Törölt tag 1586
Vagy...egyszerűen ki kell várni ki ígér többet"Washingtoni hírek szerint Magyarországnak a csehekkel, lengyelekkel, a baltiakkal együtt van esélye bekerülni az ERIP következő fordulójába, amit az amerikai fővárosban a hírek szerint e hónapban, vagy júliusban indítanak el."
"...Fundamentally, both analysts agreed that if these countries with limited defense budgets get American subsidies to start buying U.S. gear, they are likely to stay with that equipment in the long term, including the lucrative maintenance tails. That means bad news for European manufacturers, and may lead to some sort of response.
“If I was an industry in Europe” and saw this program growing, Barries mused, “then I would be tempted to be whispering in my government’s ear to do something similar.”
And the program could expand, making it more of a challenger for European firms. Sometime in late June or early July, the U.S. State Department is expected to make a decision on whether to launch a second ERIP round, based on reprogrammed fiscal 2019 dollars.
If approved, officials will start identifying new projects at the end of the fiscal year, which could include new countries, such as Poland, Hungary or the Baltic nations, where European firms have been hoping to compete..."