JAS-39 Gripen (Saab,Svédország)

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    Az új szabályzat teljes szövege itt olvasható el.


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2021. június 8., kedd,
Saab's Gripen Seminar 2021

The seminar will feature an in-depth discussion about key and unique capabilities of the Gripen fighter system, in which two Saab experts will discuss the benefits of the Gripen system from a number of angles. There will also be an update on the progress of the Gripen programme and current affairs.

Speakers and program:
Jonas Hjelm, head of Saab business area Aeronautics
Jussi Halmetoja, Gripen test pilot & operations adviser
Daniela Ivanic, line manager Image


This year, two of our experts will discuss the benefits of the Gripen fighter system from a number of angles. There will also be an update on the progress of the Gripen programme and current affairs.
  • Tetszik
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További információk...

MaxDefense Philippines:
"We received several confirmation that the Department of National Defense has indeed been serious in pushing the Multi-Role Fighter Acquisition of the Philippine Air Force, with no less than Defense Sec. Delfin Lorenzana personally pushing for the project to progress.
But it looks like the recommendation has changed. Based on several confirmation we got from PAF sources, the DND would be submitting the proposal to procure the Saab JAS-39C/D MS20 Gripen fighter aircraft, rather than the Lockheed Martin F-16C/D Block 70 Viper.
Up until early this year, the PAF was pushing for the acquisition of the F-16 Block 70 Viper in which 12 brand new units were offered by the US to the PAF. Based on the TWG's evaluation, the aircraft's capabilities exceeded that of the JAS-39C/D Gripen - longer range and endurance including conformal fuel tanks, much modern avionics, more powerful engines, AESA radar, use of wide range of US munitions, interoperability with US military, and full support by US military including easy integration during combined force operations. Negotiations and several meetings were held with Lockheed Martin and US government officials to procure the fighter
But because of financial reasons, the PAF was left to choose between moving their MRF acquisition to the next Horizon 3 phase, or select a cheaper alternative. Cheaper alternatives include acquiring a 2nd squadron of KAI FA-50, or going with the Saab's Gripen. Pushing the project to Horizon 3 means delaying the planned acquisition of more MRFs under that phase.
While the Viper was top choice, it was more expensive. A few months ago, MaxDefense PH confirmed that despite already being more expensive than Saab's offer, Lockheed Martin increased the package price further for the F-16 Viper, which may have killed the prospects of the Viper to be selected for the project. The difference between both offers was said to be almost US$400 million (which is painful indeed for the PH government.
According to our sources, Saab's offer was not only cheaper than Lockheed Martin's, but was also lower than the project's approved budget.
Delivery date was also an issue. Saab has committed to the PAF and DND to deliver the first batch of fighters by 2024 if a contract could be signed and NTP released within this year. In comparison, Lockheed Martin may only be able to deliver new Vipers starting 2026, and only provide used older Fighting Falcons early instead.
Also, Saab committed to deliver not 12, but 14 new fighter aircraft. In comparison, Lockheed Martin, thorough the US government, committed to hot transfer between 2 to 4 used F-16D Block 30 fighters used by the US Air National Guard.
The proposal is set to be submitted to Malacanang. And it is expected that a Defense Cooperation Agreement would be signed between the Philippines and Sweden in the coming months should this deal proceed. This is needed as there is no mechanism currently available for the Philippines and Sweden to conduct Government-to-Government defense deals.
So far, this is what we've gathered although more information is being gathered from as many sources as possible.
In a way, its still a good news since it means the Philippines will proceed with its fighter procurement. But we'll have to settle with a less capable fighter but cheaper to fly and operate, rather than wait for another administration to proceed with this project.
We just hope that the Swedish government won't be like Canada, and turn a blind eye on the current admin's other issues and allow the deal to proceed.
Let's also see if the US will make last minute efforts to turn the tide to their favor."

MaxDefense Philippines:
"This new information came in just now from a source within the DND, after seeing our new blog regarding the selection of the JAS-39 Gripen.
According to our source, Lockheed Martin did not honor their previous offer to the PAF/DND which was first made in 2018. This is because of delays in reaching a contract between DND and Lockheed Martin, plus the confirmation of orders by other countries like the massive Taiwanese Viper order for 66 units, simply made it impossible for Lockheed Martin to meet pricing and delivery commitments they made to the PAF and DND in 2018.
These are the reasons why LM hiked the price and pushed the delivery schedule further back.
While the Gripen is cheaper to procure, some groups within PAF were concerned on the PAF's ability to sustain the Gripen on its own, without relying too much from external help. The US is not expected to assist in sustaining PAF Gripens since they don't have them in their own inventory.
The PAF would also not reap the benefit on the huge user base and logistics of scale offered by the F-16.
In this case, MaxDefense is just a messenger, although I agree on the PAF's lack of capability to sustain new fighters on its own without relying on external help. An example can already be seen on the status of the PAF's existing fleet of FA-50 light combat aircraft, which is not as ideal as we all think it is.
(Bago bumanat, make sure you really know the situation of the project from start to end, so you won't look like a fool to people who really know what's happening, like those from Saab and LM who are community members of this page. Asking a source on who got selected is not enough to understand why it even ended up with the Gripen.)"
  • Tetszik
Reactions: kamm


Up until early this year, the PAF was pushing for the acquisition of the F-16 Block 70 Viper in which 12 brand new units were offered by the US to the PAF. Based on the TWG's evaluation, the aircraft's capabilities exceeded that of the JAS-39C/D Gripen - longer range and endurance including conformal fuel tanks, much modern avionics, more powerful engines, AESA radar, use of wide range of US munitions, interoperability with US military, and full support by US military including easy integration during combined force operations. Negotiations and several meetings were held with Lockheed Martin and US government officials to procure the fighter.

While the Viper was top choice, it was more expensive. A few months ago, MaxDefense PH confirmed that despite already being more expensive than Saab's offer, Lockheed Martin increased the package price further for the F-16 Viper, which may have killed the prospects of the Viper to be selected for the project. The difference between both offers was said to be almost US$400 million (which is painful indeed for the PH government.
According to our sources, Saab's offer was not only cheaper than Lockheed Martin's, but was also lower than the project's approved budget.
Delivery date was also an issue. Saab has committed to the PAF and DND to deliver the first batch of fighters by 2024 if a contract could be signed and NTP released within this year. In comparison, Lockheed Martin may only be able to deliver new Vipers starting 2026, and only provide used older Fighting Falcons early instead.
Mondjuk ez varhato volt, a C/D avionikaja eredeti formajaban biztosan elmarad a legujabb Vipertol... ami viszont arcatlanul draga, mondjuk a Vipernel joval fejlettebb Gripen E-vel vetekszik az ara.
Viszont erdekes, hogy a Saab nem is ajanlotta fel az E-t a filippinoknak - a ket ok, amire gondolni tudok, hogy 1. tudta, hogy arban kell versenyeznie 2. nem bizik bennuk annyira, hogy a legujabb technikat odaadja? (Ti. kozismerten amerikai hirszerzo terulet, de lehetnek ott kinaiak stb is.)

Also, Saab committed to deliver not 12, but 14 new fighter aircraft. In comparison, Lockheed Martin, thorough the US government, committed to hot transfer between 2 to 4 used F-16D Block 30 fighters used by the US Air National Guard.

Ez mondjuk donto lehetett. Osoreg Block30-cal kergetozni meg vagy 4-5 evig es csak 2026-ban kapni majd uj gepeket, meg ujabb ket evvel azutan, hogy a 14 uj Gripen elkezdett erkezni, hat... megertem.

While the Gripen is cheaper to procure, some groups within PAF were concerned on the PAF's ability to sustain the Gripen on its own, without relying too much from external help.
Ketlem, hogy ez valos problema lenne. Ezt ugyanugy megoldjak nekik a svedek, ahogy nekunk is megoldottak.
  • Tetszik
Reactions: Kim Philby


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Hogy állnak a svédek az JAS-39 E/F építésével és rendszeresítésével? Hány gépet adtak már át a légierőnek? A 6002-es kívül van már másik gépük?


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Ennek van barmifele hiteles forrasa? Egy militarywatch.com vagy mi ez nem annyira meggyőző... avagy ez vmi mai hir?

Mert a 40-50% sved budgetemeles tavaly ev vegi hir es 100x kommunikalva lett, hogy nem tervezetlen dragulas az oka, hanem mert sokkal nagyobb serget akarnak tartani (a ruszkik miatt.)

Gyanúsan ugyanarról a periódusrol szól ez is: https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidn...ase-defense-spending-by-40-amid-russia-fears/


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Ennek van barmifele hiteles forrasa? Egy militarywatch.com vagy mi ez nem annyira meggyőző... avagy ez vmi mai hir?

Mert a 40-50% sved budgetemeles tavaly ev vegi hir es 100x kommunikalva lett, hogy nem tervezetlen dragulas az oka, hanem mert sokkal nagyobb serget akarnak tartani (a ruszkik miatt.)

Gyanúsan ugyanarról a periódusrol szól ez is: https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidn...ase-defense-spending-by-40-amid-russia-fears/
Keresgélni kellene svéd nyelven... hátha kiderül valami.
  • Tetszik
Reactions: kamm


Well-Known Member
Szerkesztőségi tag
2010. április 19.
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2021. június 8., kedd,
Saab's Gripen Seminar 2021

The seminar will feature an in-depth discussion about key and unique capabilities of the Gripen fighter system, in which two Saab experts will discuss the benefits of the Gripen system from a number of angles. There will also be an update on the progress of the Gripen programme and current affairs.

Speakers and program:
Jonas Hjelm, head of Saab business area Aeronautics
Jussi Halmetoja, Gripen test pilot & operations adviser
Daniela Ivanic, line manager Image


This year, two of our experts will discuss the benefits of the Gripen fighter system from a number of angles. There will also be an update on the progress of the Gripen programme and current affairs.

Most kezdődik. Akit érdekel, itt lehet nézni élőben.

Allesmor Obranna

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Az a bizonyos spanyolországi tesztsorozat, amikor 40 fokos földközeli hőmérséklet mellett vizsgálták a svédek a C/D Gripen maximális terhelésű fel- és leszálló tulajdonságait:


Ez a fegyverzet konfiguráció végül sehol sem került rendszeresítésre, hiszen a C/D Gripen az 500 fontos Mk82 alapú bombákon kívül más bombakalibert nem nagyon használ.
A képen a két Sidewinder, a póttarály és a TGP mellett két 1000 fontos és két 2000 fontos betontöltetű gyakorló bomba látható.


@Terminator https://sputniknews.com/military/20...id-soaring-bills-for-fighter-jets-submarines/

Kicsit broken ez a ruszkik angolja, de azert kihamozhato, mit magyaraznak:

"Sweden has ordered 60 new Jas 39 E-class planes, which are proving more expensive than initially planned. Therefore, previous risk allocations will be used, the Armed Forces said. In 2022, SEK 6.3 billion ($750 million) will be invested in the Swedish Air Force, the majority of which will be spent on combat aircraft. Yet, despite the price hike, it has been promised that the aircraft will be delivered as planned."

Kikerestem, az eredeti sved 60 db Gripen E rendeles SKR16.4B avagy ~€1.8B volt 2013-ban - ez mar akkor is rohejesen alacsony ar volt: €30M/gep meg akkor is komolytalan, ha sajat maguknak csinaljak. Ha a duplajat fizetik vegul, az is pimaszul olcsonak szamit a piachoz kepest. :)


@Terminator https://sputniknews.com/military/20...id-soaring-bills-for-fighter-jets-submarines/

Kicsit broken ez a ruszkik angolja, de azert kihamozhato, mit magyaraznak:

"Sweden has ordered 60 new Jas 39 E-class planes, which are proving more expensive than initially planned. Therefore, previous risk allocations will be used, the Armed Forces said. In 2022, SEK 6.3 billion ($750 million) will be invested in the Swedish Air Force, the majority of which will be spent on combat aircraft. Yet, despite the price hike, it has been promised that the aircraft will be delivered as planned."

Kikerestem, az eredeti sved 60 db Gripen E rendeles SKR16.4B avagy ~€1.8B volt 2013-ban - ez mar akkor is rohejesen alacsony ar volt: €30M/gep meg akkor is komolytalan, ha sajat maguknak csinaljak. Ha a duplajat fizetik vegul, az is pimaszul olcsonak szamit a piachoz kepest. :)
Mert akkor ott még azon fantáziáltak, hogy C gépeket építenek át és erre adtak viccesen alacsony költséget. A Gripen E újonnan minden, csak nem olcsó.


Mert akkor ott még azon fantáziáltak, hogy C gépeket építenek át és erre adtak viccesen alacsony költséget. A Gripen E újonnan minden, csak nem olcsó.
Igen, az is resze lehetett, de szerintem a 30 millió euró teljesen irreális volt már akkor is (és úgy is, hogy nekik természetesen másképpen számláz a Saab.)

Topper Harley

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2020. május 21.
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