Milyen orosz katonai folenyrol tetszik beszelni?
Ami a lengyeleket illeti:
"Even though this solution has some advantages, it also entails some risk, as acquisition constitutes only about 30% of total lifecycle costs, so the total cost of ownership could be three times higher than the procurement cost. "
Az pimasz, ha a program kinyujtasa miatt az eletciklusra vetitett uzemeltetesi ktg 3x ugrik (jelenleg minimum $44k/ora, mint tudjuk)... =O
"According to the Polish Press Agency, Kluzik-Rostkowska also suggested that only 40% of the Polish F-16s are ready to use."
Hat azt siman hozzak a Gripenjeink is...
"This means that, at least until the new Technical Modernization Plan is adopted, the MoD can acquire a single squadron - such is the Harpia programme budget."
Szoval max 16 F-35-os gep, ennyire van elfogadott budget...
"It is probable that new F-16Vs would achieve combat-ready status much quicker than the F-35, thus acting as an asset that could lift off some of the operational burden from the Harpia jets." meg azokat is joval tovabb fog tartani csatasorba allitani, mint az esetleg mellejuk vasarolt F-16V-ket, csodas.