Freccia IFV / Centauro (Olaszország)

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    Ezen témában - a fórumon rendhagyó módon - az oldal üzemeltetője saját álláspontja, meggyőződése alapján nem enged bizonyos véleményeket, mivel meglátása szerint az káros a járványhelyzet enyhítését célzó törekvésekre.

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    Az új szabályzat teljes szövege itt olvasható el.


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VBM Freccia ARV

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VBM Freccia ARV (BREM) in service with the Spanish Army during flood relief efforts.


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The Iveco - Oto Melara Consortium signs the contract for the supply of 76 VBM PLUS for the Italian Army

The Iveco - Oto Melara Consortium (CIO) announces the signing of a contract with the Direzione Armamenti Terrestri (DAT) of the Italian Ministry of Defence for the supply of 76 VBM Plus, 60 in Combat and 16 in the Antitank version, integrated logistics support and related combat support vehicles.

As regards the vehicle, changes include:

  • upgrades to common rail technology for the engine, taking it from 550 HP to 720 HP ready for a future hybrid-electric traction system;
  • the implementation of a new generation hull, result of the experience gained over the years with the Centauro II and VBM platforms;
  • upgrades to the driveline and suspensions with a significant improve in terms of mobility and an increase in growth potential.
These updates will also ensure a further increase in the ballistic and anti-mine protection of the hull through cutting-edge technological solutions.
With respect to the turret, it has bee introduced a Leonardo's new X-GUN 30mm armament capable of using all types of ammunition from 30mmx173 to NATO
standards, including the new ABM (Air Burst Munition) ammunition also suitable for anti-drone use.

The main upgrades in the turret mainly refer to the shooting system by Leonardo, with the introduction of latest generation electronic components compliant with the new NGVA (Nato Generic Vehicle Architecture) standard and capable of interfacing with the new digitized optronics of targeting and search “Janus D”
and Lothar SD”.