JLTV - Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (USA, Oshkosh Defense)

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Oshkosh Defense today announced that it was granted five new patents for the Oshkosh Defense hybrid electric Joint Light Tactical Vehicle, or eJLTV, strengthening the company’s intellectual property position in hybrid-electric technology.

The Oshkosh eJLTV was unveiled in January 2022 as the first-ever silent drive hybrid electric Joint Light Tactical Vehicle. These recent patents relate to the accessory drive approach, battery and inverter integration, and the range and capability of the Oshkosh vehicle...


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Oshkosh JLTV-t 12,7 mm-es Elbit RCWS-el és Iron Fists Light Kinetic aktív önvédelmi rendszerrel mutattak be a DALO kiállításon, dániában.

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Oshkosh azzal fenyeget, hogy leállítja a JLTV harci járművek gyártósorát...


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Brazilian Marines induct first US-built JLTVs...

The Fleet Marine Force of the Brazilian Navy's Marine Corps is advancing the introduction of the 4×4 Oshkosh Defense M1278A1 Heavy Guns Carrier (HGC) Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV).

The first four of twelve vehicles acquired in October 2020 for USD15.1 million were recently delivered to the Marine Armour Battalion. Training on the new vehicle is under way, a source close to the vehicle programme told Janes .The remaining vehicles will be received by 2026.

  • Tetszik
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Kim Philby

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A svéd Bofors cég RBS-70 MANPADS-szel felfegyverzett Oshkosh JLTV páncélozott járműve, amely a SAAB Barracuda többspektrumú álcázókészletével van felszerelve a DSEI 2023 nemzetközi védelmi kiállításon, amelyet Londonban rendeztek meg szeptember 12. és 15. között.

Katonai informátor


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Oshkosh to build JLTVS for Israeli Defense Forces

Israel’s Oshkosh tactical vehicle buy to keep line open longer...

Wisconsin-based Oshkosh said earlier this year it was preparing to close its JLTV production line by the end of 2024 after the Army selected AM General to take over production of the Humvee replacement.


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WASHINGTON, March 8, 2024

The State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to the Government of North Macedonia of Joint Light Tactical Vehicles and related elements of logistics and program support for an estimated cost of $111 million. The Defense Security Cooperation Agency delivered the required certification notifying Congress of this possible sale today.

The Government of North Macedonia has requested to buy an additional eighteen (18) M1278A1/A2 Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV) Heavy Gun Carriers (HGC); and seven (7) M1280A1/A2 Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV) General Purpose (GP) that will be added to a previously implemented case whose value was under the congressional notification threshold.

The original Foreign Military Sales (FMS) case, valued at $78.54 million ($23.16 million in MDE), included a total of seventy-one (71) JLTVs, consisting of forty-eight (48) M1278A1/A2 JLTVs HGC; seventeen (17) M1280A1/A2 JLTVs GP; and six (6) M1281A1/A2 JLTVs Close Combat Weapons Carrier (CCWC).

This notification is for a combined total of sixty-six (66) M1278A1/A2 JLTV HGC; twenty-four (24) M1280A1/A2 JLTV GP; and six (6) M1281A1/A2 JLTV CCWC.

Also included are Common Remotely Operated Weapon Stations (CROWS); CROWS spare parts; CROWS Basic Issue Items (BII) – Boresight Kit Components; CROWS packaging and handling; CROWS installation and training; M2A1 machine guns with support equipment; MK19 Mod III with support equipment; M240B machine guns with support equipment; MK93 weapon mount; Driver’s Visor Enhancer (DVE); Maintenance Tool Set Toughbook Laptops; high frequency radios; communications equipment; Defense Advanced Global Positioning System Receivers (DAGR) with Selective Availability Anti-Spoofing Modules (SAASM) and support equipment; JLTV kits; Vehicle Integration kits; LCD 4.0; spare and repair parts; Supplemental Common Tool Kit (SCTK); Special Tools and Test Equipment (STTE); Objective Gunner Protection Kit (OGPK); Javelin Integration Bracket Kit; turret rings and hatches; technical manuals and publications; New Equipment Training (NET); U.S. Government and contractor technical engineering, logistics, and personnel services; JLTV Field Service Representative support; JLTV integration support, and other related elements of logistics and program support. The estimated total cost is $111 million.

This proposed sale will support the foreign policy and national security of the United States by improving the security of a NATO Ally that is an important force for political and economic stability in Europe.

The proposed sale will enhance North Macedonia’s capacity to meet current and future threats by providing a tactical vehicle capability to deter adversaries and participate in NATO operations. The proposed sale will support its goal of improving national and territorial defense as well as interoperability with U.S. and NATO forces. North Macedonia will have no difficulty absorbing this equipment into its armed forces.

The proposed sale of this equipment and support will not alter the basic military balance in the region.

The principal contractors will be Oshkosh Defense, Oshkosh, WI; AM General, Auburn Hills, MI; Leonardo DRS, West Plains, MO, and L3Harris, Melbourne, FL. There are no known offset agreements proposed in connection with this potential sale.

Implementation of this proposed sale will require temporary duty travel of three to five U.S. Government representatives to North Macedonia for a duration of up to five years. Implementation of this proposed sale will require contractor representatives for support equipment fielding and training.

There will be no adverse impact on U.S. defense readiness as a result of this proposed sale.

The description and dollar value are for the highest estimated quantity and dollar value based on initial requirements. Actual dollar value will be lower depending on final requirements, budget authority, and signed sales agreement(s), if and when concluded.