[HÍREK] Ukrajnai fegyveres konfliktus

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    Ezen témában - a fórumon rendhagyó módon - az oldal üzemeltetője saját álláspontja, meggyőződése alapján nem enged bizonyos véleményeket, mivel meglátása szerint az káros a járványhelyzet enyhítését célzó törekvésekre.

    Kérünk, hogy a vírus veszélyességét kétségbe vonó, oltásellenes véleményed más platformon fejtsd ki. Nálunk ennek nincs helye. Az ilyen hozzászólásokért 1 alkalommal figyelmeztetés jár, majd folytatása esetén a témáról letiltás. Arra is kérünk, hogy a fórum más témáiba ne vigyétek át, mert azért viszont már a fórum egészéről letiltás járhat hosszabb-rövidebb időre.

  • Az elmúlt időszak tapasztalatai alapján frissített házirendet kapott a topic.


    A források, hírek preferáltak. Azoknak, akik veszik a fáradságot és összegyűjtik ezeket a főként harcokkal, a háború jelenlegi állásával és haditechnika szempontjából érdekes híreket, (mindegy milyen oldali) forrásokkal alátámasztják és bonuszként legalább a címet egy google fordítóba berakják, azoknak ismételten köszönjük az áldozatos munkáját és további kitartást kívánunk nekik!

    Ami nem a topik témájába vág vagy akár csak erősebb hangnemben is kerül megfogalmazásra, az valamilyen formában szankcionálva lesz

    Minden olyan hozzászólásért ami nem hír, vagy szorosan a konfliktushoz kapcsolódó vélemény / elemzés azért instant 3 nap topic letiltás jár. Aki pedig ezzel trükközne és folytatná másik topicban annak 2 hónap fórum ban a jussa.

    Az új szabályzat teljes szövege itt olvasható el.


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Az angolok megnézték munkájuk gyümölcsét:

404isztán energia minisztere tényleg algériában van:

ATGM ukrikara:

FPV drón:

Polák krab volt:

Szoledárnál likvidált ukrik:

Sparta drón gránátot dob egy ukrira:


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2011. október 5.
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Azt mondod hogy hivatalos tanulmany is van rola hogy hibbantak? :D

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Szerintem ez csak egy rasszista balfasz. Hasonlitsa ossze az indiai meg az ukran urprogramot peldaul. :D


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2022. február 25.
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Lengyelország és Magyarország betiltotta az ukrán mezőgazdasági termékek behozatalát​

Magyarország 24 féle mezőgazdasági termék, köztük gabona, zöldség, hús és méz importjára vezetett be Ukrajnából.
Korábban Lengyelország betiltotta az ukrán mezőgazdasági termékek exportját.
A döntéseket közvetlenül azután jelentették be, hogy az Európai Bizottság feloldotta az ukrán gabona behozatalára vonatkozó páneurópai tilalmat.
„Nem hallgatunk Berlinre, nem hallgatunk Von der Leyenre, Tuskra vagy Weberre! Megtesszük, mert ez a lengyel gazda érdeke!” – jelentette ki Mateusz Morawiecki lengyel miniszterelnök a lengyel tévében élőben.
Источник: https://rusvesna.su/news/1694802054


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2022. március 13.
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Soros Gyuri bácsi diverzáns osztálya ismét ontja az okosságot. Szerintem a Göbbelsi propaganda anyagok, vagy egy szovjet propaganda olyan kispálya ehhez képest, hogy azt elmondani nem lehet.
Végigpörgetitek a főoldalt:

15:21 Összeomlás közelében a Wagner​

16:14 Hatalmas gondokat okoz ez az ukrán fegyver az oroszoknak​

20:08 Kómába eshetett Kadirov, Putyin egyik leghűbb szövetségese​

20:08 Végóráit éli a Wagner, felpörgeti a Krím támadását Ukrajna​

20:33 Akkora a baj Oroszországban, hogy betilthatják az olajtermékek kivitelét​



Well-Known Member
2016. szeptember 1.
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Soros Gyuri bácsi diverzáns osztálya ismét ontja az okosságot. Szerintem a Göbbelsi propaganda anyagok, vagy egy szovjet propaganda olyan kispálya ehhez képest, hogy azt elmondani nem lehet.
Végigpörgetitek a főoldalt:

15:21 Összeomlás közelében a Wagner​

16:14 Hatalmas gondokat okoz ez az ukrán fegyver az oroszoknak​

20:08 Kómába eshetett Kadirov, Putyin egyik leghűbb szövetségese​

20:08 Végóráit éli a Wagner, felpörgeti a Krím támadását Ukrajna​

20:33 Akkora a baj Oroszországban, hogy betilthatják az olajtermékek kivitelét​

A portfolio nem tartozik az értékelhető források közé. Van szerencsém(?) ismerni egyik "újságírójukat"... :D

kegyetlen petymeg

Well-Known Member
2020. április 18.
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Az, hogy a szárazföldi haderőnem veszteségeket szenved a harcokban az nem meglepő dolog, de az, hogy a haditengerészet szenvedjen veszteségeket egy légierővel szinte nem rendelkező és haditengerészettel gyakorlatilag sem rendelkező Ukrajnától az azért probléma.
Valóban csodálatos.
Belegondolni sem merek, mire lennének képesek ezek a hősök, ha még a nyugat is segítené őket mindennel.
Ez egy igazi hősi eposz.


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2014. augusztus 22.
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Az, hogy a szárazföldi haderőnem veszteségeket szenved a harcokban az nem meglepő dolog, de az, hogy a haditengerészet szenvedjen veszteségeket egy légierővel szinte nem rendelkező és haditengerészettel gyakorlatilag sem rendelkező Ukrajnától az azért probléma.
lássuk Te hogyan védekeznél egy ilyen jellegű támadás ellen???
azt látjuk az oroszoknak, és az ukránoknak sem megy
hátha valami magyar ötlettel tudsz segíteni


Well-Known Member
2010. december 13.
Az, hogy a szárazföldi haderőnem veszteségeket szenved a harcokban az nem meglepő dolog, de az, hogy a haditengerészet szenvedjen veszteségeket egy légierővel szinte nem rendelkező és haditengerészettel gyakorlatilag sem rendelkező Ukrajnától az azért probléma.
Üdvözlöm. Most akkor van haditengerészete Ukrajnának vagy nincs? Azért mellékesen megkérdezném hány % os volt a találati arány, ezekkel a hiper szuper robot repülőgépekkel ? Annyit tudok, hogy a civil üzleti ,kapitalista életben az ilyen munkát, hatékonyságot. Pótolható vagy, felkiáltással intézik !! Ennél a Magyar építő ipar is tud különbet produkálni ,pedig vannak hullám völgyek.


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Az, hogy a szárazföldi haderőnem veszteségeket szenved a harcokban az nem meglepő dolog, de az, hogy a haditengerészet szenvedjen veszteségeket egy légierővel szinte nem rendelkező és haditengerészettel gyakorlatilag sem rendelkező Ukrajnától az azért probléma.

Hová tűnt Ukrajna haditengerészete és légiereje, talán elvitte a cica?


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To view this content we will need your consent to set third party cookies.
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2011. március 9.
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Mikor fogy ki a lőszer a hanyatló nyugaton?

Even after sending more than two million 155mm artillery rounds to Ukraine since February 2022, the Pentagon is “comfortable” in the view that it can continue to supply Kyiv with badly needed heavy ammunition while still meeting U.S. requirements, a spokesman told reporters on Thursday. To help meet both countries' demands, the plan is to increase the monthly production of these shells more than threefold by the end of next year.

The United States has dramatically ramped up artillery shell production capacity since the start of Russia’s full-on invasion of Ukraine, Air Force Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder, the Pentagon’s top spokesman, told reporters, including from The War Zone, Thursday. Production of 155mm artillery rounds went from 14,000 a month in February of 2022 to approximately 24,000 a month now, he said, adding that plans call for even greater increases.


“Currently, we plan to be at over 80,000 [155mm artillery shells] a month over the following year,” he said.

While these stockpiles “are not unlimited, we are comfortable where we're at right now with our stockpiles and we are comfortable that we will be able to continue to work closely with allies and partners around the world on that front,” said Ryder.

In April, Ukrainian parliamentary member Oleksandra Ustinova told the AP that the country's armed forces were firing between 6,000 and 8,000 155mm shells every day.

While the U.S. goal now is to produce between 80,000 and 85,000 shells per month by Fiscal Year 2025, challenges exist to reach that objective, a top Army official told reporters earlier this week.

The Army is also investing in “load, assemble and pack capacity, which is filling the shells with explosives, so they now become a functional weapon,” he said. “That capacity expansion is also underway at at least two locations.”

The final piece, he said, “is bringing in additional production either overseas or domestically, for the propellant that actually shoots [the shells] out of the cannon.”
“So all of those things do have to come together,” he said. “There are always risks in that. But I think we're getting the resources, getting on contract, and just working really closely every day with our industry partners, trying to help them knock down barriers to get there.”

“We are having to establish entirely new production lines, for the metal parts, the actual shells themselves,” said Doug Bush, assistant secretary of the Army for acquisition, logistics, and technology.


When it comes to supplying Ukraine, the United States is getting help from its international partners, Bush noted.

"We're working through our allies to help make sure Ukraine is supplied," he said. "So it's not all the United States. And I think that's a success story. You know, the United States is the arsenal of democracy, but we can have multiple arsenals in other democracies, and we have those and they're helping."

In March, European Union members announced their own plan to send one million 155mm artillery shells to Ukraine over the next year. Ukraine has been receiving artillery ammunition of various types from other countries around the world, too.

Those deliveries have included a number of different types of 155mm shells. This includes ones from the United States loaded with controversial cluster munitions known as Dual-Purpose Improved Conventional Munitions (DPICMs), as you can read more about here.

Ukrainian officials had been actively asking for these rounds, which have given them another tool for uprooting dug-in Russian forces occupying vast trench networks and for engaging large enemy formations in open terrain. U.S. officials have also cited stocks of DPICM rounds as just being a ready supply of badly need additional shells for Ukraine.

A graphic offering a general comparison between the effects of a cluster munition artillery round (at left), a unitary high-explosive one with an impact fuze (at center), and with an airburst fuze (at right). <em>DOD</em>

A graphic offering a general comparison between the effects of a cluster munition artillery round (at left), a unitary high-explosive one with an impact fuze (at center), and with an airburst fuze (at right). DOD

Ryder was asked on Thursday whether the DPICMs were seen as a “bridge” through 2025 to supply Ukraine while at the same time maintaining U.S. stocks as it ramps up production.

DPICMs, he said, were provided to Ukraine to give its troops “the capability to continue to take the fight to the enemy. We have all indications that they're employing those weapons properly on the battlefield, as they indicated they would. But 155mm [rounds] aside, whatever they need, we're going to continue to work closely to ensure that they have what's necessary to continue to fight and to take back some territory.”

Critics have warned that the individual submunitions in DPICM shells have historically had high failure rates and that unexploded ones could pose hazards to friendly forces and civilians. Ukraine has already provided the Pentagon with a report about the use of controversial American cluster munitions in the fight with Russia, a Ukrainian official told CNN on Wednesday.

"The official said the information transmitted to the Defense Department included both the number of rounds fired and the number of Russian targets destroyed, though the official declined to say what those figures are," CNN reported.

Given the challenges facing both Ukraine on the battlefield and the ability of the U.S. and allies to supply enough ammo for Kyiv and themselves, this is a situation we will continue to monitor closely and update when warranted.


Well-Known Member
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Mikor fogy ki a lőszer a hanyatló nyugaton?

Even after sending more than two million 155mm artillery rounds to Ukraine since February 2022, the Pentagon is “comfortable” in the view that it can continue to supply Kyiv with badly needed heavy ammunition while still meeting U.S. requirements, a spokesman told reporters on Thursday. To help meet both countries' demands, the plan is to increase the monthly production of these shells more than threefold by the end of next year.

The United States has dramatically ramped up artillery shell production capacity since the start of Russia’s full-on invasion of Ukraine, Air Force Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder, the Pentagon’s top spokesman, told reporters, including from The War Zone, Thursday. Production of 155mm artillery rounds went from 14,000 a month in February of 2022 to approximately 24,000 a month now, he said, adding that plans call for even greater increases.


“Currently, we plan to be at over 80,000 [155mm artillery shells] a month over the following year,” he said.

While these stockpiles “are not unlimited, we are comfortable where we're at right now with our stockpiles and we are comfortable that we will be able to continue to work closely with allies and partners around the world on that front,” said Ryder.

In April, Ukrainian parliamentary member Oleksandra Ustinova told the AP that the country's armed forces were firing between 6,000 and 8,000 155mm shells every day.

While the U.S. goal now is to produce between 80,000 and 85,000 shells per month by Fiscal Year 2025, challenges exist to reach that objective, a top Army official told reporters earlier this week.

The Army is also investing in “load, assemble and pack capacity, which is filling the shells with explosives, so they now become a functional weapon,” he said. “That capacity expansion is also underway at at least two locations.”

The final piece, he said, “is bringing in additional production either overseas or domestically, for the propellant that actually shoots [the shells] out of the cannon.”
“So all of those things do have to come together,” he said. “There are always risks in that. But I think we're getting the resources, getting on contract, and just working really closely every day with our industry partners, trying to help them knock down barriers to get there.”

“We are having to establish entirely new production lines, for the metal parts, the actual shells themselves,” said Doug Bush, assistant secretary of the Army for acquisition, logistics, and technology.


When it comes to supplying Ukraine, the United States is getting help from its international partners, Bush noted.

"We're working through our allies to help make sure Ukraine is supplied," he said. "So it's not all the United States. And I think that's a success story. You know, the United States is the arsenal of democracy, but we can have multiple arsenals in other democracies, and we have those and they're helping."

In March, European Union members announced their own plan to send one million 155mm artillery shells to Ukraine over the next year. Ukraine has been receiving artillery ammunition of various types from other countries around the world, too.

Those deliveries have included a number of different types of 155mm shells. This includes ones from the United States loaded with controversial cluster munitions known as Dual-Purpose Improved Conventional Munitions (DPICMs), as you can read more about here.

Ukrainian officials had been actively asking for these rounds, which have given them another tool for uprooting dug-in Russian forces occupying vast trench networks and for engaging large enemy formations in open terrain. U.S. officials have also cited stocks of DPICM rounds as just being a ready supply of badly need additional shells for Ukraine.

A graphic offering a general comparison between the effects of a cluster munition artillery round (at left), a unitary high-explosive one with an impact fuze (at center), and with an airburst fuze (at right). <em>DOD</em>

A graphic offering a general comparison between the effects of a cluster munition artillery round (at left), a unitary high-explosive one with an impact fuze (at center), and with an airburst fuze (at right). DOD

Ryder was asked on Thursday whether the DPICMs were seen as a “bridge” through 2025 to supply Ukraine while at the same time maintaining U.S. stocks as it ramps up production.

DPICMs, he said, were provided to Ukraine to give its troops “the capability to continue to take the fight to the enemy. We have all indications that they're employing those weapons properly on the battlefield, as they indicated they would. But 155mm [rounds] aside, whatever they need, we're going to continue to work closely to ensure that they have what's necessary to continue to fight and to take back some territory.”

Critics have warned that the individual submunitions in DPICM shells have historically had high failure rates and that unexploded ones could pose hazards to friendly forces and civilians. Ukraine has already provided the Pentagon with a report about the use of controversial American cluster munitions in the fight with Russia, a Ukrainian official told CNN on Wednesday.

"The official said the information transmitted to the Defense Department included both the number of rounds fired and the number of Russian targets destroyed, though the official declined to say what those figures are," CNN reported.

Given the challenges facing both Ukraine on the battlefield and the ability of the U.S. and allies to supply enough ammo for Kyiv and themselves, this is a situation we will continue to monitor closely and update when warranted.
Már kifogyott.Szerinted az európai társadalom meddig fogja ezt bírni?A mezőgazdaságot most döngölték a földbe az ukrán (mosanto) gabonával.Tudod te,hogy ennek milyen hatása lesz,mennyi munkahely fog megszünni?Borell a kertész mint egy céda egy hónnapja még könyörgött a lőszerért.A másik kérdés,hogy honnan lesz katona?A bukaresti kilenceknek sincs kedve a vágóhídra menni,és nem is fognak,genderbuzik nyugatról azt is kétlem,mentalitásuk egy nulla.