AH-64 Apache (Boeing / AgustaWestland)

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    Ezen témában - a fórumon rendhagyó módon - az oldal üzemeltetője saját álláspontja, meggyőződése alapján nem enged bizonyos véleményeket, mivel meglátása szerint az káros a járványhelyzet enyhítését célzó törekvésekre.

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The US Department of Defense (DoD) has contracted Lockheed Martin to upgrade the sensors of Egypt's Boeing AH-64D Apache Longbow attack helicopters as the first step in a planned modernisation of the fleet to the latest AH-64E Apache Guardian standard.

Awarded on 28 December the USD102.4 million deal covers the production and delivery of hardware components and spares of the AN/ASQ-170 Modernized Target Acquisition Designation Sight (MTADS)/ AN/AAR-11 Pilot Night Vision Sensor (PNVS) system .

The MTADS/PNVS extends the Apache's optical targeting ranges, at the same time as providing the crew with high-resolution images to help avoid obstacles, such as wires and trees, during nap-of-the-earth flight.

News of the award, which is set to run till 31 July 2024, came about 19 months after the US State Department approved the remanufacture of 43 Egyptian AH-64D helicopters for an estimated USD2.3 billion.


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AH-64E karbantartása.



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2017.06.26. First-ever helicopter-based firing of High Energy Laser
Raytheon, in partnership with the U.S. Army and U.S. Special Operations Command, mounted a high energy laser on an Apache helicopter and tracked and fired on a target at White Sands Missile Range.

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2010. április 19.
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New AH-64 Apache Concept Features Bigger Wings For More Weapons...


Boeing has announced a new Modernized Apache attack helicopter concept that builds off the V6 subvariant of the AH-64E Apache Guardian. What's most immediately eye-catching is the additional hardpoint under each of its two stub wings, giving it six in total, under which it can carry directed-energy weapons and air-launched drones, among other stores. The company says the next-generation Apache design will also feature powertrain improvements for increased speed and range, improved sensor fusion capabilities and greater general situational awareness, and other upgrades.


Allesmor Obranna

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Érdekes az izraeli Apache-ok hasa alatt az a konténer:

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Boeing Delivers First Upgraded AH-64E Apache to Royal Netherlands Air Force

The Netherlands have operated AH-64 Apaches since 1998.
28 AH-64 D-model Apaches will be upgraded with multiple enhancements to the aircraft’s sensors, software and weapons performance.

As part of a Foreign Military Sale through the U.S. Department of Defense, Boeing received a contract in 2019 to remanufacture 28 RNLAF AH-64 D-model Apaches to the advanced AH-64E v6. Delivery for the final E-model Apache to the country is targeted for 2025.
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Az ukrán háborút tekintve lejárt a harcihelikopterek kora ?
Mikor mi-28 és ka-52-sek is már csak gradoznak akkor van még értelme ? Legyünk kicsit politikaialg függetlenek és valljuk be hogy az apache cobra egyéb heliket is lelőnék ugyan úgy ukrajnában !Elszórtan volt egy két bayraktár siker de annyi volt a sztori ukrajnában ! Már nem is erőltetik ! A légvédelem azt is elnyomta .