ebben a cikkben sok hülyeség van...Az egyik cikk az újságból a weboldalukra is felkerült: Hungary’s Modernisation Plans

In 2021, Hungary signed a contract with Rheinmetall for the purchase of 209 KF-41 Lynx IFVs in seven variants (IFV, command, reconnaissance, joint fire observer, mortar carrier, ambulance, and driver training) to replace its ageing Soviet-era BMP-1 and BMP-2 vehicles.
Sose volt BMP-2-esünk, BMP-1 sincs már régen.
H145M and H225M Helicopters: In 2018, Hungary ordered 20 H145M and 16 H225M military helicopters from Airbus Helicopters to replace its ageing fleet of Russian-made Mi-8 and Mi-17 helicopters. The first batch of two H125M helicopters was delivered in November 2019, and deliveries were completed by December 2021. Since then, Hungary’s H125Ms have been undergoing upgrade work to integrate the HForce weapon management system, which will also be rolled out to Hungary’s H225Ms, the first two of which are scheduled for delivery in July 2023.
Az előző mondatban még tudta, hogy mit vettünk utána már nem...
NASAMS Air Defence Systems: In 2020, Hungary signed a contract with Kongsberg for the delivery of two National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile System (NASAMS) batteries to bolster its medium-range air defence capabilities.
Az a 2 inkább 6+1. Kettő még a főváros védelmére is kevés lenne...
Ahhoz képest hogy szaklap nagyobb hülyeségek vannak benne mint egy átlag "civil" magyar lapban.