CH-47 Chinook (Boeing)

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  • Tetszik
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varga dima

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2011. március 3.
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Ma Csepelen voltam és ezt sikerült mobilra elkapni.... 2 db Chino kb Budaörs környékén, észak felé.....



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2010. június 20.
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Bajba jutott hegymászók kimentése Oregon államban:

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  • Tetszik
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Szerkesztőségi tag
2010. április 19.
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Chinook sustained serious damage to the rear rotor in an accident near Karaj, Iran. 5 crew members received minor injuries.


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Szerkesztőségi tag
2010. április 19.
42 972
82 696
16 Chinook 3,5 milliárd USD-ért (987 milliárd HUF) a baráti Egyesült Királyságnak ( 218,8 millió USD/db = 61,7 milliár HUF)

Possible Foreign Military Sale to the United Kingdom of sixteen (16) H-47 Chinook (Extended Range) helicopters for an estimated cost of $3.5 billion

The Government of United Kingdom has requested a possible sale of sixteen (16) H-47 Chinook (Extended Range) helicopters; thirty-six (36) T-55-GA-714A engines (32 installed, 4 spares); forty-eight (48) embedded GPS inertial navigation units (32 installed, 16 spares); twenty (20) common missile warning systems (16 installed, 4 spares); twenty-two (22) radio-frequency countermeasures (16 installed, 6 spares); nineteen (19) multi-mode radars (16 installed, 3 spares); nineteen (19) electro-optical sensor systems (16 installed, 3 spares); forty (40) M-134D-T mini guns, plus mounts and tools (32 installed, 8 spares); and forty (40) M240H machine guns, plus mounts and tools (32 installed, 8 spares). This sale also includes communications equipment; navigation equipment; aircraft survivability equipment; initial training equipment and services; synthetic training equipment; support package including spares and repair parts; special tools and test equipment; aviation ground support equipment; safety and air worthiness certification; technical support; maintenance support; technical and aircrew publications; mission planning system equipment and support; and, project management and governance; U.S. Government and contractor engineering and logistics support services; and other related elements of logistic and program support. Total estimated cost is $3.5 billion. Implementation of this proposed sale will require approximately 29-32 U.S. Government personnel and 26 contractors assigned to the United Kingdom plus 3 equivalent man years TDY to support fielding and initial sustainment for a duration of 3-5 years.


Well-Known Member
2012. május 25.
8 862
12 606
16 Chinook 3,5 milliárd USD-ért (987 milliárd HUF) a baráti Egyesült Királyságnak ( 218,8 millió USD/db = 61,7 milliár HUF)

Possible Foreign Military Sale to the United Kingdom of sixteen (16) H-47 Chinook (Extended Range) helicopters for an estimated cost of $3.5 billion

The Government of United Kingdom has requested a possible sale of sixteen (16) H-47 Chinook (Extended Range) helicopters; thirty-six (36) T-55-GA-714A engines (32 installed, 4 spares); forty-eight (48) embedded GPS inertial navigation units (32 installed, 16 spares); twenty (20) common missile warning systems (16 installed, 4 spares); twenty-two (22) radio-frequency countermeasures (16 installed, 6 spares); nineteen (19) multi-mode radars (16 installed, 3 spares); nineteen (19) electro-optical sensor systems (16 installed, 3 spares); forty (40) M-134D-T mini guns, plus mounts and tools (32 installed, 8 spares); and forty (40) M240H machine guns, plus mounts and tools (32 installed, 8 spares). This sale also includes communications equipment; navigation equipment; aircraft survivability equipment; initial training equipment and services; synthetic training equipment; support package including spares and repair parts; special tools and test equipment; aviation ground support equipment; safety and air worthiness certification; technical support; maintenance support; technical and aircrew publications; mission planning system equipment and support; and, project management and governance; U.S. Government and contractor engineering and logistics support services; and other related elements of logistic and program support. Total estimated cost is $3.5 billion. Implementation of this proposed sale will require approximately 29-32 U.S. Government personnel and 26 contractors assigned to the United Kingdom plus 3 equivalent man years TDY to support fielding and initial sustainment for a duration of 3-5 years.

Ennek töredékéért megveszed a hadurat... :D


Well-Known Member
2013. február 11.
9 073
15 029
Az Indusok megkapták ez elsőt a megrendelt 15 Chinookból
A 15 gépért $1,1milliárdot fizetnek ami $73.3m-ós db ár.
Egész baráti ár, pedig a gép nincs is lecsupaszítva. A MAW rendszer láthatóan rajta van

Ha netán idehaza valakinek olyan ötlete támadna hogy a beígért 40 gépes helikopter flotta maradék négy gépe ilyen legyen, semmi kifogásom nem lenne ellene...:rolleyes:
Álom, álom, édes álom ... dehát olyan szép az álmodozás!!:):)