CH-53 Sea Stallion, Super Stallion, King Stallion / S-65 (Sikorsky, USA)

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    Az új szabályzat teljes szövege itt olvasható el.


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A németeknél már megint volt egy nem tervezett leszállás... hidraulika probléma volt.





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A németeknél már megint volt egy nem tervezett leszállás... hidraulika probléma volt.





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Lenne egy szerény kérdésem egy hozzáértötől. Tényleg 3 napig tart 1 hidraulika javítás, vagy mi a l@faszt csináltak addig.


Guest U.S. Marine Corps new heavy-lift helicopter practices landing in fields.



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Rheinmetall takes over maintenance of first two German Air Force CH-53G transport helicopters at Diepholz Air Base

"Rheinmetall has taken over maintenance operations for the Bundeswehr’s fleet of CH-53G helicopters, as planned. Embedded in the organization of the 64th Helicopter Squadron at Diepholz Air Base, Rheinmetall Aviation Services GmbH now received the first two aircrafts in their maintenance bay.

The takeover of maintenance operations by Rheinmetall proceeded remarkably smooth and quickly. The Bundeswehr and Rheinmetall signed a maintenance contract on 27 November 2020; together with involved elements of the German Air Force, especially the local detachment of the 64th Helicopter Squadron at Diepholz, it took just 77 days to lay the groundwork basis necessary for assuring a start of operations on 29 March 2021 on time. This was only achievable due to superb support and cooperation of the Bundeswehr.

At Diepholz, the local detachment of the 64th Helicopter Squadron is responsible for major maintenance and repair operations, with five Bundeswehr-owned maintenance bays dedicated for the CH-53G – an aircraft that has been in the Bundeswehr inventory ever since 1972.

Prior to taking over the maintenance operations, Rheinmetall Aviation Services had to contend with multiple organizational and logistical challenges. Among other things, experienced personnel had to be located and hired, who in some cases had to undergo additional training and be schooled in the specific requirements of the Bundeswehr. Moreover, countless tools and items of work equipment had to be purchased at short notice.
About Rheinmetall Aviation Services

Headquartered in Bremen, Germany, Rheinmetall Aviation Services GmbH was founded at the beginning of 2019 to facilitate strategic cooperation with CH-53 manufacturer Sikorsky in the Bundeswehr’s Heavy Transport Helicopter (STH) procurement programme. Rheinmetall and Sikorsky have been cooperating intensively in various procurement projects ever since 2009. At Diepholz, the Bundeswehr is now benefitting from expertise gained by Rheinmetall as a result of this partnership."


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WASHINGTON, July 30, 2021

The State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign
Military Sale to the Government of Israel of CH-53K Heavy Lift Helicopters with Support and related
equipment for an estimated cost of $3.4 billion. The Defense Security Cooperation Agency delivered the
required certification notifying Congress of this possible sale today.

The Government of Israel has requested to buy up to eighteen (18) CH-53K Heavy Lift Helicopters; up to
sixty (60) T408-GE-400 Engines (54 installed, 6 spares); and up to thirty-six (36) Embedded Global
Positioning System/Inertial Navigation Systems (EGI) with Selective Availability/Anti-Spoofing Module
(SAASM). Also included is communication equipment; GAU-21 .50 caliber Machine Guns; Mission
Planning System; facilities study, design and construction; spare and repair parts; support and test equipment;
publications and technical documentation; aircrew and maintenance training; U.S. Government and contractor
engineering, technical, and logistics support services; and other related elements of logistics and program
support. The total estimated cost is $3.4 billion.

The United States is committed to the security of Israel, and it is vital to U.S. national interests to assist Israel
to develop and maintain a strong and ready self-defense capability. This proposed sale is consistent with
those objectives.

The proposed sale will improve the Israeli Air Force’s capability to transport armored vehicles, personnel,
and equipment to support distributed operations. Israel will use the enhanced capability as a deterrent to
regional threats and to strengthen its homeland defense. Israel will have no difficulty absorbing this
equipment into its armed forces.

The proposed sale of this equipment and support will not alter the basic military balance in the region.

The prime contractors will be Lockheed Martin Global, Inc., Shelton, Connecticut; and General Electric
Company, Lynn, Massachusetts. There are no known offset agreements proposed in connection with this
potential sale. Any offset agreements will be defined in negotiations between the purchaser and the

Implementation of this proposed sale will require multiple trips by U.S. Government and contractor
representatives to participate in program and technical reviews. It will also require approximately four (4)
contractor support representatives to reside in country for a period of three (3) years to support this program.
There will be no adverse impact on U.S. defense readiness as a result of this proposed sale.

This notice of a potential sale is required by law. The description and dollar value is for the highest estimated
quantity and dollar value based on initial requirements. Actual dollar value will be lower depending on final
requirements, budget authority, and signed sales agreement(s), if and when concluded.


Teherrel tankolás.
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12 db CH-53K vásárlása jóváhagyva​

21.02.25 A Honvédelmi Minisztérium és az Izraeli Légierő a CH-53K-t választotta a légierő új nehéz katonai szállítóhelikopterének a CH-53D ("Yasur") helyére. Néhány nappal később a médiában kétféle vételi lehetőség volt: körülbelül 20 helikopter, egyszerre 12 és további 8 opció 7 év után, vagy 18-20 helikopter vásárlása egyszerre. 21. 07. 30. Az Egyesült Államok külügyminisztériuma jóváhagyta 18 CH-53K helikopter és ezekhez legfeljebb 60 T408-GE-400 hajtómű (azaz 54 beépített és 6 tartalék) szállítását Izraelbe. Izrael azonban mindeddig nem hozta nyilvánosságra a végső döntést (mennyit vásárolnak), és nem írtak alá határozott szerződést sem.


Azonban, 11.29-én ismertté vált, hogy 11.28-án, vasárnap a miniszteri beszerzési bizottság jóváhagyta az üzlet első részét: 12 db CH-53K vásárlását. A vásárlást amerikai katonai segélyből fizetik ki. Ez a döntés megnyitja az utat a Lockheed-Martin céggel (2015 óta a Sikorsky cég tulajdonosa) folytatott tárgyalások lezárása és a szerződés aláírása előtt.

11.06-án az israelhayom honlapja arról számolt be, hogy a Yasur már 2025-ben leszerelhető, míg az első CH-53K várhatóan csak 2026-ban érkezik . Így a légierő egy évre nehézhelikopterek nélkül, és több évre normál harcképes század nélkül maradhat. Ezért a légierő már dolgozik azon a programon, amely a Yasur szolgálatát további néhány évvel meghosszabbítja.

Colonelcassad ..

Törölt tag

Izrael azonban mindeddig nem hozta nyilvánosságra a végső döntést (mennyit vásárolnak),és nem írtak alá határozott szerződést sem.
megtörtént a szerződés aláirása:
Israel’s Defense Ministry has signed an agreement with the US government to acquire 12 Lockheed Martin CH-53K helicopters and two additional Boeing KC-46 refueling aircraft.
The deal regarding the helicopters is estimated at USD $2 billion with the first expected to arrive in Israel throughout 2026 and the option to procure an additional six helicopters.
Another agreement worth approximately $1.1 billion, was signed for the procurement of an additional two Boeing KC-46 refueling aircraft, to add to the two already purchased.
  • Tetszik
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2010. április 19.
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Rheinmetall takes over maintenance of first two German Air Force CH-53G transport helicopters at Diepholz Air Base

"Rheinmetall has taken over maintenance operations for the Bundeswehr’s fleet of CH-53G helicopters, as planned. Embedded in the organization of the 64th Helicopter Squadron at Diepholz Air Base, Rheinmetall Aviation Services GmbH now received the first two aircrafts in their maintenance bay.

The takeover of maintenance operations by Rheinmetall proceeded remarkably smooth and quickly. The Bundeswehr and Rheinmetall signed a maintenance contract on 27 November 2020; together with involved elements of the German Air Force, especially the local detachment of the 64th Helicopter Squadron at Diepholz, it took just 77 days to lay the groundwork basis necessary for assuring a start of operations on 29 March 2021 on time. This was only achievable due to superb support and cooperation of the Bundeswehr.

At Diepholz, the local detachment of the 64th Helicopter Squadron is responsible for major maintenance and repair operations, with five Bundeswehr-owned maintenance bays dedicated for the CH-53G – an aircraft that has been in the Bundeswehr inventory ever since 1972.

Prior to taking over the maintenance operations, Rheinmetall Aviation Services had to contend with multiple organizational and logistical challenges. Among other things, experienced personnel had to be located and hired, who in some cases had to undergo additional training and be schooled in the specific requirements of the Bundeswehr. Moreover, countless tools and items of work equipment had to be purchased at short notice.
About Rheinmetall Aviation Services

Headquartered in Bremen, Germany, Rheinmetall Aviation Services GmbH was founded at the beginning of 2019 to facilitate strategic cooperation with CH-53 manufacturer Sikorsky in the Bundeswehr’s Heavy Transport Helicopter (STH) procurement programme. Rheinmetall and Sikorsky have been cooperating intensively in various procurement projects ever since 2009. At Diepholz, the Bundeswehr is now benefitting from expertise gained by Rheinmetall as a result of this partnership."

2022.03.22: Expanded order - Rheinmetall now providing support and maintenance for German Air Force CH-53G transport helicopters at all bases