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  • Tetszik
Reactions: Venom85



Ahogy látom kamm amióta visszatértél inkább képekkel, giffekkel források linkelésével kommunikálsz az ide "beutaltakkal"........:)

Törölt tag




Otters are carnivorous... with diets based on fish and invertebrates (e.g.,


Otters are voracious predators, close to being apex [top predator] in most places where they live. So anywhere they overlap with gators this would be a pretty common occurrence. Still, this is impressive: That's not a small alligator, probably three or four years old and five feet [1.5 meters] long. If that's a male otter it might be 30 pounds. That's a very bold animal!

How does the otter know to bite the gator behind the head?

It's actually a learned behavior. That otter has probably tried attacking smaller ones and got some bites to learn from. Remember that crocs swing their heads side to side when they fight, so the otter wants to be entirely out of the reptile's strike zone. Mounted on the gator's back with teeth into the neck, that's a smart strategy.

egy hód (biber) van! :D :D :D



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The "water wolves" in the Amazon River dare to prey on crocodiles and even dare to attack the jaguar


Giant otters usually move in groups. Most of them are family units, and their number is generally more than 5. When giant otters decide to attack the crocodile, they will quickly surround the crocodile, and then use it flexibly. Tactics (such as frontal feint attack, two-wing containment, rear attack, etc.) constantly weaken the crocodile's strength, and wait until the crocodile is exhausted before launching a fatal attack.

In the encirclement of "water wolves", the smaller crocodiles are often doomed to escape, but the larger crocodiles can break through, but the giant otter will not easily let go For their own prey, when the crocodiles escape, their tails are usually eaten by giant otters, and the "tailless crocodiles" in the Amazon River come from this.

We can see that every "tailless crocodile" in the Amazon River has an "unbearable past". It is worth mentioning that, as a "water wolf pack" in the Amazon River, giant otters dare not only prey on crocodiles, but also dare to attack jaguars.

The jaguar is a large cat on the earth second only to lions and tigers. They are the top predators of the Amazon River Basin. In theory, they face cats whose strength is far superior to their own. For animals of the family, giant otters should run away quickly, but this is often not the case.

As shown above, when a jaguar approaches, bear the brunt The giant otter did not run away in a hurry, because it knew that there was a strong team behind it. In fact, this team did not let it down. Under its call, other members of the team rushed to it quickly, and even if the jaguar pounced in front of them, they were undaunted and hard. In the end, the jaguar After weighing the pros and cons, he left dingy.

As you can see, the giant otter in the picture above is eating a chilling piranha. So why is the giant otter not afraid of piranhas? This is because the giant otter's body is covered with a thick and waterproof fur, and there are oils secreted from the skin on it, and the fangs of the piranha cannot cause effective damage to it.

Nomad 4x4
Gidran 4x4
Vidra 8x8 (amphib) :cool:


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2019. december 5.
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Az inkább következő generációs MBT-hez illene.
Egy realtíve törékeny IFV-t oroszlánnak hívni vicces lenne...

Hacsak nem olyan lenne a szaga, mert akkor találó lenne ... :)

Illetve az érintett IFV deszantterét lehetne "oroszlánbarlang" -nak is hívni ...
  • Tetszik
Reactions: Vogon


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Hacsak nem olyan lenne a szaga, mert akkor találó lenne ... :)

Illetve az érintett IFV deszantterét lehetne "oroszlánbarlang" -nak is hívni ...
Amúgy harcjárműveket a kezelők vagy karbantartók szokták belülről takarítani?
Egy gyakorlat után biztos teli van porral, sárral...
@krisss ?


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A kezelő személyzet kötelessége az a alapszintű karbantartások és a tisztítás végrehajtása, a deszanntér rendben tartásában az ott utazók is besegítenek.

Nem csak a vezető és az irányzó feladata ez ? Nálunk anno, csak a vezető és az irányzó felelt ezekért a dolgokért.


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Hát,ha még nem lett volna a szakzsargonban Warthog én arra szavaztam volna. :D