Huh?A használható hidrogénbomba orosz találmány. Más, mint a Teller féle. A Teller féle egy épület volt. A szovjet egy végtelenségig felskálázható réteges cucc.

History of the Teller–Ulam design - Wikipedia
A layered cake design, a "1st idea", egy total zsakutca volt, nem is H-bomb:
"The first Soviet fusion design, developed by Andrei Sakharov and Vitaly Ginzburg in 1949 (before the Soviets had a working fission bomb), was dubbed the Sloika, after a Russian layered puff pastry, and was not of the Teller–Ulam configuration, but rather used alternating layers of fissile material and lithium deuteride fusion fuel spiked with tritium (this was later dubbed Sakharov's "First Idea"). Though nuclear fusion was technically achieved, it did not have the scaling property of a "staged" weapon, and their first "hydrogen bomb" test, "Joe 4" is no longer considered to be a "true" hydrogen bomb, and is rather considered a hybrid fission/fusion device more similar to a large boosted fission weapon than a Teller–Ulam weapon "
A működőképes "Third idea' az egy az egyben az Ulam-Teller design, evekkel azutan, ezt maguk az oroszok is elismerik, de persze tagadjak, hogy loptak volna:
I"n late 1953, physicist Viktor Davidenko achieved the first breakthrough, that of keeping the primary and the secondary parts of the bombs in separate pieces ("staging"). The next breakthrough was discovered and developed by Sakharov and Yakov Zeldovich, that of using the X-rays from the fission bomb to compress the secondary before fusion ("radiation implosion"), in the spring of 1954. Sakharov's "Third Idea", as the Teller–Ulam design was known in the Soviet Union, was tested in the shot "RDS-37" in November 1955 with a yield of 1.6 Mt (6.7 PJ)."
Utobbi a Teller-fele ötlet volt, a compression - ezt utolag a Tellert meglehetősen utaló (gyakran komcsi, mint pl Oppenheimer) más tudósok nem akarták elismerni, a lengyel matematikus igy lett "társszerző" hivatalosan, de maga a design az Tellere, ma mar tudjuk.
Amúgy mindig mondom, hogy ebben (volt?) nagyszerű mindig Amerika, itt dolgozhatsz és fejleszthetsz, epithetsz olyan meretekben, ami odahza elkepzelhetetlen volt, ráadásul átlagos business esetén (nem atom stb) a kutya nem is szólt bele.