EC135 / EC635, EC645, H145M, UH-72 (Airbus Helicopters / Eurocopter)

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Visszanéztem és úgy tűnik ez elrepült a radar alatt. Valaki aki tud németül összefoglalná hogy miért szapulták a H145M-et ?
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Visszanéztem és úgy tűnik ez elrepült a radar alatt. Valaki aki tud németül összefoglalná hogy miért szapulták a H145M-et ?
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Áthelyeztem ide, mert ebben a topikban volt már róla szó többször is az elmúlt egy évben. Itt volt egy rövid összefoglaló is: 2023. szeptember 26.
  • Tetszik
Reactions: L.O.B


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2010. április 19.
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Indonesian Air Force orders four Airbus H145 helicopters...

The Indonesian Air Force has placed an order for four Airbus H145 helicopters as part of its training modernisation programme.

Under the agreement between the Indonesian Air Force and PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI), Airbus will deliver the five-bladed H145s to PTDI, who will manage the reassembly and completion of the mission equipment and other customisation work at its facility in Bandung, Indonesia, for final delivery to the air force. These multi-mission helicopters will be deployed for military training and light search-and-rescue missions.



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The Army’s latest response to contested logistics is an uncrewed one-ton VTOL lifter...

Contested logistics means resupplying Soldiers and Marines at the edge, and doing so with autonomy that doesn’t risk lives.

Airbus U.S. - The UH-72 Logistics Connector

Airbus U.S. The UH-72 logistics connector’s cabin allows for easy loading and unloading of multiple types of cargo and standardized containers.

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  • Tetszik
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The first two Airbus H145 helicopters have been handed over to a Honduran delegation at Donauworth, Germany, on 16 October 2024...

- According to purchase contract N0. CD-004-2022 SDN, signed on May 9, 2023, the acquisition of the six helicopters has a total cost of 23.8 million dollars
- The acquisition of the aircraft also includes a training process for technicians and pilots at a cost of 1.25 million dollars.


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(Nem látszik a fegyverfelfüggesztő helye, nincs Hforce, nincs besugárzásjelző, nincs infratöltet kivető)
  • Tetszik
Reactions: fishbed


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US Army exploring replacement for Airbus UH-72 as helicopter trainer...
Ha jól értem, akkor csak a kiképzésből akarják lecserélni az UH-72-eseket?
Mert ha a teljes flották akarják lecserélni, az azért durva lenne.


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Airbus signs historic contract to provide 19 H135 military training helicopters to the Royal Canadian Air Force...

The contract is part of Canada’s Future Aircrew Training (FAcT) Program and marks the first time that Airbus helicopters will fly as part of the Canadian Armed Forces.

Deliveries are expected to begin in the first half of 2026.



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A Swiss Air Force Eurocopter EC635P2+ crashed in Alpnachstad, Obwalden, when approaching Alpnach Air Base (LSMA).

Both pilots were not injured and the helicopter received substantial damage.


  • Tetszik
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Airbus delivers first of up to 82 H145M helicopters to the German Armed Forces...

This first helicopter is dedicated to training operations and will be used at the German Army's Bückeburg base.

The first delivery of an H145M LKH in the light attack role to the German customer is scheduled for 2025, as contracted. The training of the Bundeswehr’s pilots started already in August this year.

In December 2023, the Bundeswehr and Airbus Helicopters signed a contract for the purchase of up to 82 multi-role H145M helicopters (62 firm orders plus 20 options), the largest order ever placed for the H145M and consequently the largest for the HForce weapon management system. The contract also includes seven years of support and services, ensuring optimal entry into service and support. The German Army will receive 57 helicopters, while the Luftwaffe's special forces will receive five.

  • Tetszik
Reactions: fishbed and Aladeen