Román testvéreink újabb adag helyben készült Piranha V-tell gazdagodtak, ezzell 377db-ra nőtt a szőröstalpú Piranha állomány.
Az elmúlt időszak tapasztalatai alapján házirendet kapott a topic.
Ezen témában - a fórumon rendhagyó módon - az oldal üzemeltetője saját álláspontja, meggyőződése alapján nem enged bizonyos véleményeket, mivel meglátása szerint az káros a járványhelyzet enyhítését célzó törekvésekre.
Kérünk, hogy a vírus veszélyességét kétségbe vonó, oltásellenes véleményed más platformon fejtsd ki. Nálunk ennek nincs helye. Az ilyen hozzászólásokért 1 alkalommal figyelmeztetés jár, majd folytatása esetén a témáról letiltás. Arra is kérünk, hogy a fórum más témáiba ne vigyétek át, mert azért viszont már a fórum egészéről letiltás járhat hosszabb-rövidebb időre.
Az elmúlt időszak tapasztalatai alapján frissített házirendet kapott a topic.
A források, hírek preferáltak. Azoknak, akik veszik a fáradságot és összegyűjtik ezeket a főként harcokkal, a háború jelenlegi állásával és haditechnika szempontjából érdekes híreket, (mindegy milyen oldali) forrásokkal alátámasztják és bonuszként legalább a címet egy google fordítóba berakják, azoknak ismételten köszönjük az áldozatos munkáját és további kitartást kívánunk nekik!
Ami nem a topik témájába vág vagy akár csak erősebb hangnemben is kerül megfogalmazásra, az valamilyen formában szankcionálva lesz
Minden olyan hozzászólásért ami nem hír, vagy szorosan a konfliktushoz kapcsolódó vélemény / elemzés azért instant 3 nap topic letiltás jár. Aki pedig ezzel trükközne és folytatná másik topicban annak 2 hónap fórum ban a jussa.
Jo esetben 12-13 millioan vannak, a tobbi mar reges-regen lelepett. A romanok nyiltan hozzaszamolnak kulfoldon elo milliokat, hiaba nem elnek mar regen otthon. Tipikus gatlastalanul hazudozo roman tempo.Jó lesz az helyben 15 -nek is.
A beszerzendő mennyiségből egyértelmű, hogy nem az oroszok, hanem a magyarok ellen acquisitions announced:
- Switchblade 300 and 600 kamikaze drones
- ATACAMS missiles
- GBU-39/B SDB, AMRAAMs for F-16s
- lase guided bombs for Watchkeeper drones
- Javelins
- Mistral AA missiles
- F-35 contract to be signed and first squadron to be received in 2030
- was already mentioned here 3 x K9 battalions and 1 x Abrams battalion
Ezt meg honnét veszed?!?A beszerzendő mennyiségből egyértelmű, hogy nem az oroszok, hanem a magyarok ellen fegyverkeznek.
Szerintem meg ennyit bír a költségvetésük, ha többet bírna többet vennének. Ők is örülnek, ha lyuk van a seggükön és szelel.A beszerzendő mennyiségből egyértelmű, hogy nem az oroszok, hanem a magyarok ellen fegyverkeznek.
"Romania should forward a Letter of Request for Letter of Agreement to the Pentagon for the 6.5 billion USD contract for 32 F-35 new generation fighter jets and logistical support.
231 MANPADs (MAN Portable Air Defense) and Mistral-3 missiles (SHORAD - Short Range Air Defense) worth 662 million EURs
60 AIM-9X "Sidewinder" short-range air-to-air missiles used by aircraft such as the F-16 worth 40 million USD
66 AIM-120 AMRAAM Beyond-visual-range air-to-air missiles/surface-to-air missiles also compatible with the F-16 worth 150 million USD
400 GBU-39B/SDB glide bombs, compatible with the F-16 worth 60 million USD
Laser-guided missiles for the Watchkeeper X UAVs
25 SwitchBlade 300 loitering munitions (suicide/kamikaze) drones worth 176 million Romanian lei (RON)
More SwitchBlade 600 loitering munitions (suicide/kamikaze) drones
33 FGM-148 "Javelin" anti-tank missile worth 66 million USD
Unspecified number of ATACMS missiles for the HIMARS system worth 82.8 million USD
Other acquisitions which will be finalised ( in the coming years are:
218 units of sapping equipment, of various kinds, with a budget of 17.5 billion RON
3 unspecified CRAM (Counter Rocket, Artillery and Missile) Systems designed to detect and destroy, or deflect incoming enemy projectiles with a 2.5 billion RON budget
Mobile electronic warfare system with a 4.7 billion RON budget
Two SBAMD-TC anti-missile and aircraft command centers with a 730 million RON budget
Modernisation (or acquisition?) of 19 Gap-Filler radars (Detection & Search radars) with a 1.8 billion RON budget
12 passive radars for airspace surveillance with a 441 million RON budget
Two Offshore Patrol Vessels (OPV) worth 300 million EURs for the Romanian Navy
17 Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Intelligence (C4I) systems, 4 such systems for 4 brigades and 13 others for 13 battalions worth 1.5 billion RON"
Erősen kérdéses hogy tényleg ki is tudják majd fizetni ezt a bevásárló listát. Ember meg nekik sem lesz rá...Szerintem meg ennyit bír a költségvetésük, ha többet bírna többet vennének. Ők is örülnek, ha lyuk van a seggükön és szelel.
A fő céljuk egyébként is az egyesülés Moldovával, az ahhoz szükséges erőt próbálják összerántani, de kurva nehezen megy nekik. Mert a fiatalok többsége húz el nyugatra és már haza térni se nagyon akar, nemhogy katonáskodni (nálunk is ez van sajna csak ott más a lépték).
A beszerzendő mennyiségből....Ezt meg honnét veszed?!?
However, my friend, for a country the size of Romania, these are ridiculous quantities. Especially if the USA tells you to give it to the Hohols and you immediately, like a servant, hand it over, as was the case with the PATRIOT battery, and we could list for a long time what you have already given to the ukrainians (but let's keep this a secret, don't hurt each other security interests). If you donate your weapons and ammunition to the ukrainians in such a quantity, the warehouses will slowly be empty. When Trump will be the president, your wet dreams becomes nothing because the US won't give you anything back instead of your donation, not even scrap metal.the remarks about quantities are funny
for example, for Javelins, this isn't the first batch; in 2023 we bought 26 launchers and 263 missiles:
now 33 more launchersRomânia cumpără sisteme antitanc Javelin. Pentru câte rachete și lansatoare a dat undă verde SUA -
SUA au aprobat vânzarea către România a celebrelor sisteme de rachete ghidate antitanc Javelin, devenite cunoscute mai ales pe parcursul războiului
air missiles we already had in stocks, these are the last variants.
ATACAMS will probably be around 60, not a small number.
400 GBU-39B/SDB glide bombs could mean 200 bombing sorties
and the number of MANPADS kind of cover all land forces necessity.
These are not small numbers.
A három K9 zászlóalj az a bejelentett 54 db K9-et jelenti vagy várható még további 2x 54 db vásárlása?new acquisitions announced:
- Switchblade 300 and 600 kamikaze drones
- ATACAMS missiles
- GBU-39/B SDB, AMRAAMs for F-16s
- lase guided bombs for Watchkeeper drones
- Javelins
- Mistral AA missiles
- F-35 contract to be signed and first squadron to be received in 2030
- was already mentioned here 3 x K9 battalions and 1 x Abrams battalion
Elvileg 3x18 felosztás úgy tudom a himars is ilyen felosztásban van nálukA három K9 zászlóalj az a bejelentett 54 db K9-et jelenti vagy várható még további 2x 54 db vásárlása?
"If you'd know how things really work you wouldn't consider small numbers. there are almost 400 Javelins (and few thousands Spike in depots), that's more than your armored park will have in 5 years it's not like in computer games, shooting frantically everything you have and then you find something on the floor"If you'd know how things really work you wouldn't consider small numbers. there are almost 400 Javelins (and few thousands Spike in depots), that's more than your armored park will have in 5 years it's not like in computer games, shooting frantically everything you have and then you find something on the floor
We donated a battery, from 7.
Other countries donated as well Patriot batteries or something else, see here: dutch-prime-minister-dick-schoof-german-chancellor-olaf-scholz-italian-prime-minister-giorgia-melon/
It is a joint allied effort, not a servant decision. This is what allies tend to do, work together to achieve their goals, in this case making Russia lose as much as possible.
As for Trump, just roll back to the news from his first mandate, that's when we signed for some contracts like Patriot and Himars and received loans for developing nuclear energy.
Also not sure what you mean by wet dreams. It's just a battery, we'll have 6 instead of 7, in the worst case scenario.
The amount you have used so far and the amount you have ordered shows that the existing number of your SPIKEs are just over 1,000 (and most of them will expire within a few years. Regarding the NASAMS-3 batteries we have, I see that you're on completely blindness (fortunately, our soldiers keep their mouths shut).you seem to have missed some Spike batches, obviously I was not talking about the ones taken in the 2000s.
it's good that the Hungarian army also has AT missiles, even if some are older.
About Patriot, the second one will be fully operational this year, the 3rd will follow, the other 3 will come as well because from the beginning the contract was in 2 groups and not all systems at the same time; for comparison the Polish army also has 2 batteries operational now, I say we are doing pretty well, others don't have Patriot at all and I don't think they will ever get it as long as they are politically a problem for NATO.
about what Romania will get in exchange for the system already agreed, you will find out in the next period.
I don't know if you have noticed but NASAMS will not be offered in the Romanian V/SHORAD competition and also withdrew from the Swiss one, US is in the process of rebuilding and increasing its stockpiles (including for Ukraine) and hence the delays and the need to donate systems from other European countries. It wouldn't have been right to ask for example from Hungary the only NASAMS system, we have more, so we allowed ourselves to help a neighbor in the fight against the existential enemy of Eastern Europe.
We are not counting on HAWK, OSA or KUB in the future so it's just as well that they will end up somewhere where they can be used and have a utility.
About Trump, I tried to point out that during his first term he had a special interest in Romania, the loan I was talking about is one with a very good interest rate and it also ensures technology transfer to Romania, anyway we are better off than you with Parks because the SMR project is also being realized.
In conclusion, we don't "dream" of unimaginable things that the Americans will give us for Patriot or other similar fantasies. The wet dreams are actually with you. On this topic I had the patience to read carefully almost everything on Bitzpol [Romania] and this one and I see that there is only talk about how the Russians will come and give Transylvania to the Hungarians where the Romanians will be allowed to survive there too and be put to work.
I thought these ideas belonged to the last century, that today there is not much difference and you can visit, settle or do business in the neighboring country and centuries of misunderstandings will be forgotten. It seems that I am too optimistic. But don't forget Matthew 26:52-56
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