Ez egy mese csatorna.Putyin elleni merényletkísérlet részletesebb leírása:
Генерал СВР
Дорогие подписчики и гости канала! Недавно произошёл инцидент который дал старт пока не заметным, но весьма значительным переменам в жизни президента России Владимира Путина. Инцидент произошёл с дублирующим президентским кортежем, в котором как раз и находился президент России Владимир Путин...t.me
Dear subscribers and guests of the channel! Recently, an incident occurred that gave rise to not yet noticeable, but very significant changes in the life of Russian President Vladimir Putin. The incident occurred with a duplicate presidential cortege, in which Russian President Vladimir Putin was located. The president sometimes, on the advice of the security service, travels by car as part of a backup motorcade, which usually does not attract such attention as the main motorcade and consists of five armored vehicles, one of which contains a protected person.
For example, recently a backup motorcade, in one of the cars of which Vladimir Putin was, was attacked. On the way to the residence, a few kilometers away, the first escort car was blocked by an ambulance, the second escort car drove around without stopping, a sudden obstacle, and during the detour of the obstacle, the third car in which Putin was, a loud bang sounded from the left front wheel followed by heavy smoke.
The car with the president on board, despite the problems with control, followed the route of the leading car and despite the fact that it had to slow down, the cortege, with the exception of the previously blocked first car, reached its destination. Subsequently, the body of a man was found driving an ambulance, which blocked the first car from the motorcade.
The investigation of the incident and all information on it is classified, all the insiders have been warned about the responsibility for distribution. The head of the president's bodyguard and several other people have been suspended and are in custody. A narrow circle of people knew about the movement of the president in this cortege, and all of them were from the presidential security service. After the incident, three of them disappeared, these were exactly the people who were in the first car of the motorcade, their fate is currently unknown, the car on which they were traveling was found empty a few kilometers from the incident.
Szeptember 19-én részleges mozgósítás Oroszországban és szükségállapot:
Генерал СВР
Дорогие подписчики и гости канала! Решение президента России Владимира Путина объявить частичную мобилизацию, которое он вчера объявил во время совещания, это своего рода «кот Шрёдингера», который и жив и мертв одновременно. Вчера президент России Владимир Путин провел совещание в режиме...t.me
Yesterday, Russian President Vladimir Putin held a meeting via videoconference with representatives of the leadership of the military and power blocs with the participation of Secretary of the Russian Security Council Nikolai Patrushev. During the meeting, Putin announced that he had decided (!) to announce a partial mobilization and demanded that the leadership of the power and military blocs ensure its implementation.
Putin said that next Monday, September 19, he was officially going to declare partial mobilization and martial law in seven subjects (Bryansk, Kursk, Belgorod, Voronezh, Rostov, Kaliningrad regions and Crimea). But the discussion of preparations for the implementation of the president's decisions stalled almost immediately. FSB director Alexander Bortnikov was the first to take the floor and spoke out categorically against both the decision taken and voiced by the president and against the participation of his service in the preparation and provision of these events, pointing out that to ensure even partial mobilization with the participation of the FSB forces today is impossible.
Further, Bortnikov spoke out categorically against increasing the number of PMC troops, expressing confidence that it would be almost impossible to stabilize the situation in the country in the event of unrest involving PMC forces, if any, which is more than likely to be practically impossible. And in this matter, Bortnikov was supported by Patrushev. Patrushev proposed not to involve the FSB in the mobilization of forces, limiting himself to the help of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the National Guard.
But by the beginning of Patrushev’s speech, Putin no longer had the mood that at the beginning of the meeting, and Bortnikov’s speech plunged the president into despondency and, after listening to Patrushev, he closed the meeting without reacting to what was said. We will see on Monday whether Putin will leave his decisions in force or change his mind, but it is already obvious that there is no common position with the president in the power bloc.
Nulla forrás hivatkozással fantáziálgat. Maga elolvasta egyébként, azt amit bemásolt?
"...Putin held a meeting via videoconference with representatives of the leadership of the military and power blocs with the participation of Secretary of the Russian Security Council Nikolai Patrushev. During the meeting, Putin announced..." Szerintem az ilyen "meeting"-ekről, ha volt, nagyon sokan szeretnének tudni, de ez még az USA-nak sem sikerül...
Néhány érdekesebb bejegyzése:
Itt, itt, itt, itt, itt vagy éppen itt.
Szerintem a "rákos Putyin" is innen eredhet, igaz csak a félholt Putyinig olvastam vissza (ez volt májusban), azóta biztos az orosz víruslaborokban kifejlesztett szuper-vírus meggyógyította...