A lengyelek is elég részletes írást közöltek a H145M bemutatóról
(a cikk végén a hozzászólásokba is érdemes beleolvasni, mert kiderül, hogy látják a lengyelek a világot)
Néhány érdekesebb részlet:
"The storm front passing through the polygon significantly delayed the presentation in flight. The polygon service did not agree to start the machine with weaponry during lightning hazard."
"Another HF45M option tested on the same H145M is the cooperation with unmanned aircraft, which can be controlled from the helicopter deck. In May 2018, the machine was used during cooperation tests with the Camcopter S-100 dron that was piloted from the H145M by an operator occupying a place in the cabin. Ultimately, the place of the relatively light Camcopter can be taken by the Airbus Heclipters VSR 700 unmanned rotorcraft based on the 700 kg Guimbal Cabri G2 platform. In the future, it will allow us to surround the helicopter with HForce with our own unmanned and impact drones, which can be used in operations, significantly reducing the threat for the helicopter crew."
"In less than a quarter of an hour, you can reconfigure the H145M eg from the MEDEVAC version into a multi-tasking machine with two gunfighters, armed with 7.62 mm rifles, carrying six landing troops."
"German special forces KSK, which are a user of 15 H145M machines, have already tested slightly more "aggressive" C-SAR configuration, in which the shooters have at their disposal two Dilon M-134D Minigun machine guns caliber 7.62 mm. With a stand and stock of 4700 rounds, this single Minigun has a mass of 222.5 kg."