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"Az amerikai feminizmus ikonjáról, Gloria Steinemről kiderült, hogy egy CIA-ügynök, akinek az volt a feladata, hogy kitörölje az osztályharcról szóló vitát a feminista mozgalomból, és a mozgalom minden tevékenységét a nemek és csakis a nemek kérdésére összpontosítsa." A 90 éves amerikai...
Ezereves, kozismert sztori, megirta a konyveben mar ugy 10-12 evvel ezelott.
Itt mesel rola:
"CIA agents are tight-lipped, but Steinem spoke openly about her relationship to The Agency in the 1950s and ’60s after a magazine revealed her employment by a CIA front organization, the Independent Research Service.
While popularly pilloried because of her paymaster, Steinem defended the CIA relationship, saying: “In my experience The Agency was completely different from its image; it was liberal, nonviolent and honorable.”
Less cloak-and-dagger and more a young, energetic, global representative for American values and freedom, Steinem leveraged her underwriting to attend international youth festivals organized and otherwise ideologically dominated by America’s adversaries.
Long before the formalized concept of soft power, Steinem personified and promoted abroad the vigor and progressive nature of the U.S. youth movement.
Strange as it may seem, Steinem’s personal views and CIA political goals aligned. Her brand of social revolution, promoted by American tax dollars, was meant to counter Soviet-sponsored revolutionary messaging. Public funds were intended to slow the Soviet scourge while showing America’s alternative democratic face."