K21 NIFV / AS21 Redback (Dél-Korea)

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Itt meg már csak 2,4 milliárd USD-ről írnak

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Csak hogy meg legyen hivatalos forrásból is...

The Albanese Government has signed contracts with Hanwha Defense Australia to deliver and support 129 locally built Redback infantry fighting vehicles for the Australian Army.

Press conference, Avalon, Victoria

SUBJECTS: Contracts signed for Army’s infantry fighting vehicles; Geelong manufacturing;

RICHARD MARLES, DEPUTY PRIME MINISTER: Welcome everyone to Hanwha’s facility in Avalon, in Geelong. It’s great to be here, and it's great to be here with Major General Richard Vagg who is the Head of Land Capabilities in the Australian Army. And today we're announcing that in the last week, the Government has signed a $4.5 billion dollar contract with Hanwha Defense Australia for the production of 129 infantry fighting vehicles, the Redbacks. And this is part of a $7 billion program, the biggest program in the Australian Army's history. It will see 129 infantry fighting vehicles built right here in Geelong. And this is the first facility that Hanwha has established outside of the Korean Peninsula. And it represents a strategic objective for Hanwha to have a manufacturing facility outside of the Korean Peninsula, and it’s right here in Geelong. Not only will the infantry fighting vehicles be built here, but so too will the self-propelled howitzers and the supply vehicles which go with them. So this is becoming a major manufacturing facility for Hanwha, a major manufacturing facility right here in Geelong. What we're going to see with this program is 1,800 direct jobs, more than 2,000 jobs around the country being created by this program. It will have more than 90 different suppliers, a third of which will be coming from Victoria. From the point of view of Geelong, and as the local member for this area, the member for Corio, this is a really significant moment in the economic history of Geelong. Geelong has a proud history of making vehicles, now we're going to be making infantry fighting vehicles. And it's a really exciting evolution in the manufacturing history of this town and manufacturing has been central to the story of Geelong right throughout our history. Hundreds of jobs that will be here on an ongoing basis as part of this capacity, in a new burgeoning area, industrial area around Avalon airport. And we are situated, really, at part of the best transport and logistics precinct in the country. And this is a long held dream, I think, for those of us in Geelong to see the manufacturing of this kind playing out here and to see it in a high tech way with Hanwha is really, really exciting. But today is a great day for the Australian Army. These vehicles will play an enormous role in improving the capability of our Army, the capability of our Defence Force. And we are very excited as a Government about signing off on this. As I said, this is the largest program in the Australian Army's history and it represents a massive step forward in capability.

MAJOR GENERAL RICHARD VAGG, HEAD OF LAND CAPABILITY: Thank you, Deputy Prime Minister. This is a very exciting day for Army. The Redback behind me is the best vehicle of its type in the world. It will see service with the 3rd Brigade from 2027 and will offer our soldiers incredible world class capability in terms of firepower, protection, and mobility.


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2016. december 7.
Csak hogy meg legyen hivatalos forrásból is...

The Albanese Government has signed contracts with Hanwha Defense Australia to deliver and support 129 locally built Redback infantry fighting vehicles for the Australian Army.

Press conference, Avalon, Victoria

SUBJECTS: Contracts signed for Army’s infantry fighting vehicles; Geelong manufacturing;

RICHARD MARLES, DEPUTY PRIME MINISTER: Welcome everyone to Hanwha’s facility in Avalon, in Geelong. It’s great to be here, and it's great to be here with Major General Richard Vagg who is the Head of Land Capabilities in the Australian Army. And today we're announcing that in the last week, the Government has signed a $4.5 billion dollar contract with Hanwha Defense Australia for the production of 129 infantry fighting vehicles, the Redbacks. And this is part of a $7 billion program, the biggest program in the Australian Army's history. It will see 129 infantry fighting vehicles built right here in Geelong. And this is the first facility that Hanwha has established outside of the Korean Peninsula. And it represents a strategic objective for Hanwha to have a manufacturing facility outside of the Korean Peninsula, and it’s right here in Geelong. Not only will the infantry fighting vehicles be built here, but so too will the self-propelled howitzers and the supply vehicles which go with them. So this is becoming a major manufacturing facility for Hanwha, a major manufacturing facility right here in Geelong. What we're going to see with this program is 1,800 direct jobs, more than 2,000 jobs around the country being created by this program. It will have more than 90 different suppliers, a third of which will be coming from Victoria. From the point of view of Geelong, and as the local member for this area, the member for Corio, this is a really significant moment in the economic history of Geelong. Geelong has a proud history of making vehicles, now we're going to be making infantry fighting vehicles. And it's a really exciting evolution in the manufacturing history of this town and manufacturing has been central to the story of Geelong right throughout our history. Hundreds of jobs that will be here on an ongoing basis as part of this capacity, in a new burgeoning area, industrial area around Avalon airport. And we are situated, really, at part of the best transport and logistics precinct in the country. And this is a long held dream, I think, for those of us in Geelong to see the manufacturing of this kind playing out here and to see it in a high tech way with Hanwha is really, really exciting. But today is a great day for the Australian Army. These vehicles will play an enormous role in improving the capability of our Army, the capability of our Defence Force. And we are very excited as a Government about signing off on this. As I said, this is the largest program in the Australian Army's history and it represents a massive step forward in capability.

MAJOR GENERAL RICHARD VAGG, HEAD OF LAND CAPABILITY: Thank you, Deputy Prime Minister. This is a very exciting day for Army. The Redback behind me is the best vehicle of its type in the world. It will see service with the 3rd Brigade from 2027 and will offer our soldiers incredible world class capability in terms of firepower, protection, and mobility.

Elsőre albán kormánynak olvastam - egy pillanatra azért meglepődtem :D


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Northrop Grumman Integrating Mk44 Stretch Bushmaster® Chain Guns® with Australia’s Next Infantry Fighting Vehicle...



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● Powerful 40mm 'CTA' cannon
● Unmanned turret
● Replace existing Israel products
● Enhanced Korean APS
● High Intelligent RCWS
● TAipers missile

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SolarSigmaShield mobile camouflage system for the Redback. From CBG Systems.



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