EMB 312 Tucano / EMB 314 Super Tucano / A-29 A/B/N (Embraer, Brazília)

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The Philippine Air Force (PAF) said the Embraer A-29B "Super Tucano" attack aircraft which was recently damaged during a "routine" maintenance check flight is repairable and will be returned immediately to service once the needed parts and technicians arrive from Brazil...

The PAF said the aircraft was damaged following a routine maintenance equipment check flight (ECF) in Clark Air Base, Pampanga.

At the time of the mishap, the aircraft was being flown by a Brazilian instructor pilot from Embraer as "pilot-in-command" with the PAF 15th Strike Wing commander as "observer/passenger" during the flight.


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First Super Tucano Light Attackers Delivered to Nigeria

A first batch of six Embraer/Sierra Nevada A-29 Super Tucano training aircraft left the U.S. on July 14 on their delivery flight to Nigeria. The journey involved stops in Canada, Greenland, Iceland, UK, Spain, and Algeria. The type will be formally inducted into Nigerian Air Force (NAF) service at a ceremony to be held in August.

Following several delays, a contract for 12 A-29s was placed by the U.S. Department of Defense on behalf of Nigeria with Sierra Nevada Corporation (SNC) and Embraer Defense & Security in November 2018. The country became the 14th air force to adopt the type. The contract provides for a comprehensive ground systems, training, and support package, including field service representatives.

The aircraft are built in Embraer’s plant at Jacksonville, Florida, before modification by Sierra Nevada Corporation (SNC) at Centennial in Colorado. A number of the first batch have been based at Moody Air Force Base in Georgia, for pilot and technician training. The second batch of six is due to follow around the end of the year. Initial images released by SNC depicted an aircraft in a sand-colored, two-tone "desert" scheme, but subsequent images show aircraft with a green/brown “jungle” camouflage.

Procurement of the A-29s is part of a major NAF effort to expand its attack forces as it faces Islamic State and Boko Haram insurgents, mainly in the north of the country. With its armed intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance capability, and the ability to operate from austere bases, the A-29 is an ideal platform for counter-terrorism and irregular warfare operations.

In May this year, the NAF inducted three PAC JF-17 Thunder jet fighters for “type familiarization”, with an aim of possibly procuring as many as 40 from Pakistan. Nigeria also claimed in March to have 24 Leonardo M-346FA fighter/attack jets on order, although the manufacturer subsequently denied that a firm order had been placed. In the meantime, NAF technicians have been working hard to restore a number of retired fighter/attack assets to operational status, including Dassault Alpha Jet and Aero L-39ZA Albatros armed trainers, and Chengdu F-7Ni fighters.

Prestwick International Airport, 19-07-2021





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"The Air Force Command informs that a pilot from the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) ejected himself, this Monday (13/09), near Campo Grande (MS), after detecting a technical failure in the fighter aircraft A-29 Super Tucano during training flight. The aircraft was directed to an uninhabited region, where it collided with the ground. The pilot was rescued by an H-60 Black Hawk helicopter from the Pelican Squadron (2nd/10th GAV), doing well and receiving medical care. The occurrence will be investigated by the Air Force Command."


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Miért van értelme egy turbó-prop támadógépnek napjainkban?
(Egyébként ajánlom ezt a csatornát - az előadó tényleg nagyon vágja a légi hadviselést. Képzett replülő-mérnök és ezena területen is dolgozik valamelyik neves angol cégnél. Különösen jók a légiharc-rakétákról szóló videói.)

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2021.08.15. Az új tulajdonosok...

Egyszeruen nem tudom elhinni, hogy az afganoknak szallitott amerikai, nyugati, vagy eppen az amerikaiakon keresztul erkezö brazil csucstechnologias fegyverek elektronikajaba nem epitettek be kulön titkos lehetöseget arra, hogy muholdon keresztul kommunikaljanak a geppel, amikor azt beinditjak, kapcsolodik a GPS-hez es hasonlok. Lehetöseg arra, hogy tavolrol kuldött kodolt paranncsal tönkre lehessen tenni fizikailag, pl valami tularomot kuldeni erzekeny elektronikaba, vagy siman csak lehetetlenne tenni kodolt parancs utan az elinditasat. Vagy ha a GPS alapjan a gep biztosan kulföldre kerul, akkor is törtenjen vele valami.
Az afganoknak fegyvert szallito orszagoknak ott volt klasszikus peldakent a Stingerek esete, es azt nyilvan ök is erzekeltek, hogy a mostani afgan vezetes sem erös, viszont korrupt, es komoly eselye van, hogy a fegyverek ellenseghez jutnak, pl mert akar a korrupt vezetes eladja Kinanak, barmi.
Megjegyzem, pl a pakisztannak szallitott F-16-ok kapcsan volt az indiai geplelövesekkor hir, hogy az amerikaiak tavolrol erzekeltek allitolag, hogy az F-16-ok akkor szerintuk nem voltak a levegöben.
Oriasi hirszerzesi hiba az összes erintett nyugati orszagnak, beleertve akar a magyarokat is, hogy nem derult ki az utolso percig sem, hogy az afgan hadsereg harcerteke nulla. Mert ha csak gyanitottak volna, hogy az afgan hadsereg semmit se er, akkor nyilvan lassabban, szervezettebben, sajat maguk iranyitasa alatt törtent volna a kivonulas.
  • Tetszik
Reactions: Király Fika


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HALCON, a regional leader in the production and supply of precision-guided weapons, is exploring with Embraer, the global Brazilian aircraft manufacturer, opportunities to integrate its weapon systems onto the Embraer A-29 Super Tucano aircraft.

HALCON is an advanced developer of drop-launched, unpropelled, precision-guidance kit systems that incorporate aerodynamic tail controls to guide down-range, cross-range, and back-range. These air-to-surface kits provide guided delivery for NATO STD warheads of Mk81 and Mk82, as well as purpose designed warheads for the Desert Sting series from 5kg to 25kg.

HALCON is part of the Missiles & Weapons cluster within EDGE, an advanced technology group for defence and beyond that ranks among the top 25 military suppliers in the world.


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2021. július 17.
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HALCON, a regional leader in the production and supply of precision-guided weapons, is exploring with Embraer, the global Brazilian aircraft manufacturer, opportunities to integrate its weapon systems onto the Embraer A-29 Super Tucano aircraft.

HALCON is an advanced developer of drop-launched, unpropelled, precision-guidance kit systems that incorporate aerodynamic tail controls to guide down-range, cross-range, and back-range. These air-to-surface kits provide guided delivery for NATO STD warheads of Mk81 and Mk82, as well as purpose designed warheads for the Desert Sting series from 5kg to 25kg.

HALCON is part of the Missiles & Weapons cluster within EDGE, an advanced technology group for defence and beyond that ranks among the top 25 military suppliers in the world.
Ez Desert Sting eléggé a török drón fegyverekre hajaz...

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