Már bocs, de ebben is azt írják, hogy Freyberg vadászbombázókat kért.
Te vagy szarabbul olvasol angolul, mint en -amit ketlek- vagy mint Freyberg! Gratulalok!
“I want the convent attacked,” Freyberg replied.
Did he mean the abbey of Monte Cassino?
“Yes,” Freyberg said. “I want it bombed. The other targets are unimportant, but this one is vital. The division commander who is making the attack feels that it is an essential target, and I thoroughly agree.”
Elotte azonban:
Several days later, when the two officers conferred on the new attack, Clark learned that Freyberg was concerned about the abbey of Monte Cassino. Freyberg, as Clark reported the conversation, “expressed some apprehension that the monastery buildings were being used by the Germans and stated that in his opinion, if necessary, they should be blown down by artillery or bombardment.”
Clark disagreed. The subject had been thoroughly discussed several weeks earlier, and American commanders felt that firing against the abbey was unwarranted. Civilians from the surrounding countryside were known to be taking shelter there. And the Americans doubted that enemy troops were using the building in any way. The Germans had no need of the abbey—the hill itself offered excellent sites for individual foxholes and for weapons emplacements, while higher hills nearby gave even better observation over the approaching Allied troops.
Egy hazug gecilada volt. Egy szar. Egy fereg. Egy senkihazi haborus bunos, akit le kellett volna fokozni es sittre vagni.
Es itt befejeztem veled ezt a temat.