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Az elmúlt időszak tapasztalatai alapján frissített házirendet kapott a topic.
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"U.S. Navy should redesign the F-35C to perform a future role as a fleet defense fighter and long-range bomber escort.
The recommendation by Center for Strategic and Budgetary Analysis (CSBA) analyst Bryan Clark is included in a newly-published report that urges the Navy to rethink the current composition of the carrier air wing.
As a stealthy aircraft packed with targeting systems and weapons, the F-35C is designed to perform ground attack and air-to-air missions. But its 670 nm maximum combat radius falls short of the range the Navy needs for a future role in the Pacific theater, Clark argues.
In a theoretical conventional war with China, CSBA’s analysis concluded that aircraft carriers must operate 1,000 nm east of the rising Asian power’s coastline. The ground attack mission would have to be taken over by a future unmanned combat air vehicle (UCAV) instead of the F-35C, Clark says.
At the same time, the Navy will also need a more capable frontline fleet defense fighter, he adds. The F-35C and the F/A-18E/F were designed to perform a multirole mission. Clark argues that the carrier air wing needs an aircraft optimized to perform as an air-to-air fighter. The so-called F/A-XX could perform long-distance fleet defense missions and escort Air Force bombers if Chinese missiles disable the runways on land bases for F-22s, F-35s and F-15s.
Instead of designing the F/A-XX from a clean-sheet, Clark suggests that Lockheed could redesign the F-35C to perform that role. It would require integrating a more efficient propulsion system and conformal fuel tanks, he says. The funding would come from truncating the Navy’s planned F-35C order after half the aircraft are delivered, he says, but the development phase should begin now.
“That would allow the Navy to get the more specialized aircraft it needs for a higher threat environment we’re facing in the future,” Clark says."
Na ez most azért vicces, mert pár éve azon keseregtek, hogy éppencsak nem jött össze a 600 nm range. Akkor most mi van? Ráadásul ez a gép került legközelebb a kiszórt A-6E hatósugarához. Ennyi volt az elvárás.Ez még mindig a régi nóta.
Mi köze ehez egy pénzügyi tervezőnek?"U.S. Navy should redesign the F-35C to perform a future role as a fleet defense fighter and long-range bomber escort.
The recommendation by Center for Strategic and Budgetary Analysis (CSBA) analyst Bryan Clark is included in a newly-published report that urges the Navy to rethink the current composition of the carrier air wing.
As a stealthy aircraft packed with targeting systems and weapons, the F-35C is designed to perform ground attack and air-to-air missions. But its 670 nm maximum combat radius falls short of the range the Navy needs for a future role in the Pacific theater, Clark argues.
In a theoretical conventional war with China, CSBA’s analysis concluded that aircraft carriers must operate 1,000 nm east of the rising Asian power’s coastline. The ground attack mission would have to be taken over by a future unmanned combat air vehicle (UCAV) instead of the F-35C, Clark says.
At the same time, the Navy will also need a more capable frontline fleet defense fighter, he adds. The F-35C and the F/A-18E/F were designed to perform a multirole mission. Clark argues that the carrier air wing needs an aircraft optimized to perform as an air-to-air fighter. The so-called F/A-XX could perform long-distance fleet defense missions and escort Air Force bombers if Chinese missiles disable the runways on land bases for F-22s, F-35s and F-15s.
Instead of designing the F/A-XX from a clean-sheet, Clark suggests that Lockheed could redesign the F-35C to perform that role. It would require integrating a more efficient propulsion system and conformal fuel tanks, he says. The funding would come from truncating the Navy’s planned F-35C order after half the aircraft are delivered, he says, but the development phase should begin now.
“That would allow the Navy to get the more specialized aircraft it needs for a higher threat environment we’re facing in the future,” Clark says."
Na, nem is üzemelt deckről...
A szándék és a tény az sajnos nem mindig ugyanaz.Azért szándék volt rá.![]()
"U.S. Navy should redesign the F-35C to perform a future role as a fleet defense fighter and long-range bomber escort.
The recommendation by Center for Strategic and Budgetary Analysis (CSBA) analyst Bryan Clark is included in a newly-published report that urges the Navy to rethink the current composition of the carrier air wing.
As a stealthy aircraft packed with targeting systems and weapons, the F-35C is designed to perform ground attack and air-to-air missions. But its 670 nm maximum combat radius falls short of the range the Navy needs for a future role in the Pacific theater, Clark argues.
In a theoretical conventional war with China, CSBA’s analysis concluded that aircraft carriers must operate 1,000 nm east of the rising Asian power’s coastline. The ground attack mission would have to be taken over by a future unmanned combat air vehicle (UCAV) instead of the F-35C, Clark says.
At the same time, the Navy will also need a more capable frontline fleet defense fighter, he adds. The F-35C and the F/A-18E/F were designed to perform a multirole mission. Clark argues that the carrier air wing needs an aircraft optimized to perform as an air-to-air fighter. The so-called F/A-XX could perform long-distance fleet defense missions and escort Air Force bombers if Chinese missiles disable the runways on land bases for F-22s, F-35s and F-15s.
Instead of designing the F/A-XX from a clean-sheet, Clark suggests that Lockheed could redesign the F-35C to perform that role. It would require integrating a more efficient propulsion system and conformal fuel tanks, he says. The funding would come from truncating the Navy’s planned F-35C order after half the aircraft are delivered, he says, but the development phase should begin now.
“That would allow the Navy to get the more specialized aircraft it needs for a higher threat environment we’re facing in the future,” Clark says."
A Red Flag az marketing vagy valós szimuláció?
Mert csak a "kill ratio" alapján meg kell várni míg a a környék bevásárol F-16-ból és venni két századot ebből a csodagépből
Mostanában olvastam valahol, hogy az F-35A-k üzemeltetése csak 10%-al drágább az F-16-nál (USAF).
Vezetésnek el kell dönteni hogy akarnak-e valós légifölényt vagy sem ennyiért. Ha igen akkor lesz F-35, ha nem akkor marad a Gripen(vagy a romló kapcsolatokat elnézve még az F-16-ot se zárnám ki...).
A működés biztosítása érdekében a fórum alapvető, illetve opcionális sütiket használ..