“To stop funding Ukraine is a death sentence to Taiwan.”
"Thus, I believe the calculus is as follows: Russia wins in Ukraine = the West is weakened and pressure on Taiwan defuses, lessening the chances of war and strengthening the chances of China pursuing peaceful reunification.
Russia loses in Ukraine = the West gets arrogant and uses their victory as proof they can weaken China the same way they did to Russia. This will lead China to feel they have no alternative than to act decisively."
"Is it worth talking about the results on the battlefield next year, when the enemy will build a UAV production plant, produce thousands of new Lancets, and receive new MLRS from the DPRK."
Orosz dróngyártás az ellentámadás előtt és után:
"As you can see from the above pic, the units are magnetized and can be stuck on any part of the tank to work. "
(Videó az írásban a ruszkik Volnoreza harcjárművekre szerelt anti-drón rendszeréről, bár a rendszert a felirat kitakarja.
Ilyen állítások vannak leírva:
"Today, a column of tanks or a column of advancing troops can be discovered in three to five minutes and hit in another three minutes," Maj. Gen. Vadym Skibitsky, the deputy commander of Ukraine's HUR military-intelligence service,
told The Wall Street Journal."
Az amerikaiak szerint:
"The days of massed armored assaults, taking many kilometers of ground at a time, like we did in 2003 in Iraq — that stuff is gone because the drones have become so effective now," Bradley Crawford, a retired US Army sergeant who's an Iraq war veteran, told the newspaper."
Ennek ellenére ilyenekkel etetik a mélyFOSt:
„Az oroszok elszaladnak” a Bradley-k elől... Akkor miért égnek a „játék megváltoztatói” a mezőkön? @DDGeopolitics
Miközben az ukrán veszteségek:
"According to the Dnipropetrovsk funeral bureau, at least 22,000 people who died on the frontline have been buried in the city over a year and a half. (There are 20 such regions in Ukraine)
Reports from at least 20 Ukrainian regions confirm that the number of confirmed dead is at least
450,000-500,000 servicemen.
And those whose deaths are not documented by doctors and are not counted as military losses are listed as missing.
Those who died on the home front are usually not included in the lists of combat losses.
Thus, the
irrecoverable losses of the Ukrainian army are estimated at
700,000-800,000 people. And, taking into account deserters and simians, they are approaching one million"
"There are 3 million people with disabilities in Ukraine. There were 2.7 million. In a year and a half, we see an increase of about 300 thousand ."
A szeptember 2. - szeptember 29. közötti ukrán veszteségek:
Ukrajna lakossága az ukránok szerint közben már csak 23 millió fő (férfi, nő, gyerek, fiatalok, idősek). Megyó szerint ez még kevesebb:
“The population on the territory controlled by Kiev is 19.7 million people, outside the country - already 17.9 million. In fact, half of 37 million in 2022 and about 40% of the population at the beginning of the 21st century"
Ukrajna várható demográfiai adatai:
Az ukrán helyzet:
"Firstly, Zelensky right now is operating under the principle of the movie Speed with Keanu Reeves, for those that have seen it. A speed-governed bomb on a bus requires that the bus never stops or it explodes. Zelensky knows if he allows the armed forces to take even the slightest reprieve, it will be perceived as an acknowledgment of defeat, and a preliminary to wrapping up hostilities."
De mit tervez Oroszország?
"Firstly, there continues to be rumors that a newly formed Russian 25th CAA (Combined Arms Army) has been sent toward Kupyansk and that something big will start in that theater. This is aided by the fact that Russia has launched an emphatic campaign of destroying AFU’s bridges and crossings in that region over the past few weeks alone."
"In support of that, Russian Duma Deputy Speaker Pyotr Tolstoy confirmed that Russia intends to retake Odessa, Nikolaev, Dnepropetrovsk, and Kharkov."
Van egy elemzés a háború elejei bunkerrombolásokról is, videókkal, illetve, hogy a légvédelem 90%át lőtték ki a "béna oroszok", "akik nem látnak a sötétben sem":
"And they describe how a Soviet bunker meant to withstand nukes was annihilated by unknown Russian missiles with such force that “there was blood all over the walls and the victims’ eyeballs flew out of their heads”
"How many entire armies does Russia have to destroy for some people to understand what a colossal effort it’s been, and how many military history books will be written about this achievement?"
"Without reserves, the men will break. If you do not have reserves, you cannot wage war. Ukraine has committed it's strategic reserves into the offensive without the vanguard having first breached. The question then arises - if you are committing your reserves, what are they going to be supported with when the battles are done?
Kiev is no longer waging professional warfare by any metric of the term. It is now conducting the equivalent of a gambler who loses a hand, throws twice the money down to try again, loses again, and then moves onto the credit card, assuming that when the credit card is maxed out, it will somehow still be able to put money down."
Simplicius írása - a frontról, a Wagnerről, agybeteg temetkezésekről, korábbi katonai megállapításokról, stb. - amúgy itt olvasható:
As we head into fall and winter, the situation continues to worsen for Ukraine. The biggest developments have happened outside the locus of the conflict itself, but rather in the geopolitical scene where Ukraine is faced with a disastrous loss of financial support.