Némi jogi szopódás arról, hogyan lehetne ..khm.. kölcsönként folyósítani a CBR (Orosz központi bank) zárolt pénzét ukrajnának.
Egyszerre végtelenül vicces és szomorú az egész:
G7 states could loan Russia’s frozen central bank reserves to Ukraine. Is this legally feasible?
A vége:
Exploring legally viable alternatives to confiscation of CBR assets remains a complex but essential task, demonstrating a commitment to both supporting Ukraine and upholding international law. However, no perfect solution exists, and all options involving CBR assets as collateral carry inherent risks.
The discussed options hinge on temporarily suspending legal obligations owed to Russia, which is legally feasible so long as it aims to pressure Russia to provide reparation to Ukraine. However, in all scenarios, there are potential dilemmas if damages are not awarded to Ukraine or if a negotiated settlement is not reached. In such cases, difficult decisions may be necessary, including whether to confiscate the assets or accept the risk of Ukraine defaulting on its debt. Whether the G7 or potential investors in the market are willing to take on such a risk remains to be seen.
The viability of collateralizing CBR assets is intricately linked to the question of risk allocation. Accepting some level of risk is unavoidable. Mobilizing frozen assets during an ongoing conflict with uncertain outcomes inherently carries the possibility that confiscation, though undesirable, might ultimately be unavoidable.
legal avenues exist to pursue alternatives, G7 states must be fully transparent about the potential consequences of the chosen course of action and be prepared to accept the resulting risks. After all, supporting a nation under aggression inherently involves a degree of risk, but inaction carries its own set of risks, potentially emboldening the aggressor and jeopardizing international security.