Baltikumi légi rendészet - Baltic Air Policing

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2002 October 3 - 9.

October 3 - 9 Fighter jets performing NATO air police functions in the Baltic countries flew 4 times to identify and escort aircraft that violated the flight rules in the international airspace over the Baltic Sea.

October 3 NATO air police fighters identified two RF SU-27 aircraft escorting the RF AN-26 aircraft. The aircraft flew in international airspace from the Kaliningrad region of the Russian Federation to the mainland of the Russian Federation. Two SU-27 aircraft flew without a flight plan, without activated radar transponders, and did not maintain radio contact with the Regional Flight Control Center (RSVC). The AN-26 aircraft flew without a flight plan, with the radar transponder activated, and maintained radio communication with the RSVC.

October 4 NATO air police fighters identified the Russian aircraft IL-76, which was flying in international airspace from the Russian mainland to the Kaliningrad region of the Russian Federation. The aircraft was flying with the radar transponder on, in addition to the flight plan, radio communication with the RSVC was maintained.

The aircraft was accompanied by two RF SU-27 aircraft that flew through international airspace from the Kaliningrad region of the Russian Federation and returned to the Kaliningrad region of the Russian Federation. The aircraft flew without activated radar transponders, without a flight plan, and did not maintain radio communication with the RSVC.

The aircraft was also accompanied by two RF SU-30 aircraft that flew through international airspace from the RF mainland and returned to the RF mainland. The aircraft flew without activated radar transponders, without a flight plan, and did not maintain radio communication with the RSVC.

October 5 NATO air police fighters identified a Russian aircraft IL-76 flying in international airspace from the Kaliningrad region of the Russian Federation to the Russian mainland. The aircraft flew with the radar transponder on, with the flight plan, and maintained radio communication with the RSVC.

The aircraft was accompanied by two RF SU-27 aircraft that flew through international airspace from the Kaliningrad region of the Russian Federation and returned to the Kaliningrad region of the Russian Federation. The aircraft flew without activated radar transponders, without a flight plan, and did not maintain radio communication with the RSVC.

October 5 NATO air police fighters identified a Russian aircraft IL-76 flying in international airspace from the Kaliningrad region of the Russian Federation to the Russian mainland. The aircraft flew with the radar transponder on, with the flight plan, and maintained radio communication with the RSVC.

Also identified two RF SU-30 aircraft flying through international airspace from the RF mainland and returning to the RF mainland. The aircraft flew without activated radar transponders, without a flight plan, and did not maintain radio communication with the RSVC.

2022 October 10-16.

October 10 - 16 Fighter jets carrying out NATO air police functions in the Baltic countries took off 2 times to identify and escort aircraft that violated the flight rules in the international airspace over the Baltic Sea.

October 11 NATO air police fighters identified the Russian aircraft TU-134 flying in international airspace from the Kaliningrad region of the Russian Federation to the Russian mainland. The aircraft was flying with the radar transponder turned on, in addition to the flight plan, it maintained radio communication with the Regional Flight Control Center (RSVC).

October 13 NATO air police fighters identified a RF IL-62 aircraft and three RF MIG-31 aircraft flying in international airspace from the RF Kaliningrad region to the RF mainland. The IL-62 aircraft flew with the radar transponder turned on, with the flight plan, and maintained radio communication with the RSVC. Three MIG-31 aircraft flew with activated radar transponders, with a flight plan, did not maintain radio contact with the RSVC.

The aircraft were accompanied by two RF SU-27 aircraft that flew through the international airspace from the Kaliningrad region of the Russian Federation and returned to the Kaliningrad region of the Russian Federation. The aircraft flew without activated radar transponders, without a flight plan, and did not maintain radio communication with the RSVC. It was also accompanied by two RF SU-35 aircraft that flew through international airspace from the RF mainland and returned to the RF mainland. The aircraft flew without activated radar transponders, without a flight plan, and did not maintain radio communication with the RSVC.

2022 October 17-23.

October 17 - 23 NATO air police fighters in the Baltic States took off 4 times to patrol along the airspace border of the Baltic States with the Russian Federation (RF) and Belarus and to identify and escort aircraft that violated the flight rules in the international airspace over the Baltic Sea.

October 17 NATO air police fighters patrolled along the airspace border of the Baltic countries with the Russian Federation and Belarus.

October 18 NATO air police fighters patrolled along the airspace border of the Baltic countries with the Russian Federation and Belarus.

October 20 NATO air police fighters flew to identify the Russian SU-30 aircraft that was flying in international airspace from the Kaliningrad region of the Russian Federation and returned to the Kaliningrad region of the Russian Federation. The aircraft was flying without an activated radar transponder, without a flight plan, and did not maintain radio contact with the Regional Flight Control Center (RSVC).

October 21 NATO air police fighters flew to identify the Russian SU-30 aircraft that was flying in international airspace from the Kaliningrad region of the Russian Federation and returned to the Kaliningrad region of the Russian Federation. The aircraft was flying without the radar transponder activated, without a flight plan, and did not maintain radio communication with the RSVC.

2022 October 24 - 30.

October 24 - 30 NATO air police fighters in the Baltic States took off 5 times to patrol along the airspace border of the Baltic States with the Russian Federation (RF) and Belarus and to identify and escort aircraft that violated the flight rules in the international airspace over the Baltic Sea.

October 24 NATO air police fighters flew to identify the Russian IL-20 aircraft, which was flying through international airspace from the Russian mainland to the Kaliningrad region of the Russian Federation. The aircraft was flying without the activated radar transponder, without a flight plan, and maintained radio communication with the Regional Flight Control Center (RSVC).

October 25 NATO Air Police fighter jets flew to identify the RF IL-20 aircraft and two RF SU-27 aircraft flying through international airspace from the RF Kaliningrad region and returning to the RF Kaliningrad region. The aircraft flew without the activated radar transponder, without a flight plan, and did not maintain radio communication with the RSVC.

October 26 NATO air police fighters patrolled along the airspace border of the Baltic countries with the Russian Federation and Belarus.

October 27 NATO air police fighters patrolled along the airspace border of the Baltic countries with the Russian Federation and Belarus. October 28 NATO air police fighters flew to identify the Russian IL-20 aircraft, which was flying through international airspace from the Kaliningrad region of the Russian Federation to the Russian mainland. Also flew to identify two RF SU-27 aircraft that flew in international airspace from RF Kaliningrad region and returned back to RF Kaliningrad region. The aircraft flew without the activated radar transponder, without a flight plan, and did not maintain radio communication with the RSVC.
  • Tetszik
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A NATO balti légi rendészeti misszióját támogató olasz kontingens augusztus 1-je óta teljesít szolgálatot a lengyelországi Malbork melletti Królewo repülőtéren. Az olaszok december 1-ig maradnak Lengyelországban...



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2022 October 24 - 30.

October 24 - 30 NATO air police fighters in the Baltic States took off 5 times to patrol along the airspace border of the Baltic States with the Russian Federation (RF) and Belarus and to identify and escort aircraft that violated the flight rules in the international airspace over the Baltic Sea.

October 24 NATO air police fighters flew to identify the Russian IL-20 aircraft, which was flying through international airspace from the Russian mainland to the Kaliningrad region of the Russian Federation. The aircraft was flying without the activated radar transponder, without a flight plan, and maintained radio communication with the Regional Flight Control Center (RSVC).

October 25 NATO Air Police fighter jets flew to identify the RF IL-20 aircraft and two RF SU-27 aircraft flying through international airspace from the RF Kaliningrad region and returning to the RF Kaliningrad region. The aircraft flew without the activated radar transponder, without a flight plan, and did not maintain radio communication with the RSVC.

October 26 NATO air police fighters patrolled along the airspace border of the Baltic countries with the Russian Federation and Belarus.

October 27 NATO air police fighters patrolled along the airspace border of the Baltic countries with the Russian Federation and Belarus. October 28 NATO air police fighters flew to identify the Russian IL-20 aircraft, which was flying through international airspace from the Kaliningrad region of the Russian Federation to the Russian mainland. Also flew to identify two RF SU-27 aircraft that flew in international airspace from RF Kaliningrad region and returned back to RF Kaliningrad region. The aircraft flew without the activated radar transponder, without a flight plan, and did not maintain radio communication with the RSVC.

2022 October 31 – November 6.

On October 31 – November 6 fighter aircraft conducting the NATO Air Policing Mission in the Baltic states were scrambled 2 times to intercept military aircraft of the Russian Federation in the international airspace over the Baltic Sea flying in violation of international aviation flight rules.

On November 3 NATO Baltic Air Policing air detachment jets were scrambled to intercept one IL-78 flying from Kaliningrad oblast into international airspace and then to the mainland of the Russian Federation. Its onboard transponder was switched on, the crew had no pre-filed flight plan but maintained radio communication with the regional air control centre.

On November 4 NATO fighter aircraft intercepted one IL-76 flying from the mainland Russia to Kaliningrad through international air space with its onboard transponder off, without the flight plan, though maintaining radio communication with the regional air traffic control centre.

2022 November 7–13.

On November 7–13 fighter aircraft conducting the NATO Air Policing Mission in the Baltic states were not scrambled to intercept military aircraft of the Russian Federation in the international airspace over the Baltic Sea flying in violation of international aviation flight rules.

2022 November 21–27.

On November 21–27 fighter aircraft conducting the NATO Air Policing Mission in the Baltic states were scrambled three times to intercept military aircraft of the Russian Federation in the international airspace over the Baltic Sea flying in violation of international aviation flight rules.

On November 22 NATO Baltic Air Policing fighter aircraft were scrambled to intercept one IL-20 which flew into the international airspace from the mainland of the Russian Federation and then returned. Its onboard transponder was not switched on, no plan had been pre-filed for the flight, though the crew maintained radio communication with the regional air traffic control centre.

On November 22 NATO air policing fighter jets intercepted one SU-30 flying in international airspace from mainland Russia to Kaliningrad Oblast, its onboard transponder as on, the crew had no flight plan but maintained radio communication with the regional air traffic control centre.

On November 25 NATO air policing fighter aircraft intercepted one IL-20 flying from mainland Russia to Kaliningrad and then back via international airspace. Its onboard transponder as off, the crew had no flight plan and were not maintaining radio communication.

2022 November 28 – December 4.

On November 28–December 4 fighter aircraft conducting the NATO Air Policing Mission in the Baltic states were scrambled four times to intercept military aircraft of the Russian Federation in the international airspace over the Baltic Sea flying in violation of international aviation flight rules.

On November 29 NATO fighter aircraft conducting the Air Policing Mission in the Baltic states were scrambled to intercept and escort one AN-26 flying into international airspace from Kaliningrad and then to the mainland of the Russian Federation. Its onboard transponder was on, the crew had the flight plan and maintained radio communication with the regional air traffic control centre.

On December 1 NATO fighter aircraft were scrambled to intercept one IL-20 flying through international airspace from mainland Russia to Kaliningrad with its onboard transponder off, without the flight plan, but maintaining radio communication with the regional air traffic control. The NATO fighter aircraft also intercepted one AN-26 flying from mainland Russia to Kaliningrad through international airspace with its onboard transponder off, without the flight plan, only maintaining radio communication with the regional air traffic control centre.

On December 2 NATO air policing capability were scrambled to intercept one IL-20 which flew into international airspace from Kaliningrad and returned. Its onboard transponder was off, the crew had no flight plan and was not maintaining radio communication.

On December 3 NATO fighter aircraft intercepted one SU-27Pflying from mainland Russia to Kaliningrad via international airspace. Its onboard transponder was switched off, the crew did not have a pre-filed flight plan and was not keeping radio communication. The NATO fighter jets also intercepted one AN-26 flying from the mainland of the Russian Federation to Kaliningrad through international airspace. The aircraft had its onboard transponder off, no flight plan, maintaining radio commination with the regional air traffic control centre.
  • Tetszik
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In the period April–July 2023, the Carpathian Vipers detachment of the Romanian Air Force, composed of 4 F-16 multirole fighter aircraft and approximately 100 Romanian military personnel, was deployed to the Šiauliai Air Base, Lithuania, where it ensured the Reinforced Air Police Service in Baltic countries.

The mission of the detachment was to protect the integrity of the airspace of the Baltic States and represented a fundamental component of NATO's commitment to its members. F-16 fighter jets continuously provided early warning and intervention to clarify the air situation, applying legal measures against aircraft using unauthorized Baltic airspace.

The Romanian contingent deployed outside the national territory was under the operational command of the Commander of the Joint Forces Command, the Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces in Europe (SACEUR) and under the administrative command of the Chief of Staff of the Air Force.

The Romanian Air Force has thus completed the second air police mission in Lithuania, the first being carried out in 2007, when the Romanian detachment performed combat duty with 4 MiG-21 LanceR aircraft.

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  • Tetszik
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20 Years of NATO’s Baltic Air Policing mission...

NATO’s Combined Air Operations Centre Uedem, Germany, has been responsible leading the mission under the NATO Integrated Air and Missile Defence System (NATINAMDS). Seventeen Allies have since taken turns to safeguard and preserve the integrity of the Baltic States’ airspace by deploying fighter detachments to Šiauliai, and – since 2014 – also to Ämari, Estonia.
Under Baltic Air Policing, Lithuania has hosted 64 consecutive rotations of Allied fighter jets safeguarding NATO’s airspace in the region.


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