AW249 Fenice / AH-249 Phoenix (AgustaWestland,Leonardo)

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Leonardo AW249 Next Generation Gunship Helicopter Makes International Debut...






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Eurosatory: Leonardo showcases AW249 helicopter’s next gen design and capabilities

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Nem az elsot epitik, igy aztan annyira magabiztosak, hogy siman osszevissza valtoztatgatjak a programot:

"Under the revised timeline for the arrival of the two outstanding pre-serial (PS) aircraft, PS4 will be the next to get airborne – a maiden sortie is expected before the end of 2024 – and will be followed early next year by PS2.

The unusual sequencing is in keeping with the rest of the AW249 fleet: aircraft PS3 was actually the first to fly, in August 2022, followed in March 2023 by aircraft number 1, the programme’s only prototype.

But, says Alfonso, the programme has been structured so it is capable of “managing additional [customer] requests” without causing significant disruption.

“In some cases, our customers have different requirements and the flexibility we have built in allows us to reschedule the activity as required.”

Although each helicopter is allocated a primary role in the test programme – avionics or weapons integration, for example – there is sufficient overlap between each rotorcraft to permit a more flexible approach, he says.

Despite the final aircraft now not flying until early next year, there will be no change to the overall programme schedule, Alfonso notes, with deliveries to the Italian army due to begin in 2027."


Jovo ev elso negyedeveben indul a raketainditok tesztelese:

"Next year, this will be complemented by high-altitude testing, although an exact location for the campaign has yet to be determined, says Alfonso.

In addition, firing campaigns for the AW249’s weapons will continue, building on previous tests with the 20mm Oto Melara TM197B chin gun and 70mm unguided rockets in March this year.

Tests of Rafael Spike and Spike ER air-to-surface missiles, and an undisclosed air-to-air missile, are due to take place in the first quarter of 2025."


Ugyan 2027-tol mar szallitjak a hadseregnek, folyamatosan upgradelik majd, mar most megvannak az elso upgrade ciklus uj kepessegei:

"“It is introducing new capabilities and technologies – it is something more than just the newest combat helicopter,” he says.

A “truly open architecture” will allow new sensors and systems to be integrated to meet “evolving threats”, says Colombo.

Although launched with a set of baseline requirements, the Italian army has already identified four new capabilities – integration with air-launched effects, handover of very-long-range munitions, anti-drone protection, and AI for operations and logistics – to be added as part of a spiral upgrade programme.

Despite a maximum take-off weight of 8.3t – almost double that of the Mangusta – the AW249 retains the manoeuvrability of its predecessor, adding an advanced package of sensors and sensor-fusion technology to allow it to “fly below the tops of the trees” at over 100kt (185km/h), even in degraded visibility.

That will include the subsequent roll-out of an AI-driven “navigation aid tunnel” – a projection inside the helmet visor guiding pilots down a safe flightpath avoiding obstacles and threats."

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From a careful analysis of the parliamentary cards it emerges that to date there are already 17 machines under contract, out of a total planned of 48, with the start of deliveries confirmed in 2027.