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    Ezen témában - a fórumon rendhagyó módon - az oldal üzemeltetője saját álláspontja, meggyőződése alapján nem enged bizonyos véleményeket, mivel meglátása szerint az káros a járványhelyzet enyhítését célzó törekvésekre.

    Kérünk, hogy a vírus veszélyességét kétségbe vonó, oltásellenes véleményed más platformon fejtsd ki. Nálunk ennek nincs helye. Az ilyen hozzászólásokért 1 alkalommal figyelmeztetés jár, majd folytatása esetén a témáról letiltás. Arra is kérünk, hogy a fórum más témáiba ne vigyétek át, mert azért viszont már a fórum egészéről letiltás járhat hosszabb-rövidebb időre.

  • Az elmúlt időszak tapasztalatai alapján frissített házirendet kapott a topic.


    A források, hírek preferáltak. Azoknak, akik veszik a fáradságot és összegyűjtik ezeket a főként harcokkal, a háború jelenlegi állásával és haditechnika szempontjából érdekes híreket, (mindegy milyen oldali) forrásokkal alátámasztják és bonuszként legalább a címet egy google fordítóba berakják, azoknak ismételten köszönjük az áldozatos munkáját és további kitartást kívánunk nekik!

    Ami nem a topik témájába vág vagy akár csak erősebb hangnemben is kerül megfogalmazásra, az valamilyen formában szankcionálva lesz

    Minden olyan hozzászólásért ami nem hír, vagy szorosan a konfliktushoz kapcsolódó vélemény / elemzés azért instant 3 nap topic letiltás jár. Aki pedig ezzel trükközne és folytatná másik topicban annak 2 hónap fórum ban a jussa.

    Az új szabályzat teljes szövege itt olvasható el.


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vagy. T-72-es teknőre, spanyol Leo 2-es tornyokat
A felderítő változatokra meg templomtornyot. A magasból messzire látsz... :p


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Ez pedig itt a telekonferencia átirata, a prezentáció magyarázataként.

Ebből mi mindent fogtok érdekesnek találni? :rolleyes:

Ilyen mondatok vannak benne:

"The Hungarians are looking Lynx-based, an air defense system with a 35 millimeter turret. This with a searching radar and a tracking radar.
So we are able 24/7 to protect our troops. This is for convoy protection. "

"We are looking now to create all the digital systems in Hungary.


Ez pedig itt a telekonferencia átirata, a prezentáció magyarázataként.

Ebből mi mindent fogtok érdekesnek találni? :rolleyes:
Disznosag, ahogy huzod a kozonseget... :D

Ilyen mondatok vannak benne:

"The Hungarians are looking Lynx-based, an air defense system with a 35 millimeter turret. This with a searching radar and a tracking radar.
So we are able 24/7 to protect our troops. This is for convoy protection. "
Skyranger 35, hallelujah! :D Utana mar logikus lepes a Mantis objektumvedelemre...

"We are looking now to create all the digital systems in Hungary."
... amithez meg a Skynex, az izraeli radarokkal integralva - a fentiek tukreben ez is teljesen ertheto:

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Itt lenne az ideje normalis 3D teamet felvenni avagy a meglevonek megadni legalabb egy normalis budgetet eszkozokre pl cloud renderinghez, hogy ne ugy nezzen ki az anim, mint valami 20 evvel ezelotti PC jatek. :rolleyes:
  • Tetszik
Reactions: LMzek 2.0


Sirok, ahogy lebutitja a bankaroknak: "Order intake saw strong demand from Germany and Hungary for trucks and for our Lynx tank" :(

"Before we turn to Defence, I would like to draw your attention to a successful commercialization of an innovation for alternative powertrains on page no. 20. Historically, we had already booked some contracts for the supply of fuel cell components, but now for the first time we have entered into an exclusive supply agreement with Daimler for the supply of a hydrogen recirculation blower. The product itself is designed to improve the efficiency of the fuel cell. The contract is especially important to us, because it confirms that our innovative products are in demand and that we are well positioned to participate in the future development of the alternative powertrains. As I stated earlier, the share of new orders for alternative powertrains accounted for now 14% for the total booked business of EUR2.7b, and this contract was part of this.
Please turn now to page 22 for the Q4 Defence financial details. Q4 was very strong and remarked new historical peaks in order intake and operating result as well as operating margin. Order intake rose by 48% on the booking of the Hungarian Lynx order and the additional German trucks to EUR4.4b."

"A significant share of almost 50% of the order backlog has lead times until 2022 or even later. The German share in 2020 order intake was around EUR1.7b, which is a level we would expect for the next years to remain comparable.
Please move now on page 25. For the regional analysis we switch briefly to full year view. Again, large orders for vehicles were dominating the order intake and we reported now almost 90% of order intake in our European home market now including also Hungary.
The order backlog shows a comparable picture with slightly above 80% exposure to our home market in Australia, UK, Hungary and Germany.
The new records figure of roughly EUR13b is an impressive documentation of the competitiveness of our innovative products."

"We are still expecting decisions on the Challenger LEP in the United Kingdom in due course and for at least one additional Lynx program in 2021. Additionally, due to the German election in September, a significant number of 25m budget requests will be decided before the parliamentary recess in July."

"Please turn to page 31. As already mentioned before by Helmut in the financial sections, our order backlog has an execution profile with most of the larger programs starting in 2022 or later. This results in a slightly v-shaped sales distribution due to the fact that the Puma has been basically closed last year and the other programs such as the Boxer for the United Kingdom in 2023, the Lynx for Hungary in 2022 and the Australian Boxer do not yet compensate for the expired programs."

"And then finally, just from some of your comments earlier on today, you seem pretty optimistic about the Challenger 2 upgrade program. How quickly do you think that could have a material effect? Do you have a lot of work still to do on prototypes, for example, or could that enter production relatively fast [the way it went 34:10]? Thank you.

A brit temaba is bepakoltam ezt:

[0:34:15] Armin Papperger
Thanks for your question, Sash. And I will start with the Challenger. On the Challenger side, I am expecting, day by day now, that we get officially the information from the British MoD that everything is done. So we had very good negotiations and we are very happy to have United Kingdom then also as customer on the main battle tank side. So at the moment we see that there is not a big negative impact because we made good negotiations about a down payment on the Challenger side and also the investments that we are doing at the moment in Telford. This in combination also with our MIV program and the Challenger program. So it's a limited impact. We have to invest something but a limited impact, in comparison what we get from the programs.

Aztan megint szoba kerulunk:

"[0:39:02] Christoph Laskawi
Understood. So – but there would be no exceptionals we should consider as cash out during the year?

[0:39:08] Helmut Merch
No. Not for the time being, yes.

[0:39:12] Armin Papperger
The point, Mr. Laskawi, is that we have, as you know, Hungary is the starting point now and we have to deliver in 2022 so we need working capital in 2021 on the Hungarian side. We got a down payment, but you get a down payment only once. So now you have to use these down payments and you have to deliver to the customer. And the same is on the MIV side where we have to make investments but there are no extraordinary things. It's all business as usual.

[0:39:45] Christoph Laskawi

Okay. So in theory it could that we've seen that working capital essentially flat because of the ramp up for Hungary and then it wouldn’t be a support, if I read that correctly?

[0:39:54] Helmut Merch Sure.

[0:39:54] Armin Papperger
It totally will change the picture if we win another big contract and we get another, let us say, EUR20m, EUR30m down payment then, extraordinary high cash flow will come, as you know. And we are conservative in that.
We expect that some contracts with associated prepayments will be won , but we are conservative and do not include this in our expectations."

Tuzersegi fejlesztesek - mar elore latom, mi mindent fognak majd Varpalotan gyartani... :D

"On the Ammunition side, the driver will be because we have as you know, this frame contract about 120 millimeter, there will be an opportunity now also over the next years because after signing the British contract (Challenger LEP), the 120 millimeters smoothbore gun is inside. And for sure they need ammunition, it makes not lot of sense to have a main battle tank and to have no ammunition. And the Brits had no smoothbore gun before. So therefore we see a big potential therefore and the growth rate. Then we have a new family of 155 millimeter ammunition. At the moment, the most of the distances, most of the artillery around the world can fire 40 kilometer or a little bit more. And we have now new 21 technologies to fire more than 70 kilometers. So the long range artillery with high precision fuses is a point, which really helps us to grow the business on the ammunition side. "

"On the Electronic Solution side we are going more from sensor side to the system side. So systems and systems of systems like soldier systems like infantry fighting vehicle where we do all the electronics for the systems inside. So this is a better margin than the sensor business. On the sensor business usually we are not able to make such profitability that we do on the systems of systems side. And another thing what Helmut told you before in his presentation, is that we do also on maintenance, more and more maintenance part, especially on soldier systems. And driver number three is digitization which is coming forward. And as you know we won the first big contract in Germany about that. We are looking now to create all the digital systems in Hungary. And if we grow in that area, we can stabilize the profitability around 10% or maybe better."

Ez az alabbi €1B tolunk varhato ujabb rendeles 2021-ben vajon mi lehet? o_O:D:cool:

"[0:52:32] Sebastian Growe
Okay, very good. The last one around Defence and order pipeline, is what I’m after. You have been giving some color around Germany but the UK has been also clearly around, the Czech Republic. We have seen now three years and a sequence every time more than EUR6b of orders. The normal run rate should be EUR4b to EUR6b, I think, that you defined. I know that it’s always difficult to pinpoint it in advance, but nonetheless and all the pipeline, and provided that you really get all those bigger tickets in Germany home, the 25m plus orders, what would be a reasonable number to assume for 2021, please?

[0:53:11] Armin Papperger
Yes, I make the calculation very simple for you. The expectation is Germany about EUR2b. If you have an expectation about – roughly about the UK, about EUR1b. The expectation in Hungary also about EUR1b, so then you have EUR4b. And the rest is smaller order intakes that we have. So my expectation is that we are again on the upper level between EUR4b and EUR6b."


"[0:55:08] Sven Weier
Yes, hi. Thanks for taking my questions. Hope you’re well. The first one is on the order intake again on the defense side. I think at the press meeting, Mr. Papperger, you said you have a few interested parties in Europe. Now on the call you said you have one firm, one. So I was just wondering if you could give us more 25 color on what the Hungary auto win has done for that pipeline and how much it has accelerated. Just simply more color on that very item. That’s the first one, thanks.

[0:55:40] Armin Papperger
Yes, thank you, Mr. Weier. So on the defense side, one of the drivers for the next years will for sure be the infantry fighting vehicle. On the infantry fighting vehicle, on the international side, I always said that Hungary was the first milestone and now the rest has to come. So I am tomorrow with the Slovaks. The Slovaks are interested in that. There I see they want to make a decision this year, and maybe very soon. Then, there are negotiations with the Czechs. On the Czech Republic side I think there will be a delay. Because there is a like, by the way, Slovaks also, is a small governmental crisis with the prime minister but on the Czech side I personally think that they will make a decision after the election. Then there are other opportunities in Europe. There is an opportunity and there is a need over the next years, it’s not for this year, it’s not for today, it’s for tomorrow, but there is a need in Italy. The Italians are looking for new infantry fighting vehicles. And there are other partners in Europe, especially in Europe who are looking for the infantry fighting vehicle. I personally think that also Australia will make a decision this year, and if you count up, we think that minimum one of the contracts will come. So the area of the Slovaks will be around EUR2b. Australia would be even better because it’s around EUR5b. There will not an order intake this year in Australia. The order intake will be next year."

Szlovakoknal feltunoen bizakodo, az ausztralokat meg cirka a zsebeben erzi.

"[01:07:36] Alexander Hauenstein
Hi. Yes. Hello, Alex Hauenstein. Thanks for taking my question. It's about Defence. I'm wondering with regard to the drone activities in the current warfare, and especially when we look at the recent conflict of Azerbaijan and Armenia, we saw that attack drones quite changed the warfare landscape. And I'm wondering how this trend might impact over the next couple of years your demands with regard to vehicle systems, but also maybe posting some opportunities on the other side for maybe Weapons and Ammunition, or your Electronic Solutions business. So maybe you can give us some updates here also in that sense about what you are currently doing in your portfolio with regard to drone, not attack drones maybe, but also what you still have in portfolio here. I remember a few years ago, you gave an update about the airport security thing, and yes, maybe you can share some views here how you think about this trend and how you as Rheinmetall try to cope with it and materialize maybe. Thank you.

[01:08:51] Armin Papperger
Thank you for the question. So let's start with the loitering ammunition. Very soon Rheinmetall will have also loitering ammunition in our portfolio. So we invested in that area and we think that loitering ammunition has also a future. So loitering ammunition is munition that we can fire over a distance of up to 30 kilometer, 31 which is able to make a top attack. If you have a loitering ammunition, you need also tank ammunition for sure, because tank cannot fire, usually it should not fire loitering ammunitions because as you know, it's totally different because it's a much faster speed and it's totally different role that you, how to fight with your enemies. But we also have countermeasure systems against this loitering ammunition. So our people on the R&D side are working on good countermeasure systems, also on loitering ammunition. The other point is, and this is one of the biggest problems is the area of swarm attack. And this is a clear statement, I got it yesterday also from our planning chief to say, we need something against swarm attack. On the swarm attack, you usually cannot fight with missiles. So what you need is you need a gun based system, and we have a perfect system for that. This is the 35 millimeter airburst munition. And I expect this year an order intake for a new air Defence system. Maybe, and I think so it should be boxer based. The Hungarians are looking Lynx-based, an air defense system with a 35 millimeter turret. This with a searching radar and a tracking radar. So we are able 24/7 to protect our troops. This is for convoy protection. This is exactly against that, what you have seen in Bergkarabach. So we are working on countermeasures directly on the tank, and we are working on this 35 millimeter ammunition or turret. So is there an impact on the ammunition side? We think no because it's an add on ammunition because it has another mission. And if you have an auxiliary ammunition, yes, you have to fire a lot of ammunitions inside. This, because you want to block the enemy. With the loitering ammunition, there is a possibility to have much, much cheaper the opportunity to go into tank brigades and to destroy them. But as I told you, we are working on counter systems, and I think this is a good business, long-term also for us."

Szerintem itt mar meg is van az az ujabb egymilliard euronyi magyar rendeles (nagyon kusza az angolja, de kihamozhato, mit akar mondani) - tehat az az extra egymilliard radarostul-mindenestol mobil (alegyseg-szintu?) legvedelem dronok es minden istennyila ellen...


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Bemásoltad ide szinte az egész dokumentumot, pedig nagy része nem is kapcsolódik Magyarországhoz...
  • Tetszik
Reactions: Kim Philby


Bemásoltad ide szinte az egész dokumentumot, pedig nagy része nem is kapcsolódik Magyarországhoz...
Egyreszt ez fele sincs, de meg a harmada sem, masreszt ez a RM tema, nem a magyar hadero fejlesztese, harmadreszt szinte minden mondata kapcsolodik.
Melyik resz nem vilagos (komolyan kerdem)...?


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Egyreszt ez fele sincs, de meg a harmada sem, masreszt ez a RM tema, nem a magyar hadero fejlesztese, harmadreszt szinte minden mondata kapcsolodik.
Melyik resz nem vilagos (komolyan kerdem)...?

Hogy mi minek a hány százaléka vagy mennyivel változott az mind valamilyen összesített adat, így szerintem nem hordoz többletinformációt a Rheinmetall Hungary Zrt-vel vagy a magyar rendelésekkel kapcsolatban a prezentációhoz viszonyítva, ahol ezek az ábrákból is kiolvashatóak és érthetőek voltak. Persze sokan nem nyitják meg a linkeket és nem olvassák végig, csak a hozzászólásokat nézik, így lehet hogy még jó is hogy így bemásoltad.
  • Tetszik
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Sztem jó ez, én az egész doksit nem olvastam, csak, amit ide kimásolt @kamm.

Elég realisan követik (alakítják?) a napi politikát is a cégnél.
Ha marad a szlovák kormány (ott is rezeg a léc) , akkor beelőzik a cseheket. A csehek döntése idén év vége vagy jövőre, már ha Babis maraf. Ha nem, akkor lehet a jövő év vége is optimista

Lesz megrendelése az RM Hu-nak, itt az a kérdés, hogy cseh v. szlovák fő partnerekkel.
Az olasz meló hosszadalmasabb tárgyalássorozat lesz. Mindenesetre sztem rájuk érdemes tenni a fókuszt!!

Nálunk ez a plusz 1 milliárd euro nagy kérdés. 2,3 körüli volt a Lynx kezdő csomag, ami felment 3 milliardra. Kérdés mi a különbözet? Csak a Lynx szerződés körüli változás?? Esetleg mast is beleszámoltak? Az RM Canadan keresztüli radart??
És ehhez jön a plusz 1 milliárdos üzlet? Oerlikon Skyranger légvédelmi rendszert pipálhatjuk.
A kérdés, mindent Lynx alapra dobunk? Az nem luxus?
Vagy itt lesz egy mix. légvédelmi ágyú Lynx alapon. A többi, radar, rakéta más járművön??
  • Tetszik
Reactions: kamm and Terminator


Pedig kezdtem örülni a skyranger 30-nak. Potensebb és fejlettebb rendszernek tartom, mint a jóval régebbi batár 35-t.


Pedig kezdtem örülni a skyranger 30-nak. Potensebb és fejlettebb rendszernek tartom, mint a jóval régebbi batár 35-t.
Pontensnek mindenképpen a 35-os a potensebb. A fejlettebbet is ketlem, mert vadonatuj a 30as, meg keszen sincs teljesen. Majd ha lattunk annyi videot vele, mint a 35-sel, akkor elhisszuk.
A 35 valasztasa azt is elorevetiti, hogy lesz majd Mantis meg akar Skyvuard is, azok mind 35osok - uaz a loszer, mind Skynex ala terelve...
  • Tetszik
Reactions: fip7 and Terminator


Pontensnek mindenképpen a 35-os a potensebb. A fejlettebbet is ketlem, mert vadonatuj a 30as, meg keszen sincs teljesen. Majd ha lattunk annyi videot vele, mint a 35-sel, akkor elhisszuk.
A 35 valasztasa azt is elorevetiti, hogy lesz majd Mantis meg akar Skyvuard is, azok mind 35osok - uaz a loszer, mind Skynex ala terelve...
Elszomordni nem fokok miatta :)
Van már rendszerben valahol a skyranger 35? Esetleg azt is fejlesztik? A skyranger 30-ba integrálható a 35-s fegyver?
  • Tetszik
Reactions: Terminator

Törölt tag

2,3 körüli volt a Lynx kezdő csomag, ami felment 3 milliardra.
Igazság szerint valahol a kettő között.
Ugyebár a Q4 rekord order intake-je 4,4Mrd volt, amiből a német GBP 1,7 Mrd volt. Szerintem olyan nagy egyéb megrendelés nem esett be ebben az időszakban.


Elszomordni nem fokok miatta :)
Van már rendszerben valahol a skyranger 35? Esetleg azt is fejlesztik? A skyranger 30-ba integrálható a 35-s fegyver?
Ket különböző rendszer. A 30-as regi gepagyu-dedign, a Saab Viggenbol az Oerlikon KCA 30×173 vették elő, az alapvetően UAV ellen van.
A 35 az Oerlikon Revolver Gun es az alkalmas nemcsak mindenfele legijarmu ellen, de mortar, raketak, sot tuzersegi lovedekek ellen is.
Szoval a "potensebbet" vesszük. :)

Törölt tag

Igazság szerint valahol a kettő között.
Ugyebár a Q4 rekord order intake-je 4,4Mrd volt, amiből a német GBP 1,7 Mrd volt. Szerintem olyan nagy egyéb megrendelés nem esett be ebben az időszakban.
Helyesbítenék! Neked lesz igazad @SilvioD .
Again, large orders for vehicles were dominating the order intake and we reported now almost 90% of order intake in our European home market now including also Hungary.
Szóval volt máshonnan is bejövő megrendelésük. Így viszont már a ránk jutó rész 2,3-ra módosul. Ugyanakkor nem tiszta, hogy ebben benne van-e az RM Canada radar üzlete is velünk, vagy sem. o_O
  • Tetszik
Reactions: Pogány


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A szöveget te találtad és másoltad be, hálás köszönet érte, viszont Armin Papperger mondta. Szóval nem rád hivatkozva lett létrehozva.
Számomra a tartalma alapján teljesen egyértelmű, hogy ez lesz.
De ignoráld a témát nyugodtan.

Belezavarodtam a rendszerek elnevezésébe. Jó lesz ez így....