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Egy ez év januári elemzés az Tigerek leváltását célzó Land 4503 ARH Replacement Program három pályázójáról...
https://www.rusi.org.au/resources/D...Paper - LAND 4503 ARH Replacement Program.pdf
- ARH Tiger Upgrade
- Boeing AH-64E Apache Guardian
- Bell AH-1Z Viper
Szintén azoknak akik nem akarják végigolvasni az anyagot néhány kiemelés ami rávilágít ki is lesz a nyertes...
https://www.rusi.org.au/resources/D...Paper - LAND 4503 ARH Replacement Program.pdf
- ARH Tiger Upgrade
- Boeing AH-64E Apache Guardian
- Bell AH-1Z Viper
Szintén azoknak akik nem akarják végigolvasni az anyagot néhány kiemelés ami rávilágít ki is lesz a nyertes...
- Although ARH Tiger has seen difficulties with regards to radio communication system obsolescence, the three contenders are expected to put forward a solution that provides sufficient modern aircraft secure voice and data communications capabilities. Consideration should be made as to which systems offered have sustainable through life support and perhaps commonality throughout the ADF inventory;
- The standard NATO TDL for interoperability is Link 16. The Apache has a proven Link 16 TDL with the Viasat STT. The Viper has a planned Link 16 upgrade due for service release in 2022. ARH Tiger has already had an upgrade to its TDL capability with an Elbit Systems Australia developed “interim TDL”. It has been rumoured that the Tiger Mk.3 upgrade may offer a Link 16 option, but it is yet to be confirmed.
- All three aircraft have the minimum navigation suite to achieve an IFR certification and Military Type Certificate. Both US aircraft have fully integrated MSOc145 compliant M-Code ready EGI’s (currently SAASM), which not only gives them a certification advantage with regards to navigation and ATCRBS (Mode S, ADS-B and Mode 5), but it also future proofs their upgrade capability to the next generation protected GPS technology. The ARH’s EGI has provided difficulties for the ARH’s Mode 5 upgrade program and is planned to be upgraded as part of the Tiger Mk.3 upgrade. The integration of an upgraded EGI for the ARH Tiger should be considered as a significant risk for the following reasons: o History of integration issues with the ARH avionics suite o Access to US protected (M-Code) technology for integration on European designed aircraft can be difficult (there were major political and logistics issues originally getting SAASM chipsets installed in European EGI’s)