Ukrajna: Szabad fegyverviselés a civileknek.
A belügyminiszterük ellenezte, a honvédelmi miniszterük támogatta.According to the seventh article of the bill, citizens will have the right to own firearms and ammunition belonging to individuals and legal entities, except:
- smooth-bore short-barreled firearms designed for firing ammunition;
- revolvers;
- rifled weapons with a caliber of more than 12.7 mm, if the flight speed of his bullet exceeds 700 m / s;
- long-barreled smooth-bore firearms with a caliber of more than 27 millimeters;
- ammunition for armor-piercing, explosive or incendiary, as well as shells for such ammunition;
- overhead rifled barrels for smoothbore firearms;
- ammunition specially designed to enhance penetrating and striking action.
The approved draft №4335-1 provided for a permit to carry them