Ez egy érdekes rész:
Second, we have a huge, a really huge, maybe one of the biggest factories in UK, in Telford. This is the old, this is the biggest tank factory in the United Kingdom and this is now under Rheinmetall control and we can really produce hundreds of tanks per year there. It's an unbelievably huge factory that we have there. Another huge factory is now in Australia and this is brand new and we are building at the moment the trucks and the 8X8 and hopefully very soon the Lynx in Australia, but there is more space.
Second, we have a huge, a really huge, maybe one of the biggest factories in UK, in Telford. This is the old, this is the biggest tank factory in the United Kingdom and this is now under Rheinmetall control and we can really produce hundreds of tanks per year there. It's an unbelievably huge factory that we have there. Another huge factory is now in Australia and this is brand new and we are building at the moment the trucks and the 8X8 and hopefully very soon the Lynx in Australia, but there is more space. Then we have Hungary as a new factory and all of that we did without a huge cash out. So it's there. It's not that we said okay, we are fully popped into our factories that we have. It's a lot of capacity that we build it up with governmental money from the government and we rented that stuff. And in like Australia after 10 years, we get it for one Aussie dollar. So this is a fantastic situation for Rheinmetall, which is really good.
Ha jól értem bérelni fogják Zalán a gyárat, amit 10 év után jelképes összegért megvesznek majd. Elvileg Ausztráliában is ez a modell ahol 10 év múlva atveszik a kormánytól a gyárat 1 dollárért.
Ahogy látom baromi sok kapacitásuk van… ezek után nem értem minek nekik még a szlovákoknál is gyár, pontosabban értem az okát, csak nem tudom mit fog csinálni ha legyártotta a szlovák rendelést. Várpalota is fura, annak fényében, hogy azt mondta fenntartották a hideg háborús kapacitást. Minden bizonnyal ott a mi rekord rendelésünket fogják gyártani.
Second, we have a huge, a really huge, maybe one of the biggest factories in UK, in Telford. This is the old, this is the biggest tank factory in the United Kingdom and this is now under Rheinmetall control and we can really produce hundreds of tanks per year there. It's an unbelievably huge factory that we have there. Another huge factory is now in Australia and this is brand new and we are building at the moment the trucks and the 8X8 and hopefully very soon the Lynx in Australia, but there is more space.
Second, we have a huge, a really huge, maybe one of the biggest factories in UK, in Telford. This is the old, this is the biggest tank factory in the United Kingdom and this is now under Rheinmetall control and we can really produce hundreds of tanks per year there. It's an unbelievably huge factory that we have there. Another huge factory is now in Australia and this is brand new and we are building at the moment the trucks and the 8X8 and hopefully very soon the Lynx in Australia, but there is more space. Then we have Hungary as a new factory and all of that we did without a huge cash out. So it's there. It's not that we said okay, we are fully popped into our factories that we have. It's a lot of capacity that we build it up with governmental money from the government and we rented that stuff. And in like Australia after 10 years, we get it for one Aussie dollar. So this is a fantastic situation for Rheinmetall, which is really good.
Ha jól értem bérelni fogják Zalán a gyárat, amit 10 év után jelképes összegért megvesznek majd. Elvileg Ausztráliában is ez a modell ahol 10 év múlva atveszik a kormánytól a gyárat 1 dollárért.
Ahogy látom baromi sok kapacitásuk van… ezek után nem értem minek nekik még a szlovákoknál is gyár, pontosabban értem az okát, csak nem tudom mit fog csinálni ha legyártotta a szlovák rendelést. Várpalota is fura, annak fényében, hogy azt mondta fenntartották a hideg háborús kapacitást. Minden bizonnyal ott a mi rekord rendelésünket fogják gyártani.