IRIS-T SLS, SLM, SLX légvédelmi rendszer (Diehl)

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Németország az idei év végéig két IRIS-T légvédelmi rendszert, jövő év elején pedig további kettőt tervez átadni Ukrajnának.

Erről Anka Feldhusen német nagykövet beszélt a "Radio NV"-nek adott interjújában , írja az "Evropeyska Pravda" .

"Nagyon örülök, hogy négy ilyen rendszert adunk át. Ez Ukrajna nagy területét fogja megvédeni. Azt már hallottuk, hogy idén leszállítják az első rendszert, azt hiszem, a másodikat is, a harmadikat, ill. negyedik később, az új év elején Feldhusen megjegyezte.

A nagykövet azt is elmondta, hogy a hivatalos Berlint "elragadta" az ukrán fegyveres erők keleti és déli offenzívája.

Az IRIS-T SLM rendszer hatótávolsága 40 kilométer, magassága pedig akár 20 kilométer is lehet. Az IRIS-T SLM segítségével lehetőség nyílik harci repülőgépek, helikopterek, cirkáló rakéták, sugárhajtású tüzérség, drónok, radar-elhárító rakéták lelövésére.

Annalena Berbock, Németország külügyminisztere júniusban azt mondta, hogy a légvédelmi rendszerek szállítása Ukrajnába hónapokig tart .


Németország az idei év végéig két IRIS-T légvédelmi rendszert, jövő év elején pedig további kettőt tervez átadni Ukrajnának.

Erről Anka Feldhusen német nagykövet beszélt a "Radio NV"-nek adott interjújában , írja az "Evropeyska Pravda" .

"Nagyon örülök, hogy négy ilyen rendszert adunk át. Ez Ukrajna nagy területét fogja megvédeni. Azt már hallottuk, hogy idén leszállítják az első rendszert, azt hiszem, a másodikat is, a harmadikat, ill. negyedik később, az új év elején Feldhusen megjegyezte.

A nagykövet azt is elmondta, hogy a hivatalos Berlint "elragadta" az ukrán fegyveres erők keleti és déli offenzívája.

Az IRIS-T SLM rendszer hatótávolsága 40 kilométer, magassága pedig akár 20 kilométer is lehet. Az IRIS-T SLM segítségével lehetőség nyílik harci repülőgépek, helikopterek, cirkáló rakéták, sugárhajtású tüzérség, drónok, radar-elhárító rakéták lelövésére.

Annalena Berbock, Németország külügyminisztere júniusban azt mondta, hogy a légvédelmi rendszerek szállítása Ukrajnába hónapokig tart .
Remek, lesz eles teszteredmenye az IRIS-T SLS raketaknak is.
A v3 ota ez is indithato a Kongsberg NASAMS inditokbol, az oregecske AMRAAMok eleg limitalt 15-20 merfoldes ground-launched hatotavja melle talan eselyes lehet a 40-50km korul elhordo SLM is majd...?


Az Indexes cikkben volt ez a video, ahol reszletezi az IRIS SLM ABM kepessegeit:

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Jobban belegondolva lehet, hogy ezekre az ukran tapasztalatokra varnak Marothek...?

Ti. ha kiderul, hogy tenyleg kepes legalabb limitalt ABM rendszerkent is mukodni, ahogyan az osszes mostani cikk allitja (a Diehlre hivatkozva), akkor az SLX verzio meg is oldhatja a legalapvetobb magyar ABM igenyt (romanok, szerbek stb), raadasul igazi multilayared legvedelmet kapna az orszag, a kulonbozo mobil inditokat lehetne pakolaszni kulonbozo strategiai pontokra stb:



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Az Indexes cikkben volt ez a video, ahol reszletezi az IRIS SLM ABM kepessegeit:

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Jobban belegondolva lehet, hogy ezekre az ukran tapasztalatokra varnak Marothek...?

Ti. ha kiderul, hogy valoban kepes ABM rendszerkent is mukodni, ahogyan a Diehl illetve az osszes mostani cikk allitja, akkor az SLX verzio meg is oldja a legsurgetobb magyar ABM igenyeket, raadasul igazi multilayared legvedelmet kapna az orszag, a kulonbozo mobil inditokat lehetne pakolaszni kulonbozo strategiai pontokra stb:

Inkább dedikált ABM rendszer kellene mint pl. a Dávid Parittyája - azzal már élesben is lőttek le SRMB-et.
Egyszer MG utalt rá egy tavalyi beszélgetésben, hogy IRIS-T SL volt még versenyben a NASAMS mellett, de pont amiatt vetették el, mert infravörös rávezetésű és ezért rossz látási viszonyok között nem működik megbízhatóan. Elég valószínűtlen, hogy ezt megrendeljék mert a gyártó azt állítja hogy SRBM ellen is jó. Szerintem kb. annyira lehet hatékony ballisztikus rakéták ellen mint a NASAMS - vagy tán még annyira sem.
Ebben műfajban fontos az ütközéssel megsemmisítés és azt sem az IRIS-T sem a NASAMS nem tudja megbízhatóan - nem erre lettek tervezve.


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Inkább dedikált ABM rendszer kellene mint pl. a Dávid Parittyája - azzal már élesben is lőttek le SRMB-et.
Egyszer MG utalt rá egy tavalyi beszélgetésben, hogy IRIS-T SL volt még versenyben a NASAMS mellett, de pont amiatt vetették el, mert infravörös rávezetésű és ezért rossz látási viszonyok között nem működik megbízhatóan. Elég valószínűtlen, hogy ezt megrendeljék mert a gyártó azt állítja hogy SRBM ellen is jó. Szerintem kb. annyira lehet hatékony ballisztikus rakéták ellen mint a NASAMS - vagy tán még annyira sem.
Ebben műfajban fontos az ütközéssel megsemmisítés és azt sem az IRIS-T sem a NASAMS nem tudja megbízhatóan - nem erre lettek tervezve.
Sem a NASAMS, sem az IRIS rendszerek nem rendelkezhetnek az ABM funkcióval. Nem rendelkeznek elegendő belső érzékelőrendszerrel és nagy energiájú, jól manőverezhető rakétákkal.


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Sem a NASAMS, sem az IRIS rendszerek nem rendelkezhetnek az ABM funkcióval. Nem rendelkeznek elegendő belső érzékelőrendszerrel és nagy energiájú, jól manőverezhető rakétákkal.
Egyetértünk. Nagyon szerencsés esetben összejöhet egy találat, de erre nem szabad alapozni. Ahogy egy amerikai tábornoktól hallottam nem rég az orosz atomfenyegetés kapcsán: "Hope is not a method."
Szóval fel kell készülni rendesen a megfelelő rendszer beszerzésével, ami biztosan nem az IRIS-T SL.


Inkább dedikált ABM rendszer kellene mint pl. a Dávid Parittyája - azzal már élesben is lőttek le SRMB-et.
Nem, szerintem meg egyszeruen valami kell, ami mukodik. Ha ez megoldja, akkor 100x inkabb ez, mint 10x annyiert barmi mas.

Egyszer MG utalt rá egy tavalyi beszélgetésben, hogy IRIS-T SL volt még versenyben a NASAMS mellett, de pont amiatt vetették el, mert infravörös rávezetésű és ezért rossz látási viszonyok között nem működik megbízhatóan.
Nem emlekszem ilyenre, inkabb arra, hogy nemigen volt vele semmifele tapasztalat.

Ilyesmi alapjan eleve hulyeseg lenne elvetni valamit, mert erre vannak a tesztek. Masreszt ez egy LOAL raketta, tokmindegy, hogy felhok vannak vagy nem, majd odatalal a radar, GPS, anyamkinja alapjan. Harmadreszt nem kizarolag sajat IR alapon repul, sot, az a seeker alapvetoen a terminalis fazisban celazonositasra-kepfelismeresre szolgal - olvasd el legalabb az indexes cikket, ott le van irva magyarul is.

Elég valószínűtlen, hogy ezt megrendeljék mert a gyártó azt állítja hogy SRBM ellen is jó.
Ennek semmi ertelme - senki nem vasarol semmi ujat bemondasra, teszt nelkul. Sem Patriotot, sem mast.
Masreszt egy Diehl nem fog hazudni, mert egy teszten azonnal kibukik.

Szerintem kb. annyira lehet hatékony ballisztikus rakéták ellen mint a NASAMS - vagy tán még annyira sem.
Szerintem meg te nem erted, hogyan mukodik az IRIS-T, az a baj.

A függőlegesen indított rakéták GPS-alapú navigációs rendszerrel és adatkapcsolattal is rendelkeznek. A célpontba való becsapódás utolsó métereiben az infravörös képalkotó technológiát alkalmazza, amelynek közelében leválik az orrán lévő hegyes áramvonalazó kúp, és ettől kezdve az infradetektor veszi át a rávezetést.

Ebben műfajban fontos az ütközéssel megsemmisítés és azt sem az IRIS-T sem a NASAMS nem tudja megbízhatóan - nem erre lettek tervezve.
De hat errol beszelek, ez nem velemenyek kerdese lesz tobbe, hanem tenykerdes az ukranok tapasztalatai alapjan.
Meg1x: azt allitom, hogy ha kiderul, hogy marpedig bezony hatekony Iskanderek stb ellen, akkor hibatlan ABM megoldas lehet a magyar legvedelemnek is.


Sem a NASAMS, sem az IRIS rendszerek nem rendelkezhetnek az ABM funkcióval.
Says who? The Turkish arms industry? :p

The manufacturer (Diehl) literally stated the opposite of your opinion.

Nem rendelkeznek elegendő belső érzékelőrendszerrel

és nagy energiájú, jól manőverezhető rakétákkal.
You do know that the name IRIS-T is an acronym, right?
FYI the T at the end stands for tail/thrust vector controlled - the IRIS-T is probably the best maneuvering, most agile missile on the market.
It also carries a warhead, more than enough to take out a much-much bigger airplane.

Egyetértünk. Nagyon szerencsés esetben összejöhet egy találat, de erre nem szabad alapozni. Ahogy egy amerikai tábornoktól hallottam nem rég az orosz atomfenyegetés kapcsán: "Hope is not a method."
Szóval fel kell készülni rendesen a megfelelő rendszer beszerzésével, ami biztosan nem az IRIS-T SL.

Jajanyamnesirass, mar megint ezek a levegobol elorantott kijelenteseid...


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Says who? The Turkish arms industry? :p

The manufacturer (Diehl) literally stated the opposite of your opinion.
Not the Turkish industry, but the entire arms industry in the world says this. All the ABM-enabled proven systems in the world have what I say because it's a must. With the sensors in IRIS' architecture, you cannot continuously follow a ballistic missile moving at a speed of at least 6 mach to hit your head, and you cannot hit it with that junk missile. Before the missile gains enough speed and energy, you have to say goodbye to your military bases. It's healthier for me to take seriously companies that have been doing this for years, rather than a company that has never released an Anti-Ballistic missile shooting video once in its life. In addition, each of the Hisar series missiles, which is the pride of the Turkish arms industry you give as an example, has at least 2 videos of hitting the target, and I hope that one day we will see the same transparency from your German friends.

You do know that the name IRIS-T is an acronym, right?
FYI the T at the end stands for tail/thrust vector controlled - the IRIS-T is probably the best maneuvering, most agile missile on the market.
It also carries a warhead, more than enough to take out a much-much bigger airplane.
It's a feature that is in any cracked missile system on the market, and yes, it's a feature in that crumbling Turkish arms industry as well. And at least we can see it in the video.


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Look at this, how it maneuvers, my friend, this system can even hit a meteor, after all it has a "tail/thrust vector controlled". They can also share videos, unlike the MAGICAL GERMAN WEAPON INDUSTRY. The Nasams orders placed earlier should be canceled, Hisar systems should be ordered and I should be given a bonus, after all, no one will have to worry about getting Iskander on their head anymore. After all it has a tail/thrust vector. Also, if it makes you happy, there is also the possibility to start the engine again while approaching the target, as in the Spyder and Patriot system, so it maintains its energy when approaching the target and the "tail/thrust vector" has a meaning, after all, if there is no thrust, control is meaningless.


However, Roketsan and other world weapons manufacturer engineers did not say that these systems could hit ABMs because they couldn't think what the Germans were thinking, I guess it's their stupidity. Maybe if they sold the system with 0 video sharing like the Germans, they would have such an opportunity.
  • Tetszik
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Not the Turkish industry, but the entire arms industry in the world says this.
Please, post the link to this statement.

All the ABM-enabled proven systems in the world have what I say because it's a must.
FYI so far you didn't say anything IRIS-T SLM does not have.

With the sensors in IRIS' architecture, you cannot continuously follow a ballistic missile moving at a speed of at least 6 mach to hit your head, and you cannot hit it with that junk missile.
Once again, it's a personal opinion without any facts to back it up with... I guess because there's none?

What "sensors in IRIS' architecture, you cannot continuously follow a ballistic missile" is even trying to say?
For starter, as an ABM missile you do not follow anything - you aim ahead of the incoming rocket. Second, FFS, the radar tracks ("follows ") the incoming BM, not the ABM missile. Third, my point was literally about basic ABM capabilities, against SRBMs (and not intermediate or ICBMS, etc.) And, finally, Iron Dome's Tamir is mach 2 and works perfectly fine, with a proven 97% success rate.

Before the missile gains enough speed and energy, you have to say goodbye to your military bases.
What. o_O
It's healthier for me to take seriously companies that have been doing this for years, rather than a company that has never released an Anti-Ballistic missile shooting video once in its life. In addition, each of the Hisar series missiles, which is the pride of the Turkish arms industry you give as an example, has at least 2 videos of hitting the target, and I hope that one day we will see the same transparency from your German friends.

It's a feature that is in any cracked missile system on the market, and yes, it's a feature in that crumbling Turkish arms industry as well. And at least we can see it in the video.

I have no idea what are you talking about. Seriously. My only guess is that you didn't understand my original post... at all?
FYI my point was, and still is, that if this SLM system proves its ABM capabilities in Ukraine, then Diehl's claims are confirmed and we have a very good solution.




Look at this, how it maneuvers, my friend, this system can even hit a meteor, after all it has a "tail/thrust vector controlled". They can also share videos, unlike the MAGICAL GERMAN WEAPON INDUSTRY. The Nasams orders placed earlier should be canceled, Hisar systems should be ordered and I should be given a bonus, after all, no one will have to worry about getting Iskander on their head anymore. After all it has a tail/thrust vector. Also, if it makes you happy, there is also the possibility to start the engine again while approaching the target, as in the Spyder and Patriot system, so it maintains its energy when approaching the target and the "tail/thrust vector" has a meaning, after all, if there is no thrust, control is meaningless.


However, Roketsan and other world weapons manufacturer engineers did not say that these systems could hit ABMs because they couldn't think what the Germans were thinking, I guess it's their stupidity. Maybe if they sold the system with 0 video sharing like the Germans, they would have such an opportunity.
Calm your tits, friend - I have no idea why you are so worked up about the Germans, but I definitely see I touched a nerve... or maybe just too much caffeine, I cannot tell. :D


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What "sensors in IRIS' architecture, you cannot continuously follow a ballistic missile" is even trying to say?
For starter, as an ABM missile you do not follow anything - you aim ahead of the incoming rocket. Second, FFS, the radar tracks ("follows ") the incoming BM, not the ABM missile. Third, my point was literally about basic ABM capabilities, against SRBMs (and not intermediate or ICBMS, etc.) And, finally, Iron Dome's Tamir is mach 2 and works perfectly fine, with a proven 97% success rate.
I did't perceive? Have you considered a $100 unguided artillery rocket in SRBM status?

Please, post the link to this statement.

All of these systems have either high maneuverability and G-capability, high energy (via a solid-fuel booster that consumes fuel very quickly and accelerates the main missile to very high speeds in a very short time), or both, and all of them are combat provens in tests or in the field.

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Through the "SENSOR" packages that you can see in the videos, you can find an answer to the question of how do you know that the Germans do not have them, because there are none. Making an ABM-enabled air defense system is not like making SHORAD system with 30 European companies. It takes a lot of testing and content, something that Germans don't use much.


I did't perceive?
What. o_O

Have you considered a $100 unguided artillery rocket in SRBM status?
Please, explain: in your opinion what exactly the difference between a ballistic missile and an unguided artillery rocket during the last, terminal phase?
Be precise, please.

(Hint, hint: ATACMS, Sumadiya etc are fired from artillery rocket launchers.)

All of these systems have either high maneuverability and G-capability, high energy (via a solid-fuel booster that consumes fuel very quickly and accelerates the main missile to very high speeds in a very short time), or both, and all of them are combat provens in tests or in the field.

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Through the "SENSOR" packages that you can see in the videos, you can find an answer to the question of how do you know that the Germans do not have them, because there are none.
You keep ignoring what I say as well as what I ask you to answer...

Here's everything packed into one question instead: what sensors you are missing from the IRIS-T that, in your opinion, makes it incapable to hit an incoming, say, ATACMS or Sumadiya in terminal phase?

Making an ABM-enabled air defense system is not like making SHORAD system with 30 European companies. It takes a lot of testing and content, something that Germans don't use much.

By "much" do you mean testing for more than 8-10 years, like the Germans...?
If so, perhaps, but I don't really see any practical difference between 8+ years vs 15 years of testing.


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Please, explain: in your opinion what exactly the difference between a ballistic missile and an unguided artillery rocket during the last, terminal phase?
Be precise, please.

(Hint, hint: ATACMS, Sumadiya etc are fired from artillery rocket launchers.)
The ballistic trajectory in artillery rockets is only used on the basis of range increase, they start to fall freely at very low altitude than ballistic missiles, so they do not even use the low-density atmosphere that allows them to continue accelerating at high speeds like in ballistic missiles, which makes them easier to target because they are always at low altitudes. As can be seen from the video, the iron dome system hits artillery rockets before they enter the free-fall phase or just as they enter, just like Arrow, Thaad. Systems such as PAC 3, David's Sling, Barak, Aster 30 have to hit the target when the target is in the free fall phase, which requires high energy and good maneuverability. The Germans want to launch cruise missiles from the MARS system, so now we are going to take the JFS-M to the ballistic missile class ?

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Long-range systems, whether anti-ballistic or even air-breathing, require a fixed, high-power radar alongside a single rotary radar. Even if you accept that the radar in the battery structure of the iris is well designed, a larger radar is required for detection, as in the MEADS system. I can't say that everyone in the world who has been doing this job for years and PROVE it is retarded, just to make the Germans look smart.


The ballistic trajectory in artillery rockets is only used on the basis of range increase, they start to fall freely at very low altitude than ballistic missiles, so they do not even use the low-density atmosphere that allows them to continue accelerating at high speeds like in ballistic missiles, which makes them easier to target because they are always at low altitudes.
For the 3rd time: we are NOT talking about ICBMS or intermediate-range interceptors.
We are talking about intercepting a Romanian ATACMS or Serbian Sumadiya, which are tactical BMs, with a range of up to ~500km at best. I'm not even sure SS-26 ("Iskander") are truly ballistic in its terminal phase or it is capable to change trajectory, so I am excluding them for now, but we will see what the Ukrainians will report back.

As can be seen from the video, the iron dome system hits artillery rockets before they enter the free-fall phase or just as they enter, just like Arrow, Thaad.
In other words both artillery rockets and tactical ballistic missiles enter the terminal phase the same way, following the same ballistic trajectory. Now that we confirmed it, let's move on.

Systems such as PAC 3, David's Sling, Barak, Aster 30 have to hit the target when the target is in the free fall phase, which requires high energy and good maneuverability.
Again, drop the talk about long-range and intercontinental BMs, it's not the topic here.

What are these "high energy" and "good maneuverability" capabilities you're talking about? Definitions, numbers please.

IRIS-T can do 12gs, tops out around mach 3, the ATACMS is around mach 3-3.5, and the interceptor is not chasing, it aims ahead of it. There's really no practical difference here (and Serbian etc ones are even slower.)

The Germans want to launch cruise missiles from the MARS system, so now we are going to take the JFS-M to the ballistic missile class ?
What. o_O FYI cruise missiles are an entirely different class, as they, per definitionem, do not follow a ballistic trajectory, ergo CMs cannot be called 'ballistic' to begin with...

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Long-range systems, whether anti-ballistic or even air-breathing, require a fixed, high-power radar alongside a single rotary radar. Even if you accept that the radar in the battery structure of the iris is well designed, a larger radar is required for detection, as in the MEADS system.
Who said IRIS-T is working on its own? :confused:
FYI every air defense system on the world relies on large surveillance and tracking radars which pass the information to shorter range fire control radars ("cue in".)
FDC radars take care of targeting for fire calculations, tracking etc. And this is a rather short range to cover, the effective range of current medium-range GBAD missiles is around 40km; even the work-in-progress IRIS-T SLX is only promising 80km at best.
My uneducated guess is the launcher radar's instrumented range about 2x of the missile's range, but we can ask @molnibalage to chime in, he knows these things by heart, I bet. :cool:

The NASAMS, IRIS-T or the Israeli GBAD systems all work the same way, the difference is only in the range, how each country splits up the roles between different radar systems. With IRIS-T SL you can integrate almost any radar, like AESA SAAB Giraffes, Hensoldt 4Ds, Thales Ground Masters, you name it.

To hit an incoming ATACMS, SS-21 ("Tocska"), or Sumadiya you just need the tracking info passed down, this part is a given. Then the FDC needs to recognize it - though this could already happen at the previous level - and be able to calculate the trajectory, this is also a no-brainer (sw upgrade.)
Finally the missile needs to hit it at the rendezvous point. Since these ballistic missiles we are talking about here are all short-range tactical ones, they are essentially nothing more than faster artillery projectiles when entering terminal phase (FYI artillery projectile is where the word ballistic comes from, FYI.)

In Hungary they have the large, Italian-made (Selex) 500km+ NATO radar installations to provide long-range airspace surveillance. Below that they have old ex-Soviet radars which are being replaced the world's most advanced MMRs from Elta, which will cue in the American-made fire control radars in the NASAMS 3 GBAD systems. (It is basically Norwegian, but the radars are American X-band Sentinels or, if they are smart, they silently upgraded their order to get the newly offered S-band AESA GhostEye MR option; it's brand new, built on the next-gen US radar platform, debuted about a year ago.)

There is really no argument here, these systems are technically fully capable to track and target any incoming projectile including BMs.

I can't say that everyone in the world who has been doing this job for years and PROVE it is retarded, just to make the Germans look smart.
No, you are unable to accept the fact that the Germans clearly see a market niche and they executed their product plan with their usual, methodical (Teutonic :D) way, over a decade.
You also need to let go this rather childish idea of 'any ABM system must be capable of shooting down ICBMs' you seem to have locked on because it isn't the case (never was.)
Since technology allows to implement a LOT of computing power in a very small size, the possibilities are also exploding; this new functionality is one example of this change.
I also suggest that you look up how integrated air defense C2 systems work – this last comment made it clear you do not understand the radar layouts, the topology and their service layers under an integrated umbrella e.g., Airbus Defense's SAMOC Hungary has already deployed.


Well-Known Member
2014. március 25.
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Says who? The Turkish arms industry? :p

The manufacturer (Diehl) literally stated the opposite of your opinion.


You do know that the name IRIS-T is an acronym, right?
FYI the T at the end stands for tail/thrust vector controlled - the IRIS-T is probably the best maneuvering, most agile missile on the market.
It also carries a warhead, more than enough to take out a much-much bigger airplane.

Jajanyamnesirass, mar megint ezek a levegobol elorantott kijelenteseid...

Kamm, ez egy magyar fórum. Ha Vlad megtisztel minket azzal, hogy magyarul ír ide te is hagyd otthon a jenki énedet...


Kamm, ez egy magyar fórum. Ha Vlad megtisztel minket azzal, hogy magyarul ír ide te is hagyd otthon a jenki énedet...
jezus, baszki. :D Elmagyarazom, mert latom, ez neked tul gyors tempo volt itt... :p
Vlad nem tud magyarul, forditot hasznal - tenyleg nem tunt fel, baszki? :D -, aminek nem sok ertelme van mar egy osszetettebb mondatnal sem - de komolyan nem tunik fel? :D - es plane nem, amikor muszaki dolgokrol akar vitazni. Viszon tud (jol-rosszul) angolul, ezert mint lingua franca arra valtottam, hogy megertse, mit irok es vica versa.
Mellesleg a forum tele van orosszal stb, szoval felejtsuk mar el ezeket az ures, ostoba lozungokat.