nevezni...:rolleyes:
Az hogy ezeket átadják a Cseheknek olyan fokú bizalmat feltételez amit nem is értek. Szerintem Mo.nak ez a technika elérhetetlen lenne még kétszer ennyi pénzért is.
Részünkre ez már álomszerű elérhetetlen űrtechnológia.
  • Tetszik
Reactions: Törölt tag 1586


Well-Known Member
Szerkesztőségi tag
2010. április 19.
40 671
78 290
Már, hogy lenne jó 575 millió dollár 12 darab légitaxiért? Baromi drága. Csillagászati drága. Védhetetlen. 50 millió egy Hueyért???? Egy AW109 alapesetben 6 millió dodó

Végigolvastad, hogy mi mindent vesznek még hozzá? Ez nem csak a gépek ára.


"support equipment, spare engine containers, spare and repair parts, tools and test equipment, technical data and publications, personnel training and training equipment, U.S. government and contractor engineering, technical, and logistics support services, and other related elements of logistics and program support."

Ha minden igaz, a cseheknél tender van. A másik döntőbe jutott pályázó az AW-139. Kíváncsi vagyok, ők mit ajánlottak és mennyiért.

Mi mennyiért is kaptuk volna az AW-139-eseket?

Érdekes hogy minden típus benevezett a tenderre, ami csak eszetekbe jut, mégis ez a két típus jutott a döntőbe.

Szerintem ebből az is látszik, hogy nekünk is kb. ennyiért adnák az amerikaiak az UH-1Y-t.

Kíváncsi vagyok, hogy a csehek el tudtak szakadni a "csak a nagy helikopter a jó helikopter" elvtől vagy vesznek majd mellé valami nagyobbat is.
  • Tetszik
Reactions: sirdavegd


Active Member
2017. július 31.
Semmi sem indokol 50 millió körüli árat egy Huey méretű helikopterért. Ennyi pénzért 2 db dedikált harci helikopter is kijön szupporttal és pilótaképzéssel. Alaphelikopterként egy AW109 általános célú heli ami még korszerűbb is az 6 millió. Nincs az a sisakkijelző, navigáció-kommunikáció ,gattlingcsúzli, rakéta ami még 40 millió dollár lenne. Pilótaképzés kb 2 millió per fő.


Well-Known Member
Szerkesztőségi tag
2010. április 19.
40 671
78 290
Semmi sem indokol 50 millió körüli árat egy Huey méretű helikopterért. Ennyi pénzért 2 db dedikált harci helikopter is kijön szupporttal és pilótaképzéssel. Alaphelikopterként egy AW109 általános célú heli ami még korszerűbb is az 6 millió. Nincs az a sisakkijelző, navigáció-kommunikáció ,gattlingcsúzli, rakéta ami még 40 millió dollár lenne. Pilótaképzés kb 2 millió per fő.

Ez a lehetséges max értéke az üzletnek, de nem biztos hogy ennyi lesz. Általában kevesebből kijön, csak jelentősen túltervezik, hogy ne kelljen újra jóváhagyatni, ha mégis tévednek a kalkulációnál.

A szlovákoknál is így nézett ki a történet:


Az üzlet max értéke 450 millió USD lehet. A 9 db UH-60M Black Hawk Szlovákiának végül 261 millió dollárba került. Legalábbis ezt írták.
Azaz 50 millió USD-ből lett 29 millió USD az egy gépre vetített átlagköltsége az üzletnek.

A cseheknél is valami hasonló lesz szerintem.

Jobban belegondolva, lehet hogy igazad van abban, hogy ennyiért azért drága. Azért egy Blackhawk többet ér szerintem.
  • Tetszik
Reactions: endre

Törölt tag 1586

Jobban belegondolva, lehet hogy igazad van abban, hogy ennyiért azért drága. Azért egy Blackhawk többet ér szerintem
U. olyan felszereltséggel mint ahogy a Csehek kapják az UH-1Y-t (ha tényleg megrendelik...) az UH-60M tényleg többet érne DE, a Szlovákok gyakorlatilag kopaszon kapják a Blackhawkokat. Az alap navigációs és kommunikációs rendszereken kívül gyakorlatilag semmi nincs a gépeken.
ld. a képet: a besugárzásjelzők helyei le vannak lemezelve a gép orrán, az infra csapda szórónak is csak a kerete van meg.

A Cseh gépek a legkorszerűbb önvédelmi rendszerekkel vannak rendelve / ajánlva.
Ahhoz hogy a Szlovák UH-60-ok egy csapatban legyenek a Cseh UH-1Y-nokkal minimum így kéne kinézniük:

  • képzeld még rá a Brite Star FLIR toronyot amit az UH-60-sokon legfeljebb a Spec.Ops. és a MEDEVAC gépeken látni....
  • a Top Owl HMD, stb...


Well-Known Member
2010. április 24.
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4 260
Most csak én nem látok néhány ajtóba szerelhető géppuskán kívül bármi fegyvert a darabonként ~13,8 milliárd forintos esztimétid kosztú helikopterekhez a fenti felsorolásban?
Legalább valamennyi hydra-7 meg a blokkok, meg egy ajándék Elvis-imitátor beleférhetne ekkora költségvetésbe.o_O


Well-Known Member
Szerkesztőségi tag
2010. április 19.
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78 290
Csak összehasonlító adatként, mert már régen volt 2011 decembere:

"The Government of Hungary has requested a possible sale of the modification and inspection of 32 UH-1N Utility Helicopters and 20 T-400 spare engines being provided as grant Excess Defense Articles (EDA). Also provided are Forward Looking Infrared Radar, Night Vision Devices, simulators, spare and repair parts, support and test equipment, publications and technical documentation, personnel training and training equipment, U.S. Government and contractor engineering, technical and logistics support services, and other related elements of logistical and program support. The estimated cost is $426 million."


A beszerzés egy gépre eső átlagköltsége: 13,3 millió USD
  • Tetszik
Reactions: endre

Törölt tag 1586

Csak összehasonlító adatként, mert már régen volt 2011 decembere:

"The Government of Hungary has requested a possible sale of the modification and inspection of 32 UH-1N Utility Helicopters and 20 T-400 spare engines being provided as grant Excess Defense Articles (EDA). Also provided are Forward Looking Infrared Radar, Night Vision Devices, simulators, spare and repair parts, support and test equipment, publications and technical documentation, personnel training and training equipment, U.S. Government and contractor engineering, technical and logistics support services, and other related elements of logistical and program support. The estimated cost is $426 million."


A beszerzés egy gépre eső átlagköltsége: 13,3 millió USD
Egész pontosan 30 db 70-es években gyártott, az USA által már kivont, de még pár évig üzemben tartható gépről és kettő db repülés képtelen (alkatrésznek való) példányra vonatkozott az ajánlat.
Szerinted jó üzet lett volna...?
  • Tetszik
Reactions: arcas and fip7


Well-Known Member
Szerkesztőségi tag
2010. április 19.
40 671
78 290
Egész pontosan 30 db 70-es években gyártott, az USA által már kivont, de még pár évig üzemben tartható gépről és kettő db repülés képtelen (alkatrésznek való) példányra vonatkozott az ajánlat.
Szerinted jó üzet lett volna...?

Csak azért linkeltem be, hogy látszódjon a árkülönbség a használt UH-1 és az új gépek között. Illetve a felszereltség árnövelő hatása miatt.


Well-Known Member
Szerkesztőségi tag
2010. április 19.
40 671
78 290
The State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to Czech Republic of four (4) AH-1Z attack helicopters and related equipment for an estimated cost of $205 million. The Defense Security Cooperation Agency delivered the required certification notifying Congress of this possible sale today.

The Government of Czech Republic has requested to buy four (4) AH-1Z attack helicopters, eight (8) T700-GE-701D engines (installed), eight (8) Honeywell Embedded Global Positioning Systems with Inertial Navigation (EGI) and Precise Positioning Service (PPS) (installed), and fourteen (14) AGM-114 Hellfire missiles. Also included is communication equipment, electronic warfare systems, M197 20mm machine guns, Target Sight System, support equipment, spare engine containers, spare and repair parts, tools and test equipment, technical data and publications, personnel training and training equipment, U.S. government and contractor engineering, technical, and logistics support services, and other related elements of logistics and program support. The total estimated program cost is $205 million.
  • Tetszik
Reactions: Pocok75 and zsolti


Well-Known Member
Szerkesztőségi tag
2010. április 19.
40 671
78 290
Csak érdekességképpen: a Cseh Légierő egy cseh nyelvű bejegyzéssorozatot indított a Facebookon arról, hogy miért az AH-1 és UH-1 párost vették. (angolul másolom be, úgy többen értik)


We're here again. Give us two minutes.

The army needs to modernize, you already know that and thank you for your support.

We need to modernize not only on the ground, but also in the air. After tracked infantry fighting vehicles are the helicopters. It is a strategic project on which the functioning of almost the entire army depends. That's why we're here with our new show. We want to explain why we do it and how we do it.

So first, why did Venom and Viper win?
They are machines proven real combat deployment. We don't want to make experimental rabbits! For fire support, we need machines designed uncompromisingly for battlefield survival. After all, we are replacing the legendary twenty-four (Mi-24).

The contract with the government will ensure the fast, smooth and reliable supply of spare parts. We will also support Czech companies.

And why did we choose a variant of four Viper and eight multi-purpose (Venom) helicopters? Because it best meets our vision for the future shape of the helicopter air force. Their equipment and equipment are most suitable for direct combat support, transport and removal of wounded.

The support of our troops is most important to us! No debate.

Infantry combat vehicles will be much better off with such helicopters overhead.

Ask questions, we will be happy to answer any questions. We don't have time for questions like “what good army is actually for?”

Thank you for your support.

Let's keep going! Watch us.

We're an army. We know what we want.

Venom and Viper, our new combat system.

We explain why and for what we buy new helicopters.

Tonight Part 2 of our series: Who actually made the decision?
Many specialists participated in the selection of new machines, especially our active pilots specialists, but also our technicians. And we believe these people!

Be sure it wasn't a clerical decision from the comfort of the office.

By 2023, we will have all 12 new machines at home, and cooperation with our allies will go up again.

And again, we are buying the entire system. In addition, all necessary equipment, ammunition, training, security and training will be part of the contract.

Let's keep going! Thank you for your support. Watch us.

We're an army. We know what we want.

Venom and Viper helicopters!

We are here with part 3 of our series.

We want to buy helicopters in the form of an intergovernmental agreement, or government - government. This has a number of advantages. It ensures security and credibility, close cooperation and gain unique combat experience. Allows effective joint sharp deployment.

The cost of operating such helicopters is fully comparable to other military helicopters of the same class. They do not require any extra expenses.

We count on 36 pilots who will be able to spin on both variants of the machine. Viper and Venom are 85% identical.
Our engineers will be able to guarantee trouble-free operation of these machines for at least the next 25 years.

Let's keep going! Thank you for your support. Watch us.

We're an army. We know what we want.

Venom and Viper helicopters!
Part 4 of our series: What do we do with today's machines?

Weapon and avionic systems in them are outdated, spare parts unavailable. It's time to move on. We solve it well in advance. Mi-24 will end in 2025. Then they will retire if there are no buyers. Overhauls are no longer worthwhile. We build a modern army, not a maintenance army.

We should get new helicopters during 2023. So we will have enough time to move to new machines and put them in service.
Other Mi helicopters will be used until 2035, especially for the transport of people and material or for cooperation with rescue workers.

We reduce our dependence on Russian technology as our country's strategic documents want us to. We need an army compatible with NATO allies.

Let's keep going! Thank you for your support. Watch us.
We're an army. We know what we want.


Venom and Viper helicopters!

Part 5 of our series: What will helicopters be equipped with?

Aircraft machine guns, guided missiles against tanks, laser-guided missiles air-to-ground, 20mm air cannon, modern observation and communication systems and elements of active and passive protection.

The machines will be equipped with systems that fully meet the required standards and our conditions to prevent the possibility of ice on the windscreen, engine entry or sophisticated equipment.

We see skids instead of chassis as a big advantage. The helicopter is lighter and more manoeuvrable, the skids require little maintenance and have nothing to go wrong with.

We will not have to buy anything essential.

Let's keep going! Thank you for your support. Watch us.

We're an army. We know what we want.

We purchase Venom and Viper helicopters!

And we are sure we made a good decision. We are here with the last, part 6 of our series: How will our home industry get involved?

When we have to buy abroad, we try to help Czech companies as much as possible. We always do that. Absolutely.

The agreement on the acquisition of helicopters will also include an agreement on industrial cooperation. The manufacturer will provide us with all necessary documentation to enable Czech companies to service and maintain. We also count on one hundred percent domestic companies in the case of further modernization.

We want to have technology compatible with NATO allies.

We want a technique that speaks the same language. And that's exactly what new helicopters can do.

Ask questions in the discussion, we are ready for any questions.

Let's keep going! We're an army. We know what we want.

We purchase Venom and Viper helicopters!
For several days, we explained why we were buying these machines, how we chose them, and what they can do.
Thank you for your support!

Let's repeat this:
We reduce our dependence on Russian technology, as the strategic documents of the Czech Republic tell us. Old Mi-24 helicopters will be phased out in 2025, another Russian helicopters in 2035.

We acquire 8 Venom helicopters and 4 Viper machines, which were costly upgraded in 2008. They are perfectly equipped machines that function as a system, complement each other and have 85% identical components. This reduces service costs and allows pilot training together.

The concept of the army allows for the purchase of other pieces in the future. We will get them in 2023 and will serve at least the next 25 years.

The selection was decided by a team of experts, consisting of technicians and active pilots. We want to buy helicopters in the form of an intergovernmental agreement (the so-called "government - government"), which guarantees security, credibility and close cooperation. As always, we want to support the domestic industry as much as possible.

Thank you for your support. We're an army. We know what we want.


Once more to the Venoms and the Vipers. You asked us a lot why 12 pieces, why 8 + 4 and if four combat vipers are not enough.

We will try to explain in detail and show what the helicopters have in common and how they differ.

1. The Army now operates a total of 10 Mi-24 machines. These will be replaced by the H-1 system (Venom and Viper). Twelve pieces are currently sufficient number. Our concept counts on the possibility of an increase in the future, especially in the Viper.

2. Why do we call this system? Because Venoms and Vipers work as a whole, they support and complement each other. So we are not buying two different systems, but one. We keep repeating that they have 85% identical parts, which makes maintenance easier, cheaper to operate, and allows pilots to train together.

3. The H-1 system has been developed for a wide range of tasks (the versatility we demanded).

4. Venoms and Vipers are armed and carry out fire support tasks for ground troops.

5. The H-1 system can also transport and rescue people by air.

6. This is the first step towards the introduction of NATO-compatible combat helicopters.

Törölt tag 1586

Csak érdekességképpen: a Cseh Légierő egy cseh nyelvű bejegyzéssorozatot indított a Facebookon arról, hogy miért az AH-1 és UH-1 párost vették. (angolul másolom be, úgy többen értik)


We're here again. Give us two minutes.

The army needs to modernize, you already know that and thank you for your support.

We need to modernize not only on the ground, but also in the air. After tracked infantry fighting vehicles are the helicopters. It is a strategic project on which the functioning of almost the entire army depends. That's why we're here with our new show. We want to explain why we do it and how we do it.

So first, why did Venom and Viper win?
They are machines proven real combat deployment. We don't want to make experimental rabbits! For fire support, we need machines designed uncompromisingly for battlefield survival. After all, we are replacing the legendary twenty-four (Mi-24).

The contract with the government will ensure the fast, smooth and reliable supply of spare parts. We will also support Czech companies.

And why did we choose a variant of four Viper and eight multi-purpose (Venom) helicopters? Because it best meets our vision for the future shape of the helicopter air force. Their equipment and equipment are most suitable for direct combat support, transport and removal of wounded.

The support of our troops is most important to us! No debate.

Infantry combat vehicles will be much better off with such helicopters overhead.

Ask questions, we will be happy to answer any questions. We don't have time for questions like “what good army is actually for?”

Thank you for your support.

Let's keep going! Watch us.

We're an army. We know what we want.

Venom and Viper, our new combat system.

We explain why and for what we buy new helicopters.

Tonight Part 2 of our series: Who actually made the decision?
Many specialists participated in the selection of new machines, especially our active pilots specialists, but also our technicians. And we believe these people!

Be sure it wasn't a clerical decision from the comfort of the office.

By 2023, we will have all 12 new machines at home, and cooperation with our allies will go up again.

And again, we are buying the entire system. In addition, all necessary equipment, ammunition, training, security and training will be part of the contract.

Let's keep going! Thank you for your support. Watch us.

We're an army. We know what we want.

Venom and Viper helicopters!

We are here with part 3 of our series.

We want to buy helicopters in the form of an intergovernmental agreement, or government - government. This has a number of advantages. It ensures security and credibility, close cooperation and gain unique combat experience. Allows effective joint sharp deployment.

The cost of operating such helicopters is fully comparable to other military helicopters of the same class. They do not require any extra expenses.

We count on 36 pilots who will be able to spin on both variants of the machine. Viper and Venom are 85% identical.
Our engineers will be able to guarantee trouble-free operation of these machines for at least the next 25 years.

Let's keep going! Thank you for your support. Watch us.

We're an army. We know what we want.

Venom and Viper helicopters!
Part 4 of our series: What do we do with today's machines?

Weapon and avionic systems in them are outdated, spare parts unavailable. It's time to move on. We solve it well in advance. Mi-24 will end in 2025. Then they will retire if there are no buyers. Overhauls are no longer worthwhile. We build a modern army, not a maintenance army.

We should get new helicopters during 2023. So we will have enough time to move to new machines and put them in service.
Other Mi helicopters will be used until 2035, especially for the transport of people and material or for cooperation with rescue workers.

We reduce our dependence on Russian technology as our country's strategic documents want us to. We need an army compatible with NATO allies.

Let's keep going! Thank you for your support. Watch us.
We're an army. We know what we want.


Venom and Viper helicopters!

Part 5 of our series: What will helicopters be equipped with?

Aircraft machine guns, guided missiles against tanks, laser-guided missiles air-to-ground, 20mm air cannon, modern observation and communication systems and elements of active and passive protection.

The machines will be equipped with systems that fully meet the required standards and our conditions to prevent the possibility of ice on the windscreen, engine entry or sophisticated equipment.

We see skids instead of chassis as a big advantage. The helicopter is lighter and more manoeuvrable, the skids require little maintenance and have nothing to go wrong with.

We will not have to buy anything essential.

Let's keep going! Thank you for your support. Watch us.

We're an army. We know what we want.

We purchase Venom and Viper helicopters!

And we are sure we made a good decision. We are here with the last, part 6 of our series: How will our home industry get involved?

When we have to buy abroad, we try to help Czech companies as much as possible. We always do that. Absolutely.

The agreement on the acquisition of helicopters will also include an agreement on industrial cooperation. The manufacturer will provide us with all necessary documentation to enable Czech companies to service and maintain. We also count on one hundred percent domestic companies in the case of further modernization.

We want to have technology compatible with NATO allies.

We want a technique that speaks the same language. And that's exactly what new helicopters can do.

Ask questions in the discussion, we are ready for any questions.

Let's keep going! We're an army. We know what we want.

We purchase Venom and Viper helicopters!
For several days, we explained why we were buying these machines, how we chose them, and what they can do.
Thank you for your support!

Let's repeat this:
We reduce our dependence on Russian technology, as the strategic documents of the Czech Republic tell us. Old Mi-24 helicopters will be phased out in 2025, another Russian helicopters in 2035.

We acquire 8 Venom helicopters and 4 Viper machines, which were costly upgraded in 2008. They are perfectly equipped machines that function as a system, complement each other and have 85% identical components. This reduces service costs and allows pilot training together.

The concept of the army allows for the purchase of other pieces in the future. We will get them in 2023 and will serve at least the next 25 years.

The selection was decided by a team of experts, consisting of technicians and active pilots. We want to buy helicopters in the form of an intergovernmental agreement (the so-called "government - government"), which guarantees security, credibility and close cooperation. As always, we want to support the domestic industry as much as possible.

Thank you for your support. We're an army. We know what we want.


Once more to the Venoms and the Vipers. You asked us a lot why 12 pieces, why 8 + 4 and if four combat vipers are not enough.

We will try to explain in detail and show what the helicopters have in common and how they differ.

1. The Army now operates a total of 10 Mi-24 machines. These will be replaced by the H-1 system (Venom and Viper). Twelve pieces are currently sufficient number. Our concept counts on the possibility of an increase in the future, especially in the Viper.

2. Why do we call this system? Because Venoms and Vipers work as a whole, they support and complement each other. So we are not buying two different systems, but one. We keep repeating that they have 85% identical parts, which makes maintenance easier, cheaper to operate, and allows pilots to train together.

3. The H-1 system has been developed for a wide range of tasks (the versatility we demanded).

4. Venoms and Vipers are armed and carry out fire support tasks for ground troops.

5. The H-1 system can also transport and rescue people by air.

6. This is the first step towards the introduction of NATO-compatible combat helicopters.
Szerintem a Cseh beszerzés abszolút "vállalható" - kivéve a db. számot (azt viszont a gazdasági realitások határozzák meg)
- a választott típusok megfelelőek. Bevált "kemény" harci helik. Nulla az esély újabb komolyabb konstrukciós problémák felbukkanásának (ld.: H225M reduktor problémák…)
- a felszereltég és fegyverzet osztályon felüli (TopOwl sisakok, Hellfire, stb…)
- az ár (~ $50 millió / db) elfogadható, különösen úgy hogy az árban benne van a műszaki támogatás, a felszerelések, és v.mennyi fegyverzet is.
- politikai téren egy cuppanós puszi a USA ülepére, ami segít kiegyensúlyozni a Németek árnyékában élő Cseh külpolitikát.

Borítékolható hogy a most vásárolt helik mellett Cseheknek rövidesen szükségük lesz még egy felső közepes - nehéz kategóriájú (5-10 tonna teher emelő képességű) típusra is.
? Chinook ?