Ó persze!hulyesegeket beszelsz. ha rendori tulkapasokra gondolok, akor mas esetekre is, nem csak erre.
amugy van miert lenezni az amcsi rendoroket...itt van par hir..
rendor kirugva mert basztatot egy 5 eves gyereket
Body camera footage has shown US police officers handcuffing and screaming at a five-year-old boy who had walked away from his school.
rendor kirugva mert letartoztatott 2 6 eves gyereket
US policeman sacked for arresting two six-year-olds
A six-year-old girl was handcuffed and charged with battery, her grandmother told US media.www.bbc.com
itt kitaroltak egy autista gyerekre, akinek az anya hivta a 911 mert elkapta valami tamadas, orditott es visitott es nem akart a korhazba menni.
Autistic teenager in Utah shot by police after mother calls for help
Golda Barton called Salt Lake City police to help with her 13-year-old son's mental health crisis.www.bbc.com
viszaterve az esetre, a katona beperelte mind a 2 rendort (a bajszost mar kirugtak) es nezzd csak miert:
The suit, filed at the US District Court of Norfolk, Virginia, against the two Windsor Police Department officers, Joe Gutierrez and Daniel Crocker, alleges violations to his constitutional rights, and includes assault, illegal search and illegal detention.
És szerinted, ha a hadnagy úr nem afroamerikai lenne, akkor is ennyire aktívan foglalkoznának az üggyel?

Az USA-ban megfelelő ügyvéddel mindent perre lehet vinni, és nyerni.