TF-X / MMU / Kaan (TAI, Törökország)

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TFX Mérnöki épület.

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  • Tetszik
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Kim Philby

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2010. április 19.
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Volt egy ilyen hír, de már meg is cáfolták...

Turkey, Pakistan to jointly develop fifth-generation fighter aircraft

Turkey and Pakistan have joined forces in the development and production of a new fifth-generation fighter aircraft.

“This is a Turkish-Pakistani fighter programme,” said Turkish Aerospace Industries (TUSAŞ) CEO, Temel Kotil, while holding a scale model of the Turkish Fighter Experimental (TF-X)/National Combat Aircraft (MMU) single-seat, twin-engine fifth-generation fighter aircraft in an interview with a Pakistani TV channel on 18 February.

“This is a fifth-generation fighter aircraft in which Pakistan and Turkey are now collaborating,” Pakistan Air Force (PAF) Air Vice Marshal Rizwan Riaz, pro-rector for Research, Innovation & Commercialisation (RIC) at National University of Science and Technology (NUST), said during the same interview.

The new fifth-generation fighter aircraft will be developed to meet the operational requirements for a fifth-generation aircraft of both countries and will replace the existing Lockheed Martin F-16 fighter aircraft fleets in service with the Turkish Air Force and the PAF.
  • Hűha
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2020. november 22.
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Turkey, Pakistan to jointly develop fifth-generation fighter aircraft

Turkey and Pakistan have joined forces in the development and production of a new fifth-generation fighter aircraft.

“This is a Turkish-Pakistani fighter programme,” said Turkish Aerospace Industries (TUSAŞ) CEO, Temel Kotil, while holding a scale model of the Turkish Fighter Experimental (TF-X)/National Combat Aircraft (MMU) single-seat, twin-engine fifth-generation fighter aircraft in an interview with a Pakistani TV channel on 18 February.

“This is a fifth-generation fighter aircraft in which Pakistan and Turkey are now collaborating,” Pakistan Air Force (PAF) Air Vice Marshal Rizwan Riaz, pro-rector for Research, Innovation & Commercialisation (RIC) at National University of Science and Technology (NUST), said during the same interview.

The new fifth-generation fighter aircraft will be developed to meet the operational requirements for a fifth-generation aircraft of both countries and will replace the existing Lockheed Martin F-16 fighter aircraft fleets in service with the Turkish Air Force and the PAF.
A hírt tagadták. Ez csak egy félreértés

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  • Tetszik
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A hírt tagadták. Ez csak egy félreértés

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Ha jól emlékszem, ennél a típusnál már csak török-kínai együttműködés nem került szóba, minden más igen...


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2010. április 19.
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Turkish Aerospace released a new animation of its TF-X 5th Generation Multirole Fighter Aircraft

Turkish Aerospace is the main contractor in the TF-X Program.

The TF-X, which is expected to leave the hangar on March 18, 2023 and start its engines for the first time, is expected to make its first flight in 2025-2026 and to enter the Turkish Air Force inventory after 2028.

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  • Tetszik
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2021. május 13.
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Úgy tűnik, hogy meglesz a finn és a svéd NATO tagság.

Maguk a törökök is azt állítják, hogy jól haladnak a tárgyalások. Mármint... nem Helsinkivel és Stockholmmal, de ez részletkérdés.
  • Tetszik
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2010. április 19.
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Turkish Aerospace (TA) is on course to deliver simultaneous milestones for Turkish Fighter Experimental (TF-X)/National Combat Aircraft (MMU) and the Hürjet advanced jet trainer aircraft, with the company telling Janes and other defence media that 18 March 2023/2025 will be highly significant dates for both projects.

Speaking at the Farnborough Airshow on 19 July, TA President and CEO Temel Kotil said the rollout of TF-X/MMU and the first flight of the Hürjet are both timed to take place on 18 March 2023 to coincide with Turkey's Gallipoli victory day. He added that the TF-X/MMU will make its maiden flight on the same day in 2025. “We are counting down the days,” Kotil said, adding, “Progress is going well, and we are on track – the rollout [of TF-X/MMU] is a big deal for us. The Hürjet will fly on the same day”.


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Arra gondol a kolléga, hogy nekünk lesz érdekes vagy a pakisztániaknak. :)
A pakisztániak is nagyon kíváncsiak. A technikusok a TFX prototípusát a hangárból, ahol gyártották, a végső futószalagra szállították. Az SSB vezérigazgatója ma egy televíziós csatornán azt mondta, hogy holnap mindenki látni fogja a TFX prototípusát. Ezért szerettem volna itt egy kicsit megosztani valamit. :hadonaszos:
