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    Ezen témában - a fórumon rendhagyó módon - az oldal üzemeltetője saját álláspontja, meggyőződése alapján nem enged bizonyos véleményeket, mivel meglátása szerint az káros a járványhelyzet enyhítését célzó törekvésekre.

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  • Az elmúlt időszak tapasztalatai alapján frissített házirendet kapott a topic.


    A források, hírek preferáltak. Azoknak, akik veszik a fáradságot és összegyűjtik ezeket a főként harcokkal, a háború jelenlegi állásával és haditechnika szempontjából érdekes híreket, (mindegy milyen oldali) forrásokkal alátámasztják és bonuszként legalább a címet egy google fordítóba berakják, azoknak ismételten köszönjük az áldozatos munkáját és további kitartást kívánunk nekik!

    Ami nem a topik témájába vág vagy akár csak erősebb hangnemben is kerül megfogalmazásra, az valamilyen formában szankcionálva lesz

    Minden olyan hozzászólásért ami nem hír, vagy szorosan a konfliktushoz kapcsolódó vélemény / elemzés azért instant 3 nap topic letiltás jár. Aki pedig ezzel trükközne és folytatná másik topicban annak 2 hónap fórum ban a jussa.

    Az új szabályzat teljes szövege itt olvasható el.


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Simplicius elemzése igazságok és álhírek kategóriában
"More and more, such incidents leave one with the feeling that some hidden hand is trying to stoke a major conflict behind the scenes. And as we spoke about last time, it’s obvious what the reason for it would be. The U.S./West’s disastrous Ukrainian campaign has completely jumped off the rails and threatens to sink the entire West with it—as the Polish president implied when he described Ukraine as a sinking man threatening to pull everyone under along with him.

Riding that wave of growing tension are the increasing—and very eerily ‘coordinated’—warnings about some type of mass global terror attack set to take place on Friday"


"There’s more and more indication that this was in fact some sort of Netanyahu/Likud ploy to consolidate power. For instance, the revelation that Egyptian intelligence forces warned Netanyahu’s government that “something big” was about to happen, which was completely ignored."


"One of the problems is that no matter how this ends, even if it goes the way of the mildest predictions for escalation, this will reshape the region forever. For instance, let’s say Israel flattens Gaza and beats Hamas and brings about a swift end. From this point on, Israel will have a new chip on its shoulder and feel a newfound justification for striking anything or anyone. That will mean that no matter how this ends, the tensions revolving around Syria and Iran will likely go up no matter what.

Israel will use what happened here as justification to respond disproportionately to even the slightest perceived provocation. That means mass strikes on Iranian targets in Syria will follow for a long time after this.

Another important thing to note is that, while it’s fashionable to now predict a big ‘Arab trap’, and a movie-like ending to things where Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Iran, etc., all happen to swoop in and destroy Israel together, the truth is that there are some indications of repeat mistakes which could end with nothing more than Gaza’s destruction.

For example: it was a well-known Arab tactic dating back to the Yom Kippur war to spur a conflict and exaggerate the aims of it in order to try and compel or coerce other allies into joining. Egypt famously lied to Syria in 1973 about how far they were going to ingress into the Sinai in order to get Syria to commit to attacking the Golan Heights.

Similarly one can see a potential scenario where instead of some highly coordinated resistance sphere ‘white hat’ campaign, it was merely a desperate hail mary from Hamas to try and get other regional actors to join in based on the perceived boldness of the attack. But there are some indications that Iran and Hezbollah really want no part of another large conflict."


"Listen to what he says again. On one hand, rumors suggested Biden intended to write a giant one-and-done check for $100B to wash his hands of Ukraine, but Kirby now very plainly states that: “You don’t want to be trying to bake in long term support when you’re at the end of the rope.”

This is quite an eye-opening statement. This may represent the very first time the administration has so overtly admitted to there not only being no plans for “long term support” of Ukraine, but that all support in general is already nearing its end. The ability to help Kiev is decreasing over time due to limited resources, the conflict is reaching a point where its solution through military action is impossible, said Italian Defense Minister Guido Crosetto
The fact that the timing coincides with the start of this Israeli conflict clearly appears to be an intentional bit of messaging to condition the public that Project Ukraine is being wrapped up. Sky News even reported that Zelensky may suddenly be open to negotiations if Western aid truly runs out."


"Concern is growing within the Pentagon over the potential need to stretch its increasingly scarce ammunition stockpiles to support Ukraine and Israel in two separate wars, according to multiple US defense officials. At the moment Ukraine and Israel require different weapons: Ukraine wants massive amounts of artillery ammunition while Israel has requested precision guided aerial munitions and Iron Dome interceptors. But if Israel launches a ground incursion into Gaza, the Israeli military will create a new and entirely unexpected demand for 155mm artillery ammunition and other weapons at a time when the US and its allies and partners have been stretched thin from more than 18 months of fighting in Ukraine." CNN

And as for the above, it’s said that Israel has already been running low on a variety of advanced munitions, including Iron Dome interceptors, and is now begging U.S. for replenishments. Though Israel is the manufacturer of Iron Dome, Raytheon helps manufacture some of the missiles as well."


"They’ve also begun running low on Small Diameter Bombs and other guided munitions, now reportedly resorting to using old ‘dumb bombs’ like the M117 from 1950 pictured here from today:
Captain Raz Peretz is the name inscribed on the bomb here. He recently died in the fighting, and this may indicate that the IAF is also utilizing its stocks of 750-pound M117 unguided bombs in the ongoing strikes.
This goes to show something I’ve argued since the beginning: that no NATO military is prepared for a modern kinetic conflict. All the guided bombs being flung by Israel may look impressive on video but they can only do that for a few days before running out and begging mommy U.S. for more. No country can do what Russia is currently doing, waging a near 2 year conflict with massive indigenous industrial production supplying the entire armed forces with unprecedented sustainment." :D


A Vaskupoláról is van egy komolyabb elmélkedés. Elképzelhető, hogy átverés az egész? :)
"A very thought-provoking video which explains how the Israeli Iron Dome air defense system may in fact be a complete and total hoax. There is apparently no real evidence it has ever intercepted anything, and appears to be nothing more than a fireworks generator which shoots self-destructing rockets into the air to create the simulation of tension—another multi-billion dollar boondoggle for the MIC" :D
(Videó az írásban!)

"The narrator makes many good points. Iron Dome’s “interceptions” never seem to appear like real interceptions we’ve seen, for instance in Ukraine"


"Iron Dome on the other hand just self destructs in the air with nary a single piece of debris visible anywhere"


"Granted, most missile systems are programmed to self destruct if they lose tracking. And because Iron Dome is designed to be a much higher saturation style system, there’s of course going to be far more missiles which lose track and explode. It’s meant to be more of a quantity over quality sort of thing, at least as I understand it.

However, even given that understanding, it is still a little strange now that the narrator mentions it, and it may be much more of an actual boondoggle than I imagined.

With that said, I’m not convinced that Hamas rockets are entirely a “hoax” and nothing more than smoke bombs. The truth is, the Qassam rockets are much smaller than people think—they’re launched from what basically amount to mortar tubes.

Secondly, their warhead size is relatively tiny: from 5kg to 10kg. For anyone that knows, that’s the equivalent of warheads that some Russian FPV drones carry. It’s nothing even approaching Russia’s weakest rocket systems like 122mm Grads, which have 20-30kg warheads. On top of this, explosives are not equal. Russian and American weaponry uses highly refined military explosives which pack far bigger punches, pound for pound, than anything that can be hand made. A Palestinian 10kg explosive warhead may only be equivalent to something like 3-5kg of Russian military grade or American IMX-101, Composition B, etc.

So that’s to say, one can’t really expect a big bang from them. Good explosives are fairly expensive materials. This is why one of the theories was that Hamas would use its cheap rockets merely to deplete Iron Dome after which Hezbollah would come in with the real stuff—Iranian SRBMs, Fatah Scuds, etc.

But I do think there’s a very high chance that much of the video is accurate, and Iron Dome is in fact mostly a simulation. It’s likely the reason why Israel rejected allowing the U.S. to send Iron Dome to Ukraine a while back."


"Further, this conflict has already exposed several such lies. For instance the Trophy APS (Active Protection System) on Merkava tanks, which has proven completely useless and hasn’t worked once, failing to stop Russian RPG-7s with tandem warheads as seen here.

Unfortunately for the U.S., Trophy is the official system chosen for the latest Abrams tanks and is the only APS system in use by them (M1A2 SEPv2+ as well as the new Abrams X demonstrator platform)."



Well-Known Member
2022. február 25.
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Izrael megkapja a németektől a fegyvert, amit az ukránok nem​

Németország úgy döntött, hogy Izrael rendelkezésére bocsát kettő darabot Heron TP harci drónjai közül, mégpedig a Hamász gázai célpontjainak támadására – erről a Visegrád24 ír a Der Spiegelre hivatkozva.
Mint kiderült,
korábban Ukrajna is remélte, hogy kapnak Németországtól hasonló drónokat az Oroszország elleni védekezésben, de hiába: ők nem kaptak a németektől.
Izrael igen.


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2022. február 25.
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Az amerikai külügyminiszter jelentések szerint találkozik a Palesztin Hatóság elnökével​

Antony Blinken külügyminiszter több jelentés szerint pénteken találkozik Mahmúd Abbász palesztin elnökkel. Bár a találkozót amerikai tisztviselők még nem erősítették meg, a külügyminiszter honlapja szerint Blinken szerdán kezdődött háromnapos izraeli útja során Jordániába is elutazik.

Husszein al-Sejk, a Palesztin Felszabadítási Szervezet Végrehajtó Bizottságának főtitkára az X-en, a korábbi Twitteren tette közzé, hogy a találkozóra a jordániai fővárosban, Ammánban kerül sor.



Well-Known Member
2021. augusztus 26.
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Izrael megkapja a németektől a fegyvert, amit az ukránok nem​

Németország úgy döntött, hogy Izrael rendelkezésére bocsát kettő darabot Heron TP harci drónjai közül, mégpedig a Hamász gázai célpontjainak támadására – erről a Visegrád24 ír a Der Spiegelre hivatkozva.
Mint kiderült,

Izrael igen.
Magyarul odaadják ajiba,amit pont Izraeltől vettek. Ravasz,nagyon ravasz.


Well-Known Member
2022. február 22.
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Az amerikai külügyminiszter jelentések szerint találkozik a Palesztin Hatóság elnökével​

Antony Blinken külügyminiszter több jelentés szerint pénteken találkozik Mahmúd Abbász palesztin elnökkel. Bár a találkozót amerikai tisztviselők még nem erősítették meg, a külügyminiszter honlapja szerint Blinken szerdán kezdődött háromnapos izraeli útja során Jordániába is elutazik.

Husszein al-Sejk, a Palesztin Felszabadítási Szervezet Végrehajtó Bizottságának főtitkára az X-en, a korábbi Twitteren tette közzé, hogy a találkozóra a jordániai fővárosban, Ammánban kerül sor.

Ha lenne vér a faxába Blinkennek, Gázába menne találkozóra :D Én egyébként is a legközelebbi NATO közgyűlést, amin Zelcsi részt vesz áttenném Gázába. Mert mi is így tennénk keménytökű magyarok!!! :D


Well-Known Member
2013. június 30.
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Izrael megkapja a németektől a fegyvert, amit az ukránok nem​

Németország úgy döntött, hogy Izrael rendelkezésére bocsát kettő darabot Heron TP harci drónjai közül, mégpedig a Hamász gázai célpontjainak támadására – erről a Visegrád24 ír a Der Spiegelre hivatkozva.
Mint kiderült,

Izrael igen.
Aztan majd elitelik az izraelieket mert hasznaljak. Tuti.
  • Tetszik
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Well-Known Member
2018. április 10.
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Izrael megkapja a németektől a fegyvert, amit az ukránok nem​

Németország úgy döntött, hogy Izrael rendelkezésére bocsát kettő darabot Heron TP harci drónjai közül, mégpedig a Hamász gázai célpontjainak támadására – erről a Visegrád24 ír a Der Spiegelre hivatkozva.
Mint kiderült,

Izrael igen.
A Heron izraeli dron tudtommal...vagy nem?
  • Tetszik
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Kim Philby

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