A II. világháború (1939 - 1945)

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    Az új szabályzat teljes szövege itt olvasható el.


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Akkora a nadrágja ha fingott egyet egy hétig nem jött ki. Hol itt az angol elegancia?
Monthy különben nagyon érdekes. Gyerekkoromban vagy 10 szer elolvastam az emlékiratait. Tisztára nagyra tartottam. Aztán felnőtt fejjel is olvastam és rájöttem hogy egy balfasz volt. És még le is írta
Én továbbra is nagyra tartom :p
Egyébként meg a ~30-as években ez a nadrágstílus volt a divat
  • Tetszik
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kismilliószor megbeszéltük már, hogy
1. éhínségek már jóval a britek előtt is voltak
2. leginkább az úgy mellékesen épp zajló 2.vh miatt volt ennyire súlyos az akkori, meg pont a nyerészkedő indiai kereskedők miatt
3. a brit kormányzat lehetőségeihez mérten próbálta csökkenteni a károkat
Lehet, hogy Sir Winston nem kedvelte őket, de neki is fontos volt India. Ld. mennyire utálta Mountbatten-t, hogy
'eladta' Indiát.

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  • Tetszik
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Well-Known Member
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kismilliószor megbeszéltük már, hogy
1. éhínségek már jóval a britek előtt is voltak
2. leginkább az úgy mellékesen épp zajló 2.vh miatt volt ennyire súlyos az akkori, meg pont a nyerészkedő indiai kereskedők miatt
3. a brit kormányzat lehetőségeihez mérten próbálta csökkenteni a károkat
Lehet, hogy Sir Winston nem kedvelte őket, de neki is fontos volt India. Ld. mennyire utálta Mountbatten-t, hogy
'eladta' Indiát.

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A gazdiknak még milyen fontos lehetett a nyersanyag. Szeretem mikor elő van adva, mennyire csinálták a kapitalista jólétet a népnek, mikor meg éhezés volt a rendelkezések miatt, ott se vótak. A Szovjetúnióba' sem, csak már amikor nem megfelelő volt a hatalmi összetétel. Ahogy itt sem, csak úgy éheztetődés volt, de csak egy trianoni szerződést kellett aláírni és már vége is, ahogy Kubában csupa humánumból ahogy vitték a kapitalista demokráciát Sém bácsiék, véletlen a mezőgazdasági épületek és a lábon álló ültetvények gyúltak megfele, de semmi tervezett, történelmi agresszió nincs emögött sosenem. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
2018. november 13.
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A gazdiknak még milyen fontos lehetett a nyersanyag.
Nem mondtam, hogy nem volt az.
Szeretem mikor elő van adva, mennyire csinálták a kapitalista jólétet a népnek, mikor meg éhezés volt a rendelkezések miatt, ott se vótak.
Azért nem lehetett olyan szar indusként Oxfordban, Cambridgeben taníttatni a kölyküket.
Vagy normális, jól fizető állást vállalni akár az indiai közigazgatásban v hadseregben.


Well-Known Member
2019. június 27.
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Ezt ahhoz, hogy próbálták a britek csökkenteni a károkat:

Colonial Biopolitics and the Great Bengal Famine of 1943

(félkövér kiemelések tőlem)

..."Responsibility of the colonial authorities

The role and responsibility of the British government during these crisis months were always highly questioned. The interventions by the government of Bengal in the province’s wholesale rice markets in 1942 and 1943 triggered the crisis. Greenough (1982) calculated that even after deducting the losses due to the halt of Burmese imports, the Midnapur cyclone, flood, and crop disease due to pest attack (see Padmanabhan, 1973), 90% of the usual supply of rice was available in 1943. There was also no deficiency of rice in Bihar, Orissa and Assam indicating that there should not have been any shortages in Bengal provided the surplus grain was accurately circulated, which the Indian Government failed to accomplish (Law‐Smith, 2007).

During the famine, the utilitarian principles and profit-seeking attitude of the British administrators dictated that for Britain to satisfy Indian demands, shipping and supplies had to be sourced for British soldiers fighting the Germans at that time. Also, supplying food to Indian civilians would have risked British civilian food supplies. The total amount of wheat harvested in the British Empire during the 1943–1944 year was 29 million tons, but the war cabinet strategically preserved it for the future. So, despite Bengal’s rice shortages, the British Empire had sufficient wheat to send to the famine victims (Mukerjee, 2014). Even in 1943, at the height of the famine, the UK imported 26 million tonnes of food and raw materials for its civilian population, creating a stockpile of 18.5 million tonnes at the end of the year.
The Indian Central Food Department intended to set up a central purchasing organization, but the government mismanaged the situation and did not inform the surplus provinces about setting up procurement machinery until the end of January 1943. Bengal expected delivery of 350,000 tonnes of rice between April 1943 to March 1944 from neighboring states, but, unfortunately, received only 25,000 tonnes of rice supplied by Orissa (Law‐Smith, 2007). The total imports and exports during 1942–1943 are shown in Fig. 3.

Bengal’s rice trade, 1942–1943.
(Source: Ó Gráda, 2015, p. 59)

It is simplistic to ascribe all the failures by putting the entire blame only on the British government. As mentioned earlier, there were different other complex issues like market failures, policy failures, malfeasance by government agencies, as well as different unethical practices by private companies. A more nuanced view also acknowledges the role of Punjab, which had a surplus of food grains in 1943–1944. There was an ongoing politics between the Punjab peasants’ lobbies and the ruling party that utilized the wartime soaring prices of food grains to compensate for the losses the Punjab peasantry had suffered earlier during the economic depression of the 1930s. The government sought to safeguard its rural vote bank by publicly advocating for allowing the wartime grain markets to operate on a laissez-faire basis (Yong, 2005). Many peasant leaders in Punjab encouraged farmers to resist the procurement of food crops by government agencies at a fixed price. This wartime prosperity of Punjab specifically when Bengal suffered helped to reproduce uneven development within India.

Official declaration and news of this ‘British- induced famine’ were deliberately suppressed from the people of Bengal to serve British interests. In August 1942, Bengal’s chief finance minister, Fazlul Huq, warned colonial authorities of a potential famine because of these policies. He was ignored by the British Governor of Bengal, John Herbert. At the same time, press regulations were employed to interrupt the circulation of any information from Bengal. This was not the first time the government have concealed news of the famine. While researching British responses to famine throughout the last 200 years, Sasson and Vernon (2015) discovered that famine news was not extensively disseminated in the British press and that the key concern was the negative impacts on tax reduction, as noted during the 1770 Bengal famine as well."...

..."The British generally perceived their colonial subjects as childlike, needing guidance in their every step of how to behave properly. The Indian working classes were believed to lack intellect and were always driven by bodily passions. When the Delhi government sent a telegram to Churchill depicting the horrible devastation generated by the famine and briefed him about the total number of deaths, his response was “Then why hasn't Gandhi died yet?” (quoted in Choudhury, 2021, p. 4). Churchill even claimed that the Indian population were the beastliest in the world after the Germans, the famine was created by themselves caused by overpopulation, and that Indians should pay the price for their negligence (Collingham, 2012). These statements paint a coherent picture of how the British colonial authorities marginalized their colonial subjects and reified racial exclusion."...

Nemááár? De.
  • Tetszik
Reactions: Pogány


Well-Known Member
2018. november 13.
20 558
27 562
Ezt ahhoz, hogy próbálták a britek csökkenteni a károkat:

Colonial Biopolitics and the Great Bengal Famine of 1943

(félkövér kiemelések tőlem)

..."Responsibility of the colonial authorities

The role and responsibility of the British government during these crisis months were always highly questioned. The interventions by the government of Bengal in the province’s wholesale rice markets in 1942 and 1943 triggered the crisis. Greenough (1982) calculated that even after deducting the losses due to the halt of Burmese imports, the Midnapur cyclone, flood, and crop disease due to pest attack (see Padmanabhan, 1973), 90% of the usual supply of rice was available in 1943. There was also no deficiency of rice in Bihar, Orissa and Assam indicating that there should not have been any shortages in Bengal provided the surplus grain was accurately circulated, which the Indian Government failed to accomplish (Law‐Smith, 2007).

During the famine, the utilitarian principles and profit-seeking attitude of the British administrators dictated that for Britain to satisfy Indian demands, shipping and supplies had to be sourced for British soldiers fighting the Germans at that time. Also, supplying food to Indian civilians would have risked British civilian food supplies. The total amount of wheat harvested in the British Empire during the 1943–1944 year was 29 million tons, but the war cabinet strategically preserved it for the future. So, despite Bengal’s rice shortages, the British Empire had sufficient wheat to send to the famine victims (Mukerjee, 2014). Even in 1943, at the height of the famine, the UK imported 26 million tonnes of food and raw materials for its civilian population, creating a stockpile of 18.5 million tonnes at the end of the year.
The Indian Central Food Department intended to set up a central purchasing organization, but the government mismanaged the situation and did not inform the surplus provinces about setting up procurement machinery until the end of January 1943. Bengal expected delivery of 350,000 tonnes of rice between April 1943 to March 1944 from neighboring states, but, unfortunately, received only 25,000 tonnes of rice supplied by Orissa (Law‐Smith, 2007). The total imports and exports during 1942–1943 are shown in Fig. 3.

Bengal’s rice trade, 1942–1943.
(Source: Ó Gráda, 2015, p. 59)

It is simplistic to ascribe all the failures by putting the entire blame only on the British government. As mentioned earlier, there were different other complex issues like market failures, policy failures, malfeasance by government agencies, as well as different unethical practices by private companies. A more nuanced view also acknowledges the role of Punjab, which had a surplus of food grains in 1943–1944. There was an ongoing politics between the Punjab peasants’ lobbies and the ruling party that utilized the wartime soaring prices of food grains to compensate for the losses the Punjab peasantry had suffered earlier during the economic depression of the 1930s. The government sought to safeguard its rural vote bank by publicly advocating for allowing the wartime grain markets to operate on a laissez-faire basis (Yong, 2005). Many peasant leaders in Punjab encouraged farmers to resist the procurement of food crops by government agencies at a fixed price. This wartime prosperity of Punjab specifically when Bengal suffered helped to reproduce uneven development within India.

Official declaration and news of this ‘British- induced famine’ were deliberately suppressed from the people of Bengal to serve British interests. In August 1942, Bengal’s chief finance minister, Fazlul Huq, warned colonial authorities of a potential famine because of these policies. He was ignored by the British Governor of Bengal, John Herbert. At the same time, press regulations were employed to interrupt the circulation of any information from Bengal. This was not the first time the government have concealed news of the famine. While researching British responses to famine throughout the last 200 years, Sasson and Vernon (2015) discovered that famine news was not extensively disseminated in the British press and that the key concern was the negative impacts on tax reduction, as noted during the 1770 Bengal famine as well."...

..."The British generally perceived their colonial subjects as childlike, needing guidance in their every step of how to behave properly. The Indian working classes were believed to lack intellect and were always driven by bodily passions. When the Delhi government sent a telegram to Churchill depicting the horrible devastation generated by the famine and briefed him about the total number of deaths, his response was “Then why hasn't Gandhi died yet?” (quoted in Choudhury, 2021, p. 4). Churchill even claimed that the Indian population were the beastliest in the world after the Germans, the famine was created by themselves caused by overpopulation, and that Indians should pay the price for their negligence (Collingham, 2012). These statements paint a coherent picture of how the British colonial authorities marginalized their colonial subjects and reified racial exclusion."...

Nemááár? De.
Blahblah. Összekeverve mindent, mindennel. Citálva, hogy Churchill indiai útálata kb az oka volt mindennek :D
És olyan forrásokkal, mint O'Grada LoL


Well-Known Member
2018. november 13.
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Blahblah. Összekeverve mindent, mindennel. Citálva, hogy Churchill indiai útálata kb az oka volt mindennek :D
És olyan forrásokkal, mint O'Grada LoL


Well-Known Member
2018. április 26.
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Jaja, mindenről írni kell finomító cikket, ha a csúnyát nem lehetett betiltani. Így van az is tálalva, hogy bár a sok Johnathan, Jacob, Samuel mind írtotta az indiánokat az összes létező emberalatti módon, de mivel ez nem tekinthető összehangoltnak, így neeeem népírtás. :rolleyes: Na, hát sok témában van ez így.


Ma 2024.08.24-én, mit is csinálok Nigériában?
Na meg hogyan?
  • Tetszik
Reactions: fishbed and Pogány


Well-Known Member
2015. január 20.
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Akkora a nadrágja ha fingott egyet egy hétig nem jött ki. Hol itt az angol elegancia?
Monthy különben nagyon érdekes. Gyerekkoromban vagy 10 szer elolvastam az emlékiratait. Tisztára nagyra tartottam. Aztán felnőtt fejjel is olvastam és rájöttem hogy egy balfasz volt. És még le is írta
Nyert egy csatát is, ahol nem volt erőfölényben?
  • Imádom
  • Tetszik
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Well-Known Member
2018. november 13.
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Kis olasz válogatás
San Marco ezd., Reparto-G
1942. É-Afrika

az utolsó pillanatok a Mamma-val, Afrikába indulás előtt,
1935. Nápoly


Ariete támadásban
1942. Jún. É-Afrika

Visszavonulás a Don-ról
  • Tetszik
Reactions: Flamand and Filter