Elszabadult konteók - hogy mindenkit megnyugtassak
- nem csak itt nálunk vannak:
"My guess is Putin is waiting for the right moment to strike. I believe this is when he believes NATO and particularly the US are distracted by internal problems. These internal problems may be caused by Russian intelligence or at least antagonized by them. A major terror attack, rioting, cops getting shot, etc.<b> I wouldn't be surprised if they have an entire department dedicated to manipulating Twitter. I bet a lot of old KGB guys are saying these young kids in disinformation have it so easy nowadays.</b> When I was an agent we had to actually forge real documents and travel abroad....
This whole thing with Turkey adds another dimension. Is he trying to get Turkey to be willing to prevent military access to Black Sea? That would be astonishing but with how everything is going nowadays." - írta egy tag a http://www.defconwarningsystem.com-on

"My guess is Putin is waiting for the right moment to strike. I believe this is when he believes NATO and particularly the US are distracted by internal problems. These internal problems may be caused by Russian intelligence or at least antagonized by them. A major terror attack, rioting, cops getting shot, etc.<b> I wouldn't be surprised if they have an entire department dedicated to manipulating Twitter. I bet a lot of old KGB guys are saying these young kids in disinformation have it so easy nowadays.</b> When I was an agent we had to actually forge real documents and travel abroad....
This whole thing with Turkey adds another dimension. Is he trying to get Turkey to be willing to prevent military access to Black Sea? That would be astonishing but with how everything is going nowadays." - írta egy tag a http://www.defconwarningsystem.com-on