AH-64 Apache (Boeing / AgustaWestland)

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    Ezen témában - a fórumon rendhagyó módon - az oldal üzemeltetője saját álláspontja, meggyőződése alapján nem enged bizonyos véleményeket, mivel meglátása szerint az káros a járványhelyzet enyhítését célzó törekvésekre.

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    Az új szabályzat teljes szövege itt olvasható el.

Allesmor Obranna

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2010. április 30.
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“...AH-64E will deliver a significant enhancement to the UK’s 1st Aviation Brigade. New engines, drivetrain, main rotor blades and avionics will deliver a significant boost in aircraft performance...”

Erre azért kíváncsi vagyok. Ez a szöveg a mezei, 1850 lóerős US Army AH-64D gépekhez képest még igaz lehet, de az AH-64D angol licenszváltozata, a WAH-64D Rolls Royce RTM-322-es 2100 lóerős hajtóműve 100 lóerővel még az AH-64E-nél is erősebb volt. Már húsz évvel ezelőtt is.
Afganisztánban a brit WAH-64D-k gond nélkül elrepkedtek azokon a magasságokon, ahol az amerikai és holland AH-64D-k csak szédelegtek.
Azt lehetséges ugyanakkor, hogy a Guardian esetében nem csak a nettó tengelyteljesítmény a kunszt, hanem a továbbfejlesztett reduktor és a lapátozás is, ami miatt elképzelhető, hogy a hajtásrendszer eredő teljesítménye végül felülmúlja az angol megoldást.
Majd kiderül.
  • Tetszik
Reactions: fishbed


Well-Known Member
Szerkesztőségi tag
2010. április 19.
40 977
78 815
Kuwait – AH-64E Apache Helicopters

WASHINGTON, December 29, 2020 -

The State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to the Government of Kuwait of AH-64E Apache Helicopters and related equipment for an estimated cost of $4.0 billion. The Defense Security Cooperation Agency delivered the required certification notifying Congress of this possible sale today.

The Government of Kuwait has requested to buy eight (8) AH-64E Apache Longbow Attack Helicopters and remanufacture sixteen (16) of their AH-64D Apache Longbow Attack Helicopters to the AH-64E configuration consisting of: eight (8) AH-64E Apache Helicopters (new procurement); sixteen (16) AH-64E Apache Helicopters (remanufacture); twenty-two (22) T700-GE 701D engines; thirty-six (36) remanufactured T700-GE 701D engines; twenty-seven (27) AN/AAR-57 Counter Missile Warning Systems (CMWS); eighteen (18) Embedded Global Position Systems with Inertial Navigation (EGI) with Multi-Mode Receiver (MMR); thirty-six (36) remanufactured EGIs with MMR; eight (8) AN/ASQ-170(V) Modernized Target Acquisition and Designation Sight/AN/AAQ-11 Pilot Night Vision Sensor (MTADS/PNVS); seventeen (17) AN/APG-78 Longbow Fire Control Radars (FCR) with Radar Electronics Units (REU); seventeen (17) APR-48B Modernized Radar Frequency Interferometers (M-RFI);

eighteen (18) M299 AGM-114 Hellfire Missile Launchers; four (4) remanufactured M299 AGM-114 Hellfire Missile Launchers; eighteen (18) Hydra 70 (70mm) 2.75 Inch Rocket M260 Rocket Launchers; four (4) remanufactured Hydra 70 (70mm) 2.75 Inch Rocket M260 Rocket Launchers; nine (9) M230El 30mm Chain Gun M139 Area Weapons System (AWS) Guns; two (2) remanufactured M230El 30mm Chain Gun M139 AWS Guns; one (1) Longbow Crew Trainers (LCT); and one (1) remanufactured LCT.

Also included are fifty-four (54) AN/ARC‑201 non-COMSEC Very-High Frequency/Frequency Modulation (VHF/FM) radios; fifty-four (54) Ultra‑High Frequency (UHF) radios (AN/ARC‑231 or MXF 4027); twenty-eight (28) Identify Friend or Foe Transponders (APX 123 or APX 119); twenty-seven (27) IDM 401 (Improved Data Modem); twenty-seven (27) Link 16 Datalinks; twenty-seven (27) AN/APR-39D (V)2 Radar Warning Receivers; twenty-seven (27) AN/AVR-2 Laser Warning Receivers; twenty-seven (27) Infrared Countermeasures Dispensers (2 flares, 1 chaff); nine (9) ASN-157 Doppler Radar Velocity Sensors; nine (9) AN/ARN-149 (V)3 Automatic Direction Finders (ADF); sixteen (16) remanufactured AN/ARN-149 (V)3 ADFs; nine (9) AN/APN-209 Radar Altimeters; twenty-seven (27) AN/ARN-153 Tactical Airborne Navigation (TACAN) systems; sixteen (16) Manned-Unmanned Teaming International (MUM-Ti) (UPR) Air to Air to Ground Data Link Systems; twenty-four (24) MUM-Ti (Ground) Air to Air to Ground Data Link Systems; twenty-four (24) 100 gallon Internal Auxiliary Fuel Systems (IAFS); twenty-four (24) 125 gallon Reduced Capacity Crashworthy External Fuel Systems (RCEFS); two (2) IAFS Spares; two (2) IAFS Publications; six (6) IAFS Ground Support Equipment (GSE) Apache Magazine and Auxiliary Tank Transfer Systems (AMATTS); five (5) IDM Software Loader Verifiers (SLV);

training devices; helmets; simulators; generators; transportation; wheeled vehicles and organizational equipment; spare and repair parts; support equipment; tools and test equipment; technical data and publications; personnel training and training equipment; U.S. government and contractor engineering, technical, and logistics support services; and other related elements of logistics support. The total estimated cost is $4.0 billion.

The proposed sale will support the foreign policy and national security of the United States by helping to improve the security of a Major Non-NATO Ally that is an important force for political stability and economic progress in the Middle East.
The proposed sale of the AH-64E Apache helicopters will supplement and improve Kuwait's capability to meet current and future threats by enhancing Kuwait’s close air support, armed reconnaissance, and antitank warfare mission capabilities. Kuwait will have no difficulty absorbing these helicopters into its armed forces.
The proposed sale of this equipment and support will not alter the basic military balance in the region.

The principal contractors associated with this sale will be The Boeing Company, Mesa, AZ; Lockheed Martin Corporation, Orlando, FL; General Electric, Cincinnati, OH; Lockheed Martin Mission Systems and Sensors, Owego, NY; Longbow Limited Liability Corporation, Orlando, FL; and Raytheon Corporation, Tucson, AZ. There are no known offset agreements proposed in connection with this potential sale.

Implementation of this proposed sale will require the temporary assignment of approximately three U.S. Government personnel and five contractor representatives to Kuwait to support delivery of the helicopters and provide support and equipment familiarization. In addition, Kuwait has expressed an interest in a Technical Assistance Fielding Team (TAFT) to provide in-country pilot and maintenance training. Execution of a TAFT will require a team of twelve additional personnel (one military and eleven contractors) to be deployed to Kuwait for the period of approximately three years.

There will be no adverse impact on U.S. defense readiness as a result of this proposed sale.

This notice of a potential sale is required by law. The description and dollar value is for the highest estimated quantity and dollar value based on initial requirements. Actual dollar value will be lower depending on final requirements, budget authority, and signed sales agreement(s), if and when concluded.
  • Tetszik
Reactions: fishbed


Well-Known Member
2015. január 12.
1 217
3 564

Australia replaces Tiger ARH helicopter fleet with AH-64E Apache​

The A$4.5 billion acquisition of 29 new helicopters to replace the 22-strong Tiger fleet is being conducted under the LAND 4503 ARH replacement program and will strengthen Australian Army’s armed reconnaissance capability. The government is expecting the delivery of the new helicopters from 2025 with the fleet reaching full operating capability by 2029.




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2012. május 18.
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84 327
Alabama államban lezuhant tegnap egy AH-64D Apache. helikopter.



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Szerkesztőségi tag
2010. április 19.
40 977
78 815
"WASHINGTON, March 16, 2021 -

The State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to the Government of the Netherlands of AH-64 Pilot Training and Logistics Support and related equipment for an estimated cost of $190 million. The Defense Security Cooperation Agency delivered the required certification notifying Congress of this possible sale today.

The Government of the Netherlands has requested support for the Royal Netherlands Air Force AH-64 training program, to include fuel; base operating support; facilities; publications and technical documentation; pilot training; AH-64D to AH-64E conversion training support; personnel training and training equipment; weapon system and software support; U.S. Government and contractor technical, engineering, and logistics personnel services; and other related elements of logistical and program support. The total overall estimated value is $190 million.

This proposed sale will support the foreign policy and national security of the United States by helping to improve the security of a NATO ally which is an important force for political stability and economic progress in Europe.

The proposed sale will improve the Netherlands’ capability to maintain a set of highly trained and deployment-ready Royal Netherlands Air Force Apache units via continued training activities at Fort Hood, Texas. This training includes the AMERICAN FALCON exercise, which serves as a certifying event for Dutch military units and personnel to deploy abroad, often supporting U.S.-led coalition operations. The Netherlands will have no difficulty absorbing this training and support into its armed forces.

The proposed sale of this equipment and support will not alter the basic military balance in the region.

This proposed sale does not contain any principal contractor. There are no known offset agreements proposed in connection with this potential sale.

Implementation of this proposed sale will not require the assignment of any additional U.S. Government or contractor representatives to the Netherlands.

There will be no adverse impact on U.S. defense readiness as a result of this proposed sale.

This notice of a potential sale is required by law. The description and dollar value is for the highest estimated quantity and dollar value based on initial requirements. Actual dollar value will be lower depending on final requirements, budget authority, and signed sales agreement(s), if and when concluded."