WSJ feltett egy jo cikket az egyik kulcsemberrol, aki az amerikaiak emberenek szamitott eddig - na, ohozza ment Nuland:
At Center of Niger’s Coup Is One of America’s Favorite Generals
Brig. Gen. Moussa Salaou Barmou, long courted by Washington as a partner against Islamist extremism, has emerged as the main diplomatic channel between the U.S. and the junta
Barmou is a guy the U.S. military has courted for almost 30 years. He is a guy the U.S. sent to Washington, D.C.,’s prestigious National Defense University. He is a guy who has invited American officers to his home for dinner. He is a guy in charge of elite forces crucial to stemming the flood of al Qaeda and Islamic State fighters across western Africa.
“Brig. Gen. Barmou,” a U.S. defense official said just a few months ago, “is the guy.”
He may still be.
In the two weeks since Niger’s coup, Barmou has emerged as the main diplomatic channel between the U.S. and the junta. American officers and diplomats have his number in their cellphones and think he’s their best chance of restoring democracy and preventing a messy regional war that would plunge one of the poorest parts of the world deeper into crisis.
Barmou sat down in Niamey, Niger’s capital, for two hours on Monday with Victoria Nuland, the acting U.S. deputy secretary of state. The talks have so far proved frustrating. But Nuland, knowing Barmou’s long affinity for the U.S., urged him to broker a deal that would allow Niger and its longtime Western allies to get back to fighting al Qaeda, Islamic State and Boko Haram militants and stop the country from becoming another African outpost for Russia and its paramilitary Wagner Group.
“A lot of us who like him are sort of hoping he can help guide this thing to a soft landing,” said retired Air Force Maj. Gen. Mark Hicks, who headed American special-operations forces in Africa from 2017 to 2019 and considers Barmou a close personal friend.
Jo hosszu cikk, egy terkepen meg a US dron- meg spec ops bazisok is be vannak jelolve rajta.
Ugyanaz az az érdek, ami az északi áramlatot felrobbantotta, annak egy puccs semmi, hogy megakadályozza a nigériai gázvezetéket Európába.
De így már az is világosabb a Mali csapatokat miért akadályozta a helyi Al-Kaida. Hisz korábban ez a puccsista tábornok vezette a nigeri különleges alakulatokat épp az al-Kaida, az Iszlám Állam és a Boko Haram ellen.
Semmi sem fekete -feher.