Ennyit a 4m magas magyar falhoz.
Palestinians, barred by Israeli security forces from crossing into Jerusalem from the West Bank due to their age, climb over a section of the controversial barrier. They are trying to make their way to the first Friday prayer of Ramadan in Jerusalem's al-Aqsa mosque, in the village of Al-Ram, near Ramallah. June 19, 2015.
És hogy honnan is jönnek a menekültek.
A young boy carrying metal to sell walks by as a fire burns through part of Gikomba market, East Africa's largest second hand clothing market, in Nairobi. June 23, 2015.
A görögökhöz meg annyit, hogy megy a színjáték és a néphülyítés.
Mint a szuka az action előtt, még riszálja magát egy kicsit, de mindig ua. a vége.

Palestinians, barred by Israeli security forces from crossing into Jerusalem from the West Bank due to their age, climb over a section of the controversial barrier. They are trying to make their way to the first Friday prayer of Ramadan in Jerusalem's al-Aqsa mosque, in the village of Al-Ram, near Ramallah. June 19, 2015.
És hogy honnan is jönnek a menekültek.

A young boy carrying metal to sell walks by as a fire burns through part of Gikomba market, East Africa's largest second hand clothing market, in Nairobi. June 23, 2015.
A görögökhöz meg annyit, hogy megy a színjáték és a néphülyítés.
Mint a szuka az action előtt, még riszálja magát egy kicsit, de mindig ua. a vége.