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    Ezen témában - a fórumon rendhagyó módon - az oldal üzemeltetője saját álláspontja, meggyőződése alapján nem enged bizonyos véleményeket, mivel meglátása szerint az káros a járványhelyzet enyhítését célzó törekvésekre.

    Kérünk, hogy a vírus veszélyességét kétségbe vonó, oltásellenes véleményed más platformon fejtsd ki. Nálunk ennek nincs helye. Az ilyen hozzászólásokért 1 alkalommal figyelmeztetés jár, majd folytatása esetén a témáról letiltás. Arra is kérünk, hogy a fórum más témáiba ne vigyétek át, mert azért viszont már a fórum egészéről letiltás járhat hosszabb-rövidebb időre.

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2010. április 19.
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2010. április 19.
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85 389
Airbus reports Half-Year (H1) 2023 results

Airbus Defence and Space’s order intake by value was € 6.0 billion (H1 2022: € 6.5 billion), including 4 new-build and 5 converted A330 Multi Role Tanker Transport aircraft for Canada.

Revenues at Airbus Defence and Space decreased 8 percent, mainly driven by delays in Space Systems and delivery phasing in Military Air Systems. Three A400M military airlifters were delivered in H1 2023.

EBIT Adjusted at Airbus Defence and Space decreased to € 78 million (H1 2022: € 155 million), mainly reflecting the decrease in revenues as well as updated assumptions on some long-term contracts, consistent with the difficult environment of the Division's Space business. H1 2022 also included net positive non-recurring elements.

On the A400M programme, development activities continue towards achieving the revised capability roadmap. Retrofit activities are progressing in close alignment with the customer. No further net material impact was recognised in the first half of 2023. Risks remain on the qualification of technical capabilities and associated costs, on aircraft operational reliability, on cost reductions and on securing overall volume as per the revised baseline.


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2010. április 19.
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85 389
NFM Group tailoring the future of combat clothing in EU development programme...

ARMETISS (Smart Multifunction Textiles for integrated Soldier Systems) aims to develop a set of smart clothes and equipment integrating complementary functions based on EU end-users’ needs and textile-based advanced technologies. The project output will provide the necessary functionality to enhance soldiers’ capacity to perform their demanding tasks while increasing their safety and well-being during military operations.

The ARMETISS project will initiate the development of innovative textile technologies, tailored to cater to the varied needs of the modern soldier by integrating smart functionalities.


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2010. április 19.
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85 389
A step towards a more European Link 16...

The ESSOR program has reached an additional milestone in the development of a new sovereign terminal which will provide Link 16 to the main European military platforms, the Organization for Joint Armament Cooperation (OCCAR) recently announced. This milestone is the first intermediate technical review (ITR) of the ESSOR MIDS brick (Multifunctional Information Distribution System).

“The first ITR ensures that the high-level technical requirements for EMIDS SoS (System of Systems) are ready to guide the EMIDS constituent systems (CS) specifications,” OCCAR said. This initial ITR will serve as a basis for mutual understanding for the actors involved, which are France, Germany, Italy and Spain; the project manager, the French EuroMIDS; and its subcontractors, the manufacturers Thales, Indra, Hensoldt and Leonardo.

By 2030, this terminal will replace a MIDS LVT system, several thousand units of which have been deployed on Rafale, Mirage and A400M aircraft, NH90 helicopters, SAMP/T surface-to-air defense systems and other air, naval and land platforms. . The ESSOR team is now progressing to the next step, a System Design Review (SDR) which will lay down all the requirements for the major constituent systems. These include the ESSOR-specific L16 waveform (EL16WF) and a "combat aircraft" or "Fighter-EMIDS" version of the terminal focused on the future Next Generation Fighter (NGF) of the European SCAF program. In parallel, a complete line of products has also been initiated to equip helicopter fleets, missiles and dismounted combatants. This conceptual phase will extend until 2025.



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2023. június 15.
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The acquisition of all shares in BlueBear is part of Saab’s continued international growth journey across key markets, which include the United Kingdom, Australia, the United States and Germany. BlueBear is a world-leading provider of AI-enabled autonomous swarm systems for complex defence and security applications. BlueBear employs 65 employees at their site outside Bedford, England with a turnover of £8 million in 2022.

The combination of Saab’s world-leading products, services and solutions, and BlueBear’s experience as an agile integrator of AI-enabled autonomous swarm systems will be a powerful driver of Saab’s future capabilities. BlueBear will contribute to Saab’s existing activities worldwide and Saab will benefit from BlueBear’s expertise in autonomy and swarming, as well as command and control systems.


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2023. június 15.
6 676
14 008


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2010. április 19.
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HybriDT II project to advance work on hybrid drive trains for military vehicles...

To improve the sustainability of future defence mobility while retaining the highest performance demanded by military vehicles, the European Defence Agency (EDA) has been working on the development of hybrid drive trains for military use. EDA has formally kicked-off the HybriDT II (Hybrid Drive Train Demonstrator-phase 2) – project which involves the design of full-scale wheeled and tracked military purpose demonstrators with hybrid drive trains. The aim of HybriDT II is the design of demonstrators to verify simulation results and allow for tactical and logistic testing of new technologies.


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Szerkesztőségi tag
2010. április 19.
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EU supports the ramp-up of European ammunition and missiles production...

The European Commission intensifies its support to the European defence industry with the adoption of the Work Programme foreseen in the Regulation on supporting Ammunition Production (ASAP) for 2023-2025. ASAP will allocate EUR 500 million to the support of investment projects worth up to EUR 1.4 billion, thereby incentivising the ramp-up of ammunition and missiles production in the European Union.

Accordingly, the ASAP Work Programme is structured along 5 calls for proposals with the following indicatives budgets:

Explosives, with a budget of EUR 190 million;
Powder, with a budget of EUR 144 million;
Shells, with a budget of EUR 90 million;
Missiles with a budget of EUR 40 million;
Testing and Reconditioning certification, with a budget of EUR 4.35 million.

The ASAP Work Programme will support projects aimed at improving the production capacities under different calls, through the implementation of various types of actions. For instance, ASAP will support extension or modernisation of existing lines, creation of new lines, plans to repurpose old ammunition, securing value chains, and addressing skills gaps.

The ASAP Work Programme therefore allows co-financing of industrial production ramp-up projects that started after 20 March 2023 (i.e. date of the Council agreement on the so-called ‘three-track approach’).


Well-Known Member
2021. július 17.
23 205
45 587
EU supports the ramp-up of European ammunition and missiles production...

The European Commission intensifies its support to the European defence industry with the adoption of the Work Programme foreseen in the Regulation on supporting Ammunition Production (ASAP) for 2023-2025. ASAP will allocate EUR 500 million to the support of investment projects worth up to EUR 1.4 billion, thereby incentivising the ramp-up of ammunition and missiles production in the European Union.

Accordingly, the ASAP Work Programme is structured along 5 calls for proposals with the following indicatives budgets:

Explosives, with a budget of EUR 190 million;
Powder, with a budget of EUR 144 million;
Shells, with a budget of EUR 90 million;
Missiles with a budget of EUR 40 million;
Testing and Reconditioning certification, with a budget of EUR 4.35 million.

The ASAP Work Programme will support projects aimed at improving the production capacities under different calls, through the implementation of various types of actions. For instance, ASAP will support extension or modernisation of existing lines, creation of new lines, plans to repurpose old ammunition, securing value chains, and addressing skills gaps.

The ASAP Work Programme therefore allows co-financing of industrial production ramp-up projects that started after 20 March 2023 (i.e. date of the Council agreement on the so-called ‘three-track approach’).