F-117 Nighthawk (Lockheed,USA)

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"In 2017, and not publiced by any other open source so far, Scramble received very reliable information that at least four F-117s were deployed to the Middle East as an operational need emerged for the USAF to resurrect the Stealth F-117 for special purposes. One of the deployed aircraft was involved in an in-flight emergency and landed far away from its temporary homebase that was likely located in Saudi Arabia, the UAE or Qatar. During this extremely covert deployment the four Nighthawks flew missions above Syria an Iraq with Small Diameter Bombs (SDBs)."


"Our F-117 Nighthawk scoop continues!

Following our F-117 report from 2 March 2019 , that was published at our social media SFN and that went viral all over the world, we can now publish additional information.

Although (and of course) we will not reveal our sources, the following information has never been shared before (except for our Scramble magazine hardcopy - issue 479 - that was published yesterday).

Recent years have seen some peculiar facts related to the Operation Inherent Resolve (OIR), the combined operation to defeat ISIS/ Daesh, in and over Iraq and Syria. This operation was largely manned and staffed by USAF personnel, but allied nations were invited to join the operation. During the OIR heydays some 36 countries were involved.

Scramble has spoken to former OIR members (originating from at least two other countries than USA) and we can reveal that one F-117A made an emergency landing at the airbase of Ali Al Salem (AAS) in Kuwait during Q4/2016 (AAS is known as the nearest allied fixed wing airfield south of Iraq).

Ever since the beginning of being used by the US and allies, Ali Al Salem is renowned because of its secret spaces and hide-outs. This can evidently be seen on Google Earth. The above mentioned facts are (were) possibly the reasons for using AAS as a Nighthawk alternate or emergency landing base.

During the aforementioned landing, which occurred during dawn, the unfortunate Nighthawk was accompanied by its wingman. The latter did not land at AAS, but continued its route to its deployment base. This scene was seen by some lucky OIR personnel. One of these personnel managed to make a poor quality long distance iPhone-picture of the (chase) landing of the two birds followed by the broken aircraft standing at one of the tarmacs of AAS. Without any doubt, this was at AAS, as infrastructure characteristics and then deployed aircraft to AAS were clearly identified together with the broken F-117A.

We reported earlier about the Small Diameter Bombs (SDB) in combination with the Nighthawk missions. These weapons were possibly used in deliberate (moving) targeting, in that way the US could minimize casualties during their undisclosed missions deep into Syria in which other US aircraft were not selected (not even stealthy F-22s, maybe because it was too sensitive to send an expensive Raptor that deep into Assads territory). As the F-117s possibly returned due to unfinished business, the Nighthawks were also used over the densely populated Mosul area (with narrow streets and fortified bunkers) during the Battle of Mosul.

This sometimes very technical targeting, in combination with stealth (not necessary in Iraq) and slow speed, was something an F-22, F-15, B-1, B-52 and F-16 were not capable of doing.

As for the SDBs .... this is somewhat questionable if the F-117 indeed used this very smart and precise weapon. As far as we know, the one one seven was never certified for use of this weapon. Maybe that information is incorrect and like the way it goes... not all brands of Cola are Coca Cola, but many people order it like that. As the SDB was the weapon of choice in OIR, a verdict is done quite quickly. But .... there is also a possibiliy the F-117 was certified to use SDBs during their secretive test flights from Tonopah. And that makes also sence, as the stand-off range of an SDB is limited (some 60 miles), the stealth F-117s could fly closer to their targets in Assad territory - heavily guarded by a massive belt of air defense systems - do drop their weapons on a target.

As for the quantity of F-117As deployed. We have been told that there were at least four aircraft involved. The deployment base was most probably in Qatar or Saudi Arabia. We can confirm that they flew only during nighttime and strikingly, they used call sign: HELI. This name was most probably chosen as HELI gave less attention in the Air Tasking Order (ATO) of OIR that is observed by many military. As known, several (secretive) helicopter operations also took place throughout the whole OIR area of operations. Strikingly, the F-117 flight through Death Valley used LEHI as call-sign.

For now, with the vanishing of most terrorists (ISIS) from Iraqi and Syrian territory, it seems that the USAF found, once again, an opportunity to show the Nighthawk in the open. Flying low and slow buzzing Death Valley, with even a waving pilot in its office, the pilot knew he and his fantastic aircraft were watched and photographed by some very lucky people!

An educated guess of Scramble is that these out-in-the-open flights possibly could mean (again, it is just an educated guess) that the test-flights of the F-117s are ended and this was a kind of an unofficial farewell flight.

Hopefully, again more information will become available in the near future, and hopefully our educated guess is wrong!

Scramble editorial note: The owner of the iPhone is trustful. Unfortunately, he was not allowed to give us the pictures of AAS as scrupulous rules were given to all AAS and OIR personnel about the emergency landing at that time. (but we can assure you, although of poor quality, they looked adrenaline-kicking great!). Following the F-117s flights through Death Valley, the involved person consulted a high ranking OIR commander who gave permission to publish the aforementioned words."


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2010. április 19.
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Ez legyen meg itt is...

Az F-117A kétféle függőleges vezérsíkkal rendelkezett.
Az egyik egy sima fém vezérsík amelyikkel általában békeidőben repült, akár bemutatót is, és egy másikkal harci bevetésekre, ami egy méhsejt szerkezetű kompozit.
(Dani Zolinak van belőle, nála fogdostam meg.)
Az utóbbinak jelentősen limitált a belehúzható G mértéke, ez említve is van amúgy az F-117A Flight Manuálban.

És akkor még egy kis adalék a kompozit vs alu lopakodó témában...

If only conventional metallic structural materials like aluminum, steel, and titanium were employed in the design, the structures experts predicted the resultant design would weigh so much that there would be no practical use for the aircraft. Therefore, the extensive use of composites required in the design was considered a major risk. The B-2 program constructed a risk closure plan for the composites as part of the FSED risk reduction phase of the program and set September 1983 as the wing material decision date (WMDD). The team of the best talent in composites from Northrop, Boeing, Vought, and the Air Force, to be led by Boeing, was assembled at the development center in Seattle, Washington. The team met in December 1981 and developed criteria for success for design allowables, manufacturing, tooling (tool life), producability (repeatability and cost basis data), and supportability. The team built three 50 foot long wing sections representative of the outboard wing panels. They also built several wing box sections of the outboard wing. These pieces were extensively tested and inspected. Teardown of every tested piece was accomplished and results
were analyzed against the pre-test predictions and against the criteria. The team also initiated an aluminum wing design of the air vehicle made of conventional metals. This design was to compare the weight, cost, schedule, risk, and manufacturing approach to the composite design. It was a risk mitigation strategy in the event the composite design was not successful. The team met in September 1983 to review the work and results of the tests, inspections, and analysis; they declared the risk closed and the composite approach as viable, thus establishing it as the B-2 program baseline.


B-2 Systems Engineering Case Study

... lényeg hogy gyártottak kompozit és alu kisérleti B-2 szárnyelemet is (83-ban még nem tudták hogy sikerül-e ekkora méretű kompozit előállítása), de alapvetően nem a lopakodó képesség, hanem a súly miatt volt fontos a kompozit. Alu szárny esetén a harci teher értékelhetetlen méretűre csökkent volna.
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Kapcsolódóan a Lockheed Martin videója
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Van valakinek forrása arról, hogy az AF alatt és a kivonásig az F-117-esek mennyi harci bevetést repültek?
Én ezt találtam az AF-ről. Reálisnak tűnik a 400 körüli érték.
https://books.google.hu/books?id=FmI5DQAAQBAJ&lpg=PT291&ots=Bany5S21KH&dq=f-117 sorties afghanistan&hl=hu&pg=PT291#v=onepage&q=f-117 sorties afghanistan&f=false

Nálam 24 gép összesen harci 279 bevetést teljesített, 77 nap alatt, de a forrását már nem tudom.
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