Brassóban 1975-ben kezdtek el Puma helikoptereket gyártani. Azóta több mint 360 helikoptert gyártottak. És persze modernizáltak és nagyjavítottak is. (pl. a brit Pumákat)
Romániának van kb. 60 db Puma helikoptere, amit még lehet modernizálni és nagyjavítani.
2018 november 6-án újabb 15 éves megállapodást kötött az Airbus és az IAR a Puma helikopterek gyártására, javítására, korszerűsítésére.
Az IAR fele az Airbus tulajdonában van.
"SC AIRBUS HELICOPTERS ROMANIA SA, which is a customer centre of AIRBUS HELICOPTERS, was officially created in 2002. Located in Brasov, the company has developed activities related to the civil, parapublic and military markets.
AIRBUS HELICOPTERS ROMANIA is marketing and selling the full range of new AIRBUS HELICOPTERS products in Romania and in neighbouring countries as well as bringing a close technical support to the customers.
AIRBUS HELICOPTERS ROMANIA is also the main industrial centre within AIRBUS HELICOPTERS to perform repair / overhaul and upgrading of PUMA regarding the worldwide market. Since the creation of the company, more than 100 PUMA from all the continents have been in its production hall for various works.
As for 2008, AIRBUS HELICOPTERS ROMANIA has also launched SUPER PUMA activities, in Brasov, dealing with their maintenance and major overhauls and upgradings. Due to the PUMA competencies and experience existing within AIRBUS HELICOPTERS ROMANIA this new stage has been reached in minimum time, giving the opportunity to AIRBUS HELICOPTERS ROMANIA to quickly become a key industrial partner on the SUPER PUMA world wide market as it is the case already on the PUMA market.
Na, ezek után gondoljátok át újra a magyarországi gyártás esélyeit...