Hat, ugy legyen. Nekem az eleg kodos, hogy abbol konkretan mennyi megy hardverre es mennyi lesz a mgmt ktg...Nem csak az az összeg megy a Chally-ra. Elvileg. A LEP program mellett párhuzamosan fut még a HAAIP progi is, ami a meghajtás teszi rendbe, növeli a motor, felfüggesztés megbízhatóságát élettartalmát és egységesíti a különböző feladatú Challenger 2 alvázas járműveket.
Modernising the Army will mean some legacy platforms that have already been extended beyond their planned life will be retired. In doing so, the Army will be able to invest new funds into accelerating the in-service date of the Boxer armoured vehicle and enhancing its capability. Boxer will allow the Army to respond at pace to deliver soldiers around the battlefield, travelling long distances quickly, cross country, and in the most austere and hostile environments.
As planned, the Army will invest around £1.3-billion in our armoured capability by upgrading 148 of our main battle tanks to ensure the Challenger III will become one of the most protected and most lethal in Europe. The remaining fleet will be retired. We will no longer upgrade Warrior but it will remain in service until replaced by Boxer, which we expect to happen by the middle of this decade.
Úgy néz ki a Warrior-t is a sima, APC feladatú Boxer fogja váltani. Sehol sincs utalás a white paper-ben egy IFV modulra. Szép lesz nagyon...